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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. The last five Super Bowls were won by 5 different teams. 6 different teams have won in the last 7 years. So by your definition the only elite teams currently in the NFL are either: 1. Nobody or 2. New England Do I have that right? If not, what teams do you consider currently elite?
  2. Hutchinson’s lion looks more like the Mind Flayer from Stranger Things.
  3. The math based linked article says otherwise.
  4. That’s the best way to believe aliens exist.
  5. I agree it is a good discussion; thanks. I understand what you’re saying and we’re not far off. I don’t totally agree on the retail business stuff only because there are a lot of parallels there could be used as similar examples pointing in another direction. For decades some businesses hired only white guys. They weren’t really racist but thought their customers wouldn’t do business with a minority or a woman. This didn’t make it right. Obviously this is not the same thing but there is a comparison. Doing the “wrong thing” because it might be better for business can be a slippery slope. Maybe it’s something like that or something different like being self conscious of the condition. Norm McDonald just died after battling cancer for almost a decade. Nobody knew. It didn’t make it right or wrong for him to resist disclosure…..it was his choice for his reasons. In fact it may have helped him have the type of life and interactions he enjoyed for years. Or maybe he missed out on people saying goodbye. He decided.
  6. I don’t think you’re way off in your analysis of society at large but if the Pegulas or anyone else behave the way one “should” rather than the way to which the world has evolved isn’t that a good thing? Can’t it be seen as leading by the example of prioritizing real interpersonal relationships over Facebook or whatever else is out there? The world will never be what it should be until people do what they should do. As you say, we can’t expect hundreds of thousands of people to behave the way they should. Agreed. But that doesn’t mean they should be enabled in that poor behavior like the kid at the bank screaming for a lollipop and mom giving in to shut them up. Guess what? When the next part of the errand route is the grocery store the screams for Lucky Charms will only get louder. I also get that the task of updating people has become very simple over the last few decades. At least technologically simple. For some people writing stuff like that is emotionally difficult. A lot of us can probably find out what our 7th grade lab partner had for dinner last Thursday if we really want to find that out. That person can let us know very easily. There normally isn’t enough clamor for that to ensure that the lab partner posts regular dietary updates. At what point is the line crossed where that person should be compelled to upload pictures of their seafood medley? What I think you’re missing here….to an extent because you acknowledged it to some degree…. is that no matter how many updates the Pegulas give, including mounting a camera and microphone in the hospital room and every room in their house, it will never be enough. People will relentlessly seek more detail. Since their own personal health or family member’s health is the underlying topic, they and they alone should draw the line defining how frequent and detailed the updates need to be. Yesterday a bunch of horrible people on Twitter decided for them.
  7. Dude if you feel like Kim is your mother do you think that is on you or on her? Caring about her is not irrational IMO but expecting or thinking that they owe anyone periodic updates IMO is misguided. It is not near as bad as going on a message board and saying “she had a stroke” or whatever other guess popped into someone’s head. The stuff supposedly out on Twitter then here that “was speculation but had legs” took it to the worst possible level. And saying that updates would minimize this is baloney except in certain circumstances. Bruce Willis is likely gone from the public eye forever and has something from which he won’t recover. It makes sense that no one is bugging them….the complete picture has already been painted. It seems clear that Kim’s picture is still a work in progress thus nothing they say will satisfy their “children” for very long. It also seems to me that meetings with her public relations team might be a low priority at the moment. If Kim Pegula really was like a mother to everyone here her best bet would be to tell everyone to grow up. But she’s not so she can’t. Not really. It may have expedited rumors a bit, I’ll agree with that, but after not having been seen in public for “x” amount of time, including possibly at Jessie’s high profile tennis matches, do you really think rumors would have never materialized?
  8. I get that it’s a natural response to be curious but honestly what makes anyone think the Pegulas owe the fan base medical details? And yes people are going to speculate any time there are blanks left to fill in but It’s possible to do this in ones own mind and leave the dart throwing off a message board. On the flip I doubt the Pegulas are reading this particular thread but I suppose one never knows. I’m sure Twitter rumors yesterday made it impossible for the family to leave things completely unaddressed but they asked for privacy at the outset probably because they wanted………..wait for it……..privacy. Yesterday they shut down the rumors and stayed 100% consistent with their original request for privacy. The Pegulas are important to Buffalo and the fans. The fans and Buffalo are also important to the Pegulas but it shouldn’t really be too much to ask that fan curiosity not outweigh private family matters of the highest importance. It’s not much of a favor to ask really. I get that a guy that doesn’t know the difference between pedaling and peddling might not be a perfect messenger, but the message is more important. Stopping the silliness in this thread probably won’t move any needles given the size of Twitter but it wouldn’t hurt either.
  9. Shirley that’s not how you’re saying you used it.
  10. Many forecasts have called for heavy rain and this is not the only canceled match.
  11. I agree 10000000000% with the clear intent of this post, your others and those of others with a similar take/tone. Saying crap like “speculation but with legs” is one thing when a rumor about a signing or a trade but quite another…and completely grotesque on a topic like this. With all of that said…..and realizing this isn’t exactly on topic…..shouldn’t you of all people know the difference between pedaling and peddling?
  12. Wait. Baker got the Browns pregnant? Was that in the parking lot of The Cheesecake Factory?
  13. This applies to so many more things than a Stones concert. You could also replace “misses it all” with: ran over a Tim Horton’s froze to death in May woke up in an ER where the puck is being removed. has vulgar dreams of Celine Dion gets run over by Marshawn Lynch
  14. I agree with your opinion. Maybe I’d say “one of the most” because of the existence of Bruce Springsteen but that is splitting heirs. My entry was going to be that intelligent aliens do not now and have never existed in our galaxy and most likely anywhere else in the universe but I realized that I’d need to start an “unpopular facts” thread for that. For opinion I’ll go with: “Mets notwithstanding, baseball, despite all its management and organizational issues, has always been and remains the most perfect sport invented by man in its diversity of skill sets, symmetry of gameplay, and balance of challenge to mind and body.
  15. You really nailed it here. Struggling to find a franchise QB is something no franchise has ever faced other than the Bills. It’s so easy for every other team. Well except maybe the Bears. Or fish. Or almost every team in the league at some point in their history. And hiring a coach is usually simple as well. Most coaches instantly turn into Vince Lombardi. We should have hired an up and comer like Adam Gase but no blue chip hire like that wanted anything to do with Buffalo. Other than that though you’re right, the Bills handled things exactly like the Browns. Well, other than knowingly giving an unprecedented guarantee of a massive contract to a guy with 20+ unresolved and highly publicized allegations of sexual coercion, assault and impropriety. Oh, and alienating your recent first overall pick so to crush any trade value he may have had. Other than that and the fact that one is happening now and the other happened 10 years ago the similarities to Trent Edwards are eerie. Maybe “Erie” given the franchise locations. I just can’t understand why this topic is being discussed instead of Jauron’s conservative play calling. It’s like we’re all delusional.
  16. It’s also an easy crutch because EVERY year there are players that go late in the first that turn out better than others that go early. Whitner was pickedwell higher than his projection but this was not true of McKelvin. A DB is not automatically a bad pick and an OL is not automatically good. See Ford, Cody and White, Tre’Davious for recent early returns.
  17. So if we had taken Revis instead of McKelvin it still would have been a bad pick because Revis was a corner?
  18. The above is true but getting something to trial…..through a Grand Jury is not typically as difficult. I can see where it would be difficult in a case like this where it is essentially two people calling each other liars.
  19. Duct tape and a broomstick proved useful for the Bills in repurposing Ralph Wilson’s favorite toy……his Mr. Krabs penny pinching claws.
  20. One year ago Moss was presumed by many to be the lead back with Motor seen as a 2nd option and possibly on his way out. This wasn’t universally true and pointing to fantasy football is never a great idea but look at last year’s drafts and you’ll see what was thought of Moss/Singletary. It was close but Moss normally went before Singletary. The same was discussed on this board. 2020 led many to believe Moss was on the rise and 26 had found himself in a precarious spot. A few games into 2021 not much had changed. If anything both RBs were seen as issues. It wasn’t until late in the season where 26 was seen as a contributor to many on this board. The drafting of Cook is meaningful for sure. They definitely want him to have a role and three backs is a lot more of a crowd than two. That doesn’t mean Moss is without an opportunity to prove himself. He isn’t. You could make an argument that Cook profiles to take more plays away from Singletary than he does from Moss. Moss played hurt for a lot of the year too. He’s not done.
  21. Agreed except TB would have gone on the power play.
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