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run dat back

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Posts posted by run dat back

  1. Stevie Johnson is a clown whose best years are behind him now that Chan's scheme and his buddy Fitz have gone bye bye.


    Lee Evans was never really that good.


    Pretty much agree on these. Especially the clown part. Although the Plaxico impression WAS damn funny. Not worth a 15 yd penalty, though.

  2. I find this annoying as well. Its most likely that he is NOT the best available physician big name players can find. He's probably just a really good networker with agents, players, teams, and media.


    Pro athlete injuries are a big deal. The teams have invested a lot of money in the player, and the player's career (and future paydays) is on the line. Of course they are going to go to the best, and that is Andrews. If it wasn't, you would be hearing someone else's name, but you don't, and it's not because he's good at "networking" - it's because he knows what he's doing. Virtually every pitcher with an elbow or shoulder problem sees him.

  3. I don't mind rebuilding, but having the same GM do it for a third time is unbelievable. Pegula showed so much promise when he bought the team, but keeping Darcy this long shows a real lack of hockey knowledge for him and his advisors. Should have cleaned house last year.


    How many years does it take to have a decent power play? They had three 5 on 3 chances last week and still couldn't score. The last decent PP was when Briere was here.


    Isn't Pegula a big Sabres fan, so he should know enough about hockey to see the results for himself? Or was that all just a crock.

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