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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Guilt as in shameful behavior? Sure. Guilt of gang rape? How? Shameful behavior is not criminal act.
  2. You left out the part where that defense compels the State to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he is lying. Why?
  3. I haven’t read the whole thing but if true it certainly makes him a dirt bag. It doesn’t help build his credibility, but it also doesn’t prove guilt. IMO doing something like that should probably be a crime or at least civilly actionable, but I doubt that is the case.
  4. Dude I’m no fan of what may have happened here but your ability to twist words into unfavorable shapes for the Bills and exculpatory shapes for the Pats is amazing. Comparing this to your takes in the Kraft thread is just silly. 180 degrees. Make no mistake, if Araiza participated in, or had knowledge of and hid a gang rape in any way I hope he gets the max both criminally and civilly. But what Simon posted puts the “beyond a reasonable doubt” burden on the State, not the accused. Your post above attempts to flip that. Why?
  5. Both lawyers in that text chain are immature morons and neither is serving their client well. They are basically saying I am rubber and you are glue and neither one makes any sense.
  6. I don’t claim to know what happened but I feel safe in saying both the woman and Araiza have poor judgement in the field of lawyer hiring. These two seem like a well matched pair of morons.
  7. Repeating incorrect ideas doesn’t make them correct.
  8. What would you do if the exact same story came out tomorrow, but the place was Laramie and the time was 2017? The woman involved is a person and deserves justice regarding whatever happened to her. Araiza, also a person, also deserves justice…..whether that means jail time, a settlement or his employer standing by him due to innocence. The truth is what matters here, not what position the guy plays. Geez dude.
  9. That’s not really the question. He is a player on the team. If the accusations are false and management knows this but still cuts him, that is a bad look for an enterprise which needs the trust of its players. A QB, DB, LB or any other player would wonder how the Bills would treat an allegation thrown their way. “Just a punter” is not a reason to cut him. I want to be clear that I’m not saying he is innocent or guilty. If the Bills find there is credibility to the woman’s story, they should absolutely dump him, but not because he is a punter. They should handle all situations like this exactly the same, regardless of the position or stature of the individual player. Personally my impression of Beane is that he is highly professional and will handle it properly.
  10. Clearly not Eichole because it is smiling.
  11. Sprinkle in the second round ineptitude theory for an added twist.
  12. You don’t see his name in this thread? Shirley.
  13. Mr. WEO will only be happy when the Bills admit their perpetual inferiority to the Pats, fold the franchise, let Kraft select the new owner, and have that owner build a new stadium surrounded by massage parlors who employ women who “aren’t slaves”. If this whole Cody Ford thing is a means to that end, then by all means.
  14. Dude your boy Bill drafted 2 third round TEs with Gabe Davis still on the board and cut one of them today so glass houses.
  15. I have to think the Bills will not want to run Allen as much on the goal line this year. Moss fits this role well. I’m not saying Motor or Cook could’n’t get carries there, but it fits Moss.
  16. Usually after people die things don’t go so well for them, but this one may take an unexpected turn.
  17. And if my aunt had……..never mind, that no longer applies in 2022.
  18. You’re right. If we score a TD on EVERY drive but look sluggish at points, it is important to focus on the bad.
  19. /embed Sex on a Ferris wheel thread \embed
  20. If Tampa picks up Don Maynard then the rest of the league is toast. He matches up perfectly with Brady.
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