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Posts posted by LabattBlue

  1. The player I look most forward to seeing is Josh Stamer playing OLB in place of Posey. If I see the Green Bay TD one more time(NFL Network has been running it during one of their promos for preseason games) where Favre made Posey look "Eddie Robinson like", I'm going to puke.

  2. Clements by far would be the biggest loss. You have McGee who still needs to prove he can be a consistent NFL CB and some promising young players who have been nothing more then nickel and dime CB's(KT, JG and EK). The only saving grace would be that TV could move back to CB in a pinch, but I don't know how badly a hit the Bills would then take at FS with either Baker or CW(bite my tongue) filling in.

  3. Colts third-string QB Brown placed on IR

    INDIANAPOLIS (Aug. 24, 2005) -- The Indianapolis Colts placed quarterback Travis Brown on injured reserve, ending his season.


    Brown hurt his right shoulder and elbow in the Colts' 24-17 loss to Chicago.


    "It's more the elbow than the shoulder," coach Tony Dungy said. "We're not sure exactly what it is, but it's not an injury to be taken lightly."...




  4. Drew is not my cousin.  He's a guy who played 48 straight games for this

    team and got up off the ground every time he took a lick and took the next

    snap without pointing the finger at anybody.


    For this he gets insulted and derided daily by a group of guys who think

    it's great sport to type things about a guy they'd never have the guts to

    say to his face.


    Once again...get over it. St. Drew is no longer a Bill. Your home page should now be...



  5. USA Today


    So I'm reading this on the plane yesterday, great big article and all, but look who this reporter is getting quotes from:

    WTF??? :devil: Who's this "we" he's talking about?  :lol:  :lol:  :)


    The kicker was the very FIRST quote in the article was from CW. Did somebody not tell the reporter that not only is he not a starter, but he may not even make the team.

  6. I can tell you how it will go and save you the time. He will start off by saying the Bills look great and should have a fantastic season. Then when they lose their first game, he'll proclaim that the owner sucks, the GM sucks, the QB sucks and nobody at OBD knows what the f*** they are doing.


    In other words, he's no different than a poster here, except he convinced somebody to pay him to say it.

  7. I don't like Brady as much as any other Bills fan, but the effort being made to show that he is just another average QB in the right "system" and that NE could have won the Super Bowls with any other QB is bordering on ridiculous.



    That being said, no need for a Pats troll to rub it in.

  8. It's truly an amazing thing that both Jabari Greer and Rashad Baker were undrafted DBs out of a big school, both came to the Bills camp as huge longshots, both made the team and are now not only solid back-ups but valuable members of the roster.


    I'm not sure which member of the Bills scouting staff is responsible for us signing Greer and Baker, but I hope they got a little extra at Christmas time!

  9. Oh, but waitaminute - Jim Brinson is hosting the WGRF postgame again this year. For those of you who don't like him either - and based on some of the potshots at him I've seen here over the years, I know you're out there - guess you're STILL out of luck.....


    Isn't Jimmy B. working in Arkansas anymore??

  10. It was a zone blitz. Schobel's job was to cover the back out of the backfield (as it developed), which he did. When Favre started scrambling, however, it was virtually impossible for Schobel to stay with Ahman Green. But if a LB were on him for that long, I doubt the LB would have stayed with him either. The play broke down because Favre scrambled and reversed his field and then lobbed a perfect touch pass on the run, not because of a mismatch or mistake on defense.


    I hear what you are saying, but I just don't agree with a scheme that takes your best pass rushing DE and drops him into coverage against a RB. That being said, it's hard to argue with Gray's success the last couple of years.

  11. Well that's why they're in a zone, and not man-to-man. 


    That's why I asked if it was a blown coverage. It was Schobel on Green with no one else in sight. Didn't appear to be zone coverage to me, but then again I wasn't at the stadium.

  12. The 3-4 gives a team more angles to blitz from, but a 4-3 has quicker and more agile DEs to drop into coverage than a 3-4. 


    Zone Blitzing from a 3-4 or 4-3 might not be the best idea against a veteren like Favre though.


    It doesn't matter how quick and agile your DE's are. They will not be able to cover a RB in any downfield pass coverage scenario.

  13. If I recall, Jason Peters was cut on the first cut down day last year. He then went to the Giants for the last week of training camp and after they cut him, and no one claimed him, did a few teams try to sign him to their practice squad and he chose to sign with the Bills. I recall surmising that the Bills tried to sneak him through the cuts, figuring another team wouldn't pick him up but the Giants did and I thought we lost him.


    You could be correct on Peters, but these guys didn't even make it to the first cut down date, which is not until next Tuesday I believe. I guess anything is possible.

  14. The WGR website is an obvious extension of the station. On-air, on the website, it's all the same.


    I still don't understand. WGR is not allowed to talk about the Bills on the air or they have to be careful what they say?


    I'm not trying to be a pain, I just want to know what this lawyer/legal stuff is all about?

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