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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. The scene at the end of episode 4 was incredibly well done. I almost always know where a scene is going. I was 50/50 there. No spoilers but I’d like to elaborate. Edit: I guess it’s not a spoiler to say it was one of the most effective uses of music I’ve ever scene.
  2. Shirley they can’t be serious with a Mike McCarthy in the top 10.
  3. What? Have you seen/met/heard/smelled a Canadian? That flower head monster from Stranger Things probably had better breath.
  4. It’s also possible that Watson tried to name them all but that there were so many that he forgot a few.
  5. Did you lose your song book? Because this is very different than the tune you were singing about Bob Kraft.
  6. In that scenario, instead of break guess frown, eliminating f and w. Then guess batch testing the b and c. If the goal is to finish by six, the first three words should be the focus, not the first individual word. If you play it right you can use the 15 most common letters in five letter words.
  7. We disagree pretty much across the board.. That’s fine. To me Baker and Murray both have a narrow path left to success because they are self absorbed and wilt under pressure. Murray for sure….Baker I think so but he was playing hurt so maaaaaaaybe….but I’m not rolling those dice. They both have to change their approach /personality. Very few do that. Jackson is a team player and high effort guy. He gives a chance to his team in any given game. The odds of him winning 4 playoff games in a row are probably low but his team and he will both keep trying until the end. The two other guys are clownish and have had teammate issues. That outweighs any scheme adjustment advantages they may bring.
  8. I get that people can have varying opinions on this but I’m baffled that anyone would take Murray over Jackson. Although unusual, there is nothing unprofessional about how Jackson is handling his contract. Murray is not being a professional. On the field Murray has had repeated failures in big games and moments. Yes he is still young and that could change, but Jackson is also young. Jackson has had injury concerns and isn’t perfect by any stretch but he has also had some big wins, including playoff games. When the going gets tough is is visually obvious that Murray wilts while Jackson gives max effort. Jackson 100 times out of 100 for me.
  9. He’s talking about sitcom math. Well, the equation’s result anyway, Zero
  10. I’d advise against using mathematically based logic like that. Math from sitcoms is far more acceptable here. I’ll take charlatans for $800 Alex.
  11. The studies may have been from those years but that is completely irrelevant if the injuries were from longer back. The 2017 study may have included injuries from 1978 but certainly did not include injuries from after 2017.
  12. I somehow misread your original as saying we had round 2 pick 2. Not sure how I did that.
  13. So he never got serial killed in San Diego?
  14. Those were the character’s name. Not sure of the actor’s names but they were silly dumb and ridiculous just like real Canadians.
  15. Poor Eichole everyone is always picking on him.
  16. The two main guys in Strange Brew captured the Canadian intellect with profound accuracy. Bravo.
  17. Did you mean to post that in the “favorite movies” thread?
  18. I’ll reword to “within a factory that produces Swiss cheese”. All of a sudden your a stickler for grammar? How about being a stickler for math too?
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