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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. Except for Joe Theisman, I usually don't get worked up about any announcers, BUT.....what the HELL was ESPN thinking. Sharpe sounded like he was given about 10 seconds notice, that he was going to be the analyst on the game. Did they consider giving him a tryout using a previously played game. This guy added nothing to the game. HOLY FRIGGIN' LACK OF INSIGHT BATMAN!!!!
  2. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=30880
  3. Thanks for your support. I knew I could count on you. I wonder who the opposing lineup should consist of?
  4. I am offended that I am not in the lineup. I have been accused of beating a dead horse many times. Doesn't that count for something?
  5. Excellent response, but from my perspective, it's a dead heat. Jones for owning the Cowboys while beating us in the two SB's and Snyder for being a condescending little prick who thinks he is better than the rest of the owners in the NFL. I'd like to see Ralph take a swing at him.
  6. My question is did you see Tampa with 8 men in the box on every running play or are you making that assumption based on lack of respect for the Bills passing game.
  7. Are those scouts inc. ratings? Just curious, because I've felt in the past that they are pretty insightful.
  8. Like I said all along...he builds them up early in the year and then slams them the first time things go south. Sort of like this board.
  9. I brought this up in the preseason and if I can bring myself to it, would like to watch the tape of the game and focus on Shelton.
  10. Everybody thought Tampa's OL was supposed to be pitiful this year, yet Cadillac has gone 2 for 2 in terms of 100 yard games. On the other side of the coin, we have one of the top OL coaches in the NFL and have what appears to be on paper an OL that should be successful in the run game. Here is Tampa's starting 5... LT 69 Anthony Davis LG 72 Dan Buenning C 76 John Wade RG 79 Sean Mahan RT 67 Kenyatta Walker
  11. But he graded highly going "one on one" against Krumrie in the definitive test that determines whether you will be an NFL dud or and NFL All-Pro!
  12. Sorry...I did not see this oh-so similar thread prior to creating this one.... http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=30745
  13. Is this fact or just an opinion based on the lack of passing game?
  14. As I continue to be disappointed by the lack of holes for WM to run through, I was wondering who is it that designs the blocking schemes for each play....McNally or Clements? I realize no one probably has the inside info to answer this question, but it is one that has been bothering me since McNally was brought on board. I really thought the OL would make some strides this year in terms of run blocking and that JP would automatically make them look better in terms of pass blocking because of his mobility.
  15. I also was at the game last night and saw Vanek a couple of times last year... Just to bring this conversation back to earth somewhat....Vanek is a VERY talented offensive player who is amazing when the puck is on his stick. That being said, he has a LONG way to go in terms of playing in his own end and be more willing to battle along the boards for the puck(considering his size, this is a bit of a letdown). It wouldn't surprise me one bit to see him end up in the doghouse before very long, due to Lindys "defense first" system. After all, this coach does not have a reputation for developing offensive talent. Hmmmm....Sounds a little bit like a very talented player that we just let go.
  16. I didn't tape the game and didn't notice when I was watching it live....was fletcher on the kickoff return team?? Thanks!
  17. What did I have for lunch? I thought the responses for this question, go in the "I'm leaving TBD FOREVER" thread by T-Bone.
  18. I don't go there too much anymore, but I'm surprised that Nino's on Orchard Park Rd. has not been mentioned before now.
  19. ...I think Mr. Wilson would respectfully disagree with you.
  20. 1.NFL Football Bills vs. ? 2.Monday Night Football 3.Sunday Night Football 4.Sunday 1PM Football 5.Sunday 4PM Football
  21. TD hijacked Houston's team bus on the way to the game and replaced the Texans with the UB Bulls. Son of Satan returns!
  22. Largent was 5'11" 187. Good comparison.... http://cbs.sportsline.com/nfl/players/playerpage/536630
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