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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Tracy Wolfson interviewed the skunk after the game game and…. Skunk: Helloooooooo baby. Wolfson: What is your name? Skunk: You may call me streetcar….. because of my desire for you.
  2. I agree and understand to an extent. What I don’t get is how every other terrible team in the league, except us and the Canucks, seems to turn things around in 2-3 years consistently. Their shortcuts are working. I truly believe that with the exception of anyone that committed criminal acts, etc., that Tim Murray was the worst GM in the history of professional sports.
  3. I am generally happy with the current overall direction of the Sabres and the cancerous growth known as Eichel had to be removed, but I’m still not thrilled at the pace. My prediction that Seattle would make the playoffs before Buffalo…..made years before the franchise played its first game, appears to be about to come true.
  4. I read it differently. I don’t think he told the dude to eat a dick….I think he believes the guy has already done plenty of that.
  5. Get ready for the big game
  6. And now you ruined it.
  7. Since it wasn’t a close game, Bama’s impressive win over Austin Peay puts them ahead of Ohio State.
  8. Also after all these years Leaf doesn’t know what the word “then” means.
  9. But the topic is sillier than misspelling butt.
  10. If you can’t spell butt, you really shouldn’t be running other people down.
  11. I fart in your general direction
  12. There is 93 feet of snow. Obviously jk btw.
  13. He will go to either: 1. Any team that offer a multi year deal with biggish $ and guarantees. If the Texans or another bad team are the only team making such an offer, he’d go there quickly or 2. A team that offers the best combination of a chance to win and be constantly hyped. Dallas sits way atop that pile which includes SF, Buffalo, KC and maybe Philly. I don’t think he goes anywhere other than those 5 teams without a multi year $ contract.
  14. Or jump off the real roof, not the porch roof.
  15. Did the United States shrink overnight?
  16. He also gets happy endings at strip malls from women who were definitely not trafficked.
  17. Another franchise that Ralph bailed out later had an owner who claimed to be a fan of the team for his whole life before he bought them. You’d think that new owner would appreciate Ralph. Instead, he actively spit on Ralph’s grave by trying to get his friend Jon Bon Jersey to buy the Bills and move them out of Buffalo. At least the Davis’ aren’t on that level of reprobate.
  18. Art has pointed out that the Sabres have a dome and most people have a roof on their house. Can’t they just dome the streets and stuff?
  19. The Sabres do have a roof and also NFL and NHL venues are identical in size. Oh wait. I think houses in Buffalo also have roofs.
  20. How many domes currently exist in cities prone to the amount of snow Buffalo can get at a moment’s notice? I don’t know, but would think it would add quite a bit in engineering costs. It ain’t Dallas.
  21. If Miami had a dome would they play during a hurricane? For Pete’s sake a cancellation would be about people getting in and out safely and a dome does bupkus for that.
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