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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Pitching against the Yankees = tiny strike zone again tonight.
  2. Colonel Klink was regular German Army and not a Nazi. He was afraid of Nazis. Sorry to be a Nazi Nazi but if you’re going to complain about Grammar Nazis then don’t use pictures of non-Nazis.
  3. Yes the receivers let him down at times. A lot actually. Yes there were a few defensive plays that cost us. Yes Brady is a complete and total idiot. But at some point all of these excuses for Josh have to stop. If he wants to be a leader……lead. After all of the turmoil of the game he was gifted a first down on the Texans 14 yard line down three with four minutes left and botched it. Along with Brady, he botched the end of the game as well. He claims his greatest goal is to bring a championship to the city and fanbase who bought him a wing of a hospital. Then he goes out and has five or six games a year like the one he had today. He needs to stop doing that.
  4. Now they all left because they are getting curb stomped. If the World Series is Yanks/Dodgers I might actually root for the Yankees.
  5. Dirt bag Dodger fans throwing stuff at Padres players.
  6. Disappointment =/= excitement.
  7. I thought Samuel would be better than the pile of crap he has produced so far. Not great but serviceable. Hollins is fine for ST and maybe lining up for 5 plays per game. Having MVS on the roster is straight up trolling the fan base.
  8. The die was cast when they hired Brady. He’s an idiot.
  9. So everybody is at fault but third rail Josh gets excuses?
  10. Gotcha. Do you think maybe the multiple turnovers the defense gave the offense could have been better utilized?
  11. To be fair, the defense played great after mid 2nd quarter.
  12. Letting Josh down LOL. How about Josh does anything whatsoever at any point in the game?
  13. Nothing on the QB at all? 9-102 for 12 yards.
  14. He should have realized Allen took the week off and wasn’t going to hit a single pass.
  15. He would have to give a crap first.
  16. Is he better than Mack Hollins?
  17. In full sit by myself and pout mode.
  18. Can someone retract a retraction?
  19. Careful. Pointing out anything Allen did wrong is the third rail.
  20. Just wait 7ntil you see what some other coach does with those undersized guys. Maybe they can draft big guys like Reggie Ragland and Adolphus Washington or whatever his name was.
  21. Shirley someone else is to blame.
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