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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Your hype picture was better:
  2. Agree the Bills won’t take him but D’Andre Swift is more than enough.
  3. Why? The sands will just shift again.
  4. I get that words like “if” may be hard for you to follow. I’ll try to use simpler stuff moving forward.
  5. I stopped reading there because what you quoted me as saying is a fabrication. I’m not sure why you feel the need to lie. I don’t think this is an argument either of us will “win” until next year, even though we have different thoughts on what SF may do. If you are so desperate to win it that you have to put quotes around something I did not type and attribute it to me, then I guess you can consider yourself a winner. Still you can’t win them all so be careful, I remember earlier this season when you said “Davis Mills will lead the Texans to an undefeated season in 2022”. That was wrong*** *** I realize you never typed that, but if the rules of this thread include making up crap I just figured I’d join in.
  6. That’s not the argument I made and I’m not assuming he will throw six picks. You flat out stated Lance was overdrafted. Maybe, but the jury is certainly out despite your uninformed confidence and declaration of finality. I do think there is a chance that Purdy has a rough week given the weaker teams he has faced thus far, SF’s D taking pressure off and the fact that the Dallas D can present some challenges. I think SF is the better team and has better coaching, but that Dallas and then presumably the Philly D will be much tougher than the parade of hot messes he has seen thus far. Read his scouting report and tell me what you have seen to discredit any of his projected weaknesses. He hasn’t had to do any of those things because SF has so many options. Good for him, but everyone gets their weaknesses tested eventually. https://www.nfl.com/prospects/brock-purdy/32005055-5224-3289-b108-8aab5e23b748 At this point I don’t see SF needing to “sit” either Purdy or Lance at the outset of 2023. That’s what camp is for. There is no reason for them to simply jettison either. Jimmy’s contract is up….I believe……but if it weren’t, the discussion might involve all three. If the season stopped today SF would likely go into camp and give both QBs an opportunity and that is what I would do. The season doesn’t stop today for them so the reaming games could sway that I suppose. I think the odds of it being fully determined are low.
  7. Your conclusion that they overdrafted is based on an insufficient sample size of games…….1…….and I assume you have not been in attendance at SF practices. Correct me if I’m wrong about that. Also let me know if any high draft picks have ever taken longer than one start to develop. If he had been drafted in round 3 and was named starter, then got hurt, I’d think they would be reluctant to dump him then too. My guess is that if Purdy throws 6 horrible picks this week and SF loses, then he will still have some sort of chance in camp next year based on his success the last few weeks. If SF goes on to win the SB, it will likely be inclined to keep him in his role as starter…..but even that isn’t some sort of proof that Lance is a bust. That’s just dumb. SF, of all teams, seems to require the least from their QB of any of the league’s true contenders. That factors in as well. IMO any speculation at this point about the 9ers 2023 depth chart is guesswork. You seem to think you have it figured out based on one game from Lance and a few games from Purdy against pretty weak competition. That’s ok. You do you.
  8. We’ll find out when we find out, but assuming they’ll simply dump a #3 overall after essentially one game seems unlikely to be a simple decision. I’m not diminishing Purdy’s play, but assuming he is solidified as a proven commodity after a few games against mostly bad teams is premature. He could be Tom Brady or Scott Mitchell but is very likely somewhere in between.
  9. Why did Lance start week 1 2022? If Purdy had outperformed both Lance and Jimmy in camp, would he have started? Maybe not because….rookie, but if Lance outperforms Purdy in 2023 camp are you saying Purdy will get deferential treatment? Shirley. Purdy is their QB “at this point” because the other options are hurt. Jimmy is likely gone via FA. Personally I think a camp battle is the most likely scenario with the 9ers next year but it is possible one enters as preferred. Their roster is strong and helps any QB but they haven’t exactly played a tough schedule since Purdy got thrust into action. Fish, Bucs, Seahawks x2, Wash, LV, Ariz. Dallas’ D can test Purdy as can Philly’s. If he holds up there the story could change but right now he has zero hold in the 2023 job.
  10. To make a definitive statement that Lance is the third best QB on that roster is absurd. It’s akin to calling Mike White the best QB of the 2018 draft class…..as he himself did…..after his first game in 2021. There is a concept called sample size that you may want to research. Of the 3, only Jimmy has enough sample size to make any judgements at all.
  11. He was a rookie in 2021. In 2022, he didn’t get the call “when Jimmy G went down”, he was the starter. He had one game in a typhoon, then went 2/3 for 30 yards and broke his leg.
  12. Congrats to them on meeting their lifelong desire to be douche bags.
  13. In public and rubbing it in the faces of the rest of the world? Doubtful most non-douche bag people do that. Most people are mature enough to not even do it in private but not these losers. Those fish are all grade A douche bags, thus the lingering desperate cries for attention.. The solution to this is once another team goes undefeated, they line up the following weekend against these 80 year olds and let the chips fall where they may to see who gets the greatest team ever title. I’d pay to see it.
  14. Father Time is ____________.
  15. It’s weird. The kicker has been pretty good all year.
  16. They build a speaker into the QBs helmet to expedite play calling. Why not offset that with a taser built into the shoulder pads that zaps and immobilizes the QB when the play clock hits zero?
  17. What is the record for most consecutive 3 and outs to start a game?
  18. Dallas blows
  19. Not sure about Stroud but the recent Bama QBs are a combination of overhyped, mentally fragile, and/or physically fragile and this dude is small. Enter at your own risk.
  20. 2:00 more for Trevor to complete “The Peterman”.
  21. Now on this we can agree. No more Austin Peay BS. Prove it during the regular season. I don’t think you can make everyone play everyone every year, but the top conference teams should have at least two viable teams from other top conferences per year. Personally, I’d also either scrap the conference title games or compel all conferences to have them. Some having them and some not, makes no sense.
  22. I realize you are only about Alabama but there is something called Google available and for now it contains pointless information about things other than just Alabama football. Hopefully someday it will clear the clutter and only contain info pertaining to the Tide. It currently indicates that K State had two losses, which means there was no tiebreaker involved with TCU. The comparison/tie breaker discussion here is about Tenn/Bama. Argue about the Big 12 all you want. The Animal Farm tiebreaker said all the SEC animals are equal but Bama is more equal than Tenn. I don’t get why they even bother having college football outside the SEC. Well I guess you need teams like The Citadel to round out the Bama schedule but the Big 12 should go away for sure. It’s not as if a team like Texas could stay within 28 points of Alabama.
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