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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I’ve had posts in that thread erased because they did not follow the groupthink. He probably thinks of it as a safe space so he takes shots at me. It’s classy.
  2. We agreed that we’d only post about telescope stuff in the telescope thread but he’s getting cute.
  3. @SlimShady'sSpaceForce This is the place to bash me, not the telescope thread.
  4. Sanders is on the list. For well rounded talent, last 50 years, it has to be Bo Jackson. On another topic, my unpopular opinion is that cheese sucks. It adds a little something to a recipe here and there but overall if cheese disappears, the world will be no worse off.
  5. Who knows how he will do but a move like this makes complete sense.
  6. This is based on a false premise. If Kim Pegula had not been seen in public for this length of time and there had been no statement of any type, do you think there might be counterproductive speculation running absolutely wild? If not, you had better run, because the turnip truck is getting away. In reality they had no choice except to address it up front and ask for privacy, if they wanted privacy. They owe no one anything.
  7. Best wishes for Mazie. Please let us know WHEN she is better.
  8. Add 40 years to that gif and Debbie and N’Keal are probably about even in value.
  9. This thread got me looking into other news I missed. Did you guys know Eisenhower is also dead and that the Buffalo Stallions folded? Holy crap.
  10. I only watched him against the Sabres and IIRC he looked good over that limited sample. I could definitely be wrong and at best have only partial info.
  11. The Rangers? Will he play like 7 games a year there?
  12. That right there is the part that makes it tricky. I agree with what you’re saying about Kuemper and the same would go for other possible options like Talbot, but……the 21-22 played so well as a team for the last third of a season that they deserve an opportunity to continue that into 22-23. If that isn’t given to them I fear the momentum could get lost like it has so many times before. Ukka Pukka Sambuca as the answer isn’t really fair to the rest of the room.
  13. Nothing against him it is just obvious he isn’t going to cut it. His presence could be a minor deterrent to Levi and/or Portillo signing. That would be bad. I suppose Talbot or Kuemper could create the same issue but at least provide a shot at winning. Ukka has had plenty of time to develop; the Sabres drafted him the same year the Bills took Todd Collins but the Bills knew when to pull the plug.. Anderson is not going to stop anyone from signing and he is a positive locker room presence. Ukka is basically the Trent Edwards of goalies. If we’re stuck, we’re stuck, but that dude is never going to contribute to a winning team in Buffalo or anywhere else. I have nothing personal against hi: he just stinks and hasn’t exactly stayed healthy either. The only other Sabre I’ve been negative about in the last year or so is Skinner and it even looked like some of the positivity of the team rubbed off on him.
  14. Why limit it to the Cornhusker games?
  15. This is true but you also have to know when to move them up or let them go. The Sabres drafted Ukka Pukka Sambuca in 1988. Time for bye bye. Levi and the unsigned one are the future. The present has to be Anderson plus a free agent or trade. The Sabres should not mortgage any future with a crazy trade of prospects for Kane or something, but shelling out $ for Talbot or Kuemper should at least be investigated. It’s a fine line in goal but the team as currently constructed can probably compete with a competent goalie now and maybe two years from now be a contender with an emerging young goalie as our backup. If we somehow managed to keep Ullmark we’d be there already.
  16. I can think of two trillion and twelve possibilities. Here’s one: She mentioned it beforehand because she knew her son was a football fan and then her son asked about how it went and she put on a brave face.
  17. It was outstanding and the redhead better win an award of some sort.
  18. Technically everything is looking back in time. Even staring at your computer screen qualifies. It’s just a matter of how far and how clearly. I think the scientific community will get a lot out of this and there will be some cool pictures for the general public. The actual impact on the general public will be nominal if anything.
  19. As you can tell I’ve been very upbeat about the Sabres for several months now after being down on them since I noticed that Tim Murray is an idiot…..which was a long time ago. Overall, I’m still very upbeat. With respect to UPL any time put into him is wasted time IMO. If he hasn’t shown it by now, he is never going to do so. Yes Miller was older but he showed steady signs of growth along the way. UkkaPukka has not. They drafted him FIVE years ago. He was a prospect once. So was Tony Mandarich. It’s over. It’s sour grapes but I wish they could have Ullmark back. They were one year late with having some money, dumping Jack and showing some signs of growth and team cohesion. I think Ullmark would have stayed. Not sure what I would do at this point but it isn’t UPL. If they get nothing for him it is still a bargain as it opens some time for other goalies, even if they are shots in the dark. Let some other team waste their time or watch him go play in Europe where he will end up anyway. A few years ago I could see a young player avoiding the Sabres. Now it seems like only an idiot would do that.
  20. It seems like UPL’s first year in the system was also RJ’s. Enough of that guy already. Cut bait on him, get a 2-3 year guy and develop Levi and/or Portillo. Ukka Pooka Sambuca is past his shelf life.
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