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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. The play by Ginenez and Naylor in the 10th was just……….
  2. Stoned or Canadian? Hard to tell.
  3. Todays game proved for the 1000000000000th time that there is nothing quite like a great baseball game.
  4. Maybe we bump it to a 4th if they eat some salary?
  5. I think it’s right next to Panera Bread which is another terrific option.
  6. Supporting your position that it’s fake: Seems like acting…and bad Filming starts at a convenient time When she discovered her error, in real life she may have laughed at it Supporting the position that it is real: Woman driver Woman won’t let the guy talk nor will she listen to what he says when he gets a word in Video published by “NoCapFights”. I’m not sure if you know the new vernacular but “no cap” = “based” = true.
  7. He was discussing Cooper’s prospective role against the Titans. If you were just looking for reasons to be salty, then assuming McD meant more than that was a neat trick. Congrats.
  8. It’s not as if Brady would ever cheat.
  9. Don’t you think he should name names of players who suck? That’s what a real man would do. Why try to bolster the confidence of the rest of your roster when you have such an opportunity to trash them in public?
  10. No threads about the terrible Edmunds? Oh, right.
  11. 73 year old millionaire. Still a punk. Best and most accurate line: I have more rights than you.
  12. Your guy’s connections didn’t tell him that the Raiders moved to Vegas?
  13. I don’t like Francessa either but the Mad Dog is worse.
  14. But some have gone blind by staring at shiny objects.
  15. Lol it was brought up on WFAN. Shirley you can’t be serious. Was it brought up by an idiot caller, an idiot host, or an idiot producer?
  16. Shirley your hero Brady must have accomplished this when he forgot to cheat.
  17. Can’t disagree with any of that but sometimes these players aren’t too bright and/or don’t actually give crap one.
  18. Lol you focused on Tre and Poyer and left out Diggs and Morse. Which side of the ball do these four guys play on? Also: My point was about leaders who were willing to push and you focused not on leadership, but on current defensive playmaking skills. Why did you do that? Has a successful sports team ever rostered a player past their prime because of their leadership skills, even if the plan was reduced playing time? The Bills sure looked like they were having fun in weeks 1-3. When things were less fun in weeks 4&5, how was the leadership able to adjust IYHO? What is clearly needed is leadership that is not present for merely three on field hours per week. Our leadership needs to develop to be closer to 24/7/365. I hope it does. Denying that need won’t make the need go away, but by all means continue to focus your objection on Poyer’s 40 time. That makes sense.
  19. Shiny object syndrome does not require logic.
  20. It wasn’t the point but J likes making up crap.
  21. Any updates on this?
  22. Schulz was regular army like Klink. Those other guys were Nazis.
  23. TBH it probably increases the Jets chances. Shows they are willing to make changes and shows Adams that his buddy Aaron is in charge.
  24. Wasn’t even PI.
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