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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Imagine if Banks wasn’t so distracted with music and didn’t have to put up with all of Phil Collins BS. He would have put up much bigger numbers.
  2. Cricket is way higher up the list than people realize and I believe it has a World Cup as well.
  3. It was a sarcastic response to a negative Nancy spouting off uninformed negativity for its own sake.
  4. Are you really asserting that Brandon Beane is incompetent? Really?
  5. Most times maybe. Not this time. Sometimes when it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a duck. Appeal to authority is a category of fallacy for a reason.
  6. Trent Edwards sucked before during and after his concussion. Everything else is revisionist history.
  7. Any chance you watched the Bengals play last night?
  8. You’re right. I wonder who they will pick with their first rounder this year. Oh, wait.
  9. Zero percent chance that got reversed. Zero. There was no football move. If you’re going to challenge that you might as well challenge the missed FG saying it actually went through. Equal chance at reversal. Zero.
  10. Have you seen Baltimore’s defense? Our offense? How does that mix look to you?
  11. Half the board wanted to trade for Golladay
  12. Both Johnson and Hamlin are faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar better options.
  13. And 6 months later, somewhere in America, I got stung by that very wasp. Now I know who to blame.
  14. Is this game Filthy or is it Beastly? I simply cannot decide.
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