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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Denver’s DC > Denver’s HC = LAC HC
  2. Melvin Gordon quitting another team soon?
  3. Hackett is further over his head than that dude who went down the Marianas Trench.
  4. After 4 years of dissecting everything Edmunds does as a negative, don’t hold your breath on some people ever seeing anything positive.
  5. You have made such valid points about how great our divisional opponents have become. They are so good that they may all run the table as you suggest. Even when they play each other maybe both teams will come away with wins. Even more magical than Mac Jones? Wow. It reminds me of Job Bluth vs. Tony Wonder.
  6. Doesn’t a 2nd year guy on a Super Bowl champ whining about his usage to the point where the coach has publicly said he is probably done as a Ram throw up any yellow flags for you?
  7. Nothing against Shakir but I don’t think our Super Bowl chances begin and end with him.
  8. I can agree with that on balance because there seems to be more quantity with McK than Knox but the fact is Knox made a big mistake yesterday and got away with it. So get a rookie in there quick.
  9. Neither is death. The Vikings had a player die in practice due to heat. The league might have a teenie tiny issue if that happens in a game because a team wants an edge.
  10. Sorry dude but Knox has a long history of dumb plays….and I like Knox. He pretty much cost us the Texans playoff game if you go back and look. He had a dumb false start, three plays where Allen had to realign him pre-snap which led to hurried pace and more. He made what could have ended up being a game losing mistake yesterday and got bailed out. There are 100% some plays where I think McK screwed up. The kickoff fumble against Indy was real bad IMO. The examples being used from yesterday are weak. The flip to me was 50/50 because Josh didn’t even seem sure what he was doing until he actually did it. The EZ play was something that happens at times to every player in the league and had nothing to do with awareness. He slipped trying to adjust. And titling a thread “dummy” is a lot lot different than “liability” or even “incompetent”.
  11. I just don’t see taking the risk with Anderson, He is one of the biggest idiots in the whole league. His Antonio Brown like exit from yesterday’s game wasn’t really a total shock to anyone paying attention. We’ll disagree on him. I do agree that an additional outside threat would be nice and am skeptical that it can be Stevenson upon his return.
  12. This thread’s title is an ad hominem and you’re trying to back it up while accusing others of ad hominems? Shirley McKenzie is starting because Crowder, and to some extent Kumerow are hurt. The only “solution” at this point is a rookie who himself has shown suspect awareness in critical spots. Logic is not working in your favor here. The play to Knox required pinpoint accuracy which thankfully Allen delivered. Had Knox read the situation correctly it is a layup. Johnson, Hamlin and Neal weren’t exactly “aware” during JuJu’s TD. Luckily we left Johnson in there.
  13. I’m not saying I’m an advocate but it seems as if the Bills may have their eye on another WR with “personality” who, although self promoting, require little to know locker room check keeping. I’d prefer him to Anderson by a long way. I’m sure if the Bills are inclined there will be other options as well.
  14. Smith is a common name. Hang onto it. Oops beat me to it.
  15. If we got a tanker full of gasoline for six bucks it would be a bargain price until our building burned down. Why would you want to introduce a giant douche like Anderson into a locker room like ours?
  16. So in other words they probably won’t be getting it together?
  17. The point……which you missed…..is that it is unnecessary to feel the need to find someone to bash in the first place. There is a difference between a coherent discussion of details and starting a thread simply to pile on a player with name calling.
  18. Agreed. I think the horse race guys are amazing too. 100+ horses a day and a different batch of 100 the next.
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