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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. A “willing” participant that through their own ingenuity amassed the means and contacts to secure their own departure from a dictatorial communist state and achieve the lifelong dream of servicing fat old billionaires while living in the back of a massage parlor with 20 odd other equally resourceful women who had and achieved the identical lifelong dream? Shirley. I’m not defending Watson, nor am I claiming that at the moment of the “transaction” that the circumstances were identical, but the notion that the women in Florida were somehow “free” is beyond ludicrous. The Kraft/ Watson analogy is not perfect by any means but to pretend that Watson’s group of women were in a horrible situation…..which they seemingly were…..but that Kraft’s were simply willing participants is a joke….and a bad one. There is no direct evidence that Kraft was involved in what put the women in the circumstances they found themselves in….except for the culmination of it. That’s the difference. Lawyering up and pretending not to know about or purposely not learning about the circumstances of these women’s lives is not exactly the pinnacle of valor. Humor me for a minute….. If the women in the parlor were sent to Florida from China essentially as slaves to perform these acts under threats to either them or their family, how are their circumstances all that different from the circumstances of Watson’s victims? I see it as two horribly dehumanizing threats in different forms. Watson’s threats were immediate while the Florida women had already been coerced into submission. There is a difference between Kraft and Watson in the sense that Kraft has plausible deniability. Whoopy do for him.
  2. Wishful thinking versus math. Spoiler alert: Math wins again.
  3. Lol so the women managed to get out of China and ended up living in the same massage parlor eating cat food but weren’t trafficked? Gotcha. Have you invested in the Brooklyn bridge again lately?
  4. So receiving favors from a trafficked individual leaves poor Kraft as just another victim? Got it.
  5. Yes….consensual. And there were something like 25 women “employed’ at the place. They all came from China and somehow mustered the influence and resources to attain their “freedom” to move to America. Modern day Eddie Murphys. They also lived in the back room of the parlor which was frequented by a number of high profile clients despite being located in a seedy strip mall. That must have been their dream….get out of China so they could live in the back of a strip mall and eat cat food. Thank God they saved up the money to afford this. Too bad that none of the women that had been so resourceful before leaving China could maintain that set of capabilities enough to afford an apartment….or a pizza, It was investigated as human trafficking but that was silly. These women clearly wanted to move to a strip mall in Florida. It was their dream. The trafficking part of the investigation was shut down quickly and I’m sure it wasn’t due to the influence of any of the clientele.
  6. Kraft is a pervert and Watson is a superperv and beyond. Kraft may not have caused the same harm as Watson but they both behaved inappropriately with women in a similar way. The resident Pats fan says there is no comparison which is, of course, a joke.
  7. God forbid someone saying something positive about a high effort guy putting his best foot forward to try to contribute. Everyone should realize, like you do, that 2022 is just like the Jauron era.
  8. At first I thought this post was about Baker’s Cheesecake Factory adventures.
  9. An enterprising young Clevelander woman could make serious bank by setting up a massage table and hiding some cameras in a strategically located Cheesecake Factory parking lot.
  10. He’s retired. Wtf? I don’t know how the hockey cap works but why not throw some front end loaded contracts at players that are already here? Give that $ to Dahlin or Tuch or anyone. Or at least get something additional from Dallas. Edit: I just read up a little more. It’s not 26m. It’s 1 year 5m
  11. He doesn’t just think you’re wrong. He thinks you’re wrong, angry, stupid and crazy.
  12. Agreed with the following exceptions: Boston accent Dolphins shirt Use of the words “wide right”
  13. Don’t say that. You’ll get a thumbs down. Ok I have a weird way of thinking. I haven’t yet realized that verbal and physical are synonyms.
  14. I don’t think anyone on here has shown true sympathy for the Lightning fan…..he was not behaving well……but that doesn’t provide an excuse for the Rangers guy. And despite protestations of some….one….it doesn’t make the exchange equal. A few years back some SF Giants fans stabbed a Dodgers fan to death. I’m guessing everyone was drunk. If they were should that even everything out? I also remember one where a guy wearing a Dolphins shirt got knocked down in an Oakland bathroom and a bunch of Raider fans peed on him. I’m not sure if anyone was drunk or if the peeing was just on principal but I hope they threw the book at the guy wearing that shirt in Oakland and took away all his laundry detergent. Smart. Except for the part where you attend games surrounded by chowderhead cretins.
  15. Wait a minute. They didn’t charge the Lightning guy with the same thing? I just learned on this very board that verbal and physical assault are the same thing. Don’t the cops and DA’s in NYC know that? And how do they call him a victim? If I understand the law correctly these dudes I’ll be sharing a cell. Get bombed and rules no longer apply? Does that apply when driving cars too?
  16. Lol I’m angry? I said the words verbal and physical have different meanings and you are stomping your feet telling me I’m wrong. And I’m angry? Dude.
  17. All of the above is perfectly reasonable. That said, I’ve found that when someone says “honest” or “honestly” 37 times in nine seconds that they aren’t always being……..you know.
  18. Dude both are bull#### but that doesn’t make them the same. They’re different. Jaywalking and murder are both against the law and you shouldn’t do either. Does that make them the same thing?
  19. You called verbal and physical assault the same thing. Are clouds and tires also the same thing? Ice cream and turtles? Baseballs and vacuum cleaners?
  20. It’s not the same. Verbal assault is verbal. Physical assault is physical. See the difference?
  21. I agree with 100% of this. For clarification would you consider someone who speaks in a chowderhead accent and frequently uses the words: goat, Tawm, brewski, twenty eight, three, and Bellichick a “person”? Asking for a friend.
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