Those uniforms look like someone messed with the contrast and color settings on the photo and they should be put back to see what the "real" colors are.
They're obviously just riding a fad because that's what sells right now, and screw tradition. (Speaking of which, did I mention there's three game$ in London next year?)
If I'm Moorman, on one hand it's a job. On the other, this team unceremoniously dumped me, their MVP. Not sure I'd want to go back, especially since playoffs aren't a sure thing.
I'm probably the only person in North America who prefers getting the discs through the mail than the streaming - mainly because there's no comparison with the selection and they don't have a lot on the streaming that interests me. I have found some decent stuff on there though.
Keep in mind this is TWELVE YEARS after Pitino coached the Celtics. But whether it's 12 years or 12 days, it's still totally classless and asinine.
How many refs would he have to coerce, and how simple would it be for them to go public? I don't credit any conspiracy theory about organized game fixing through the refs. Do one or two fix calls because they have a bet on the game? Maybe.
Likewise, who did Goodell employ to pull the plug? What's stopping that person or persons from coming forward?
Guess what? Years of lousy drafting will put a team in a position like this. They seem to have snapped out of it a bit recently, but it's still gonna take time to turn the ship around.