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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. Didn't you learn anything from recent times. Why not just wait for the freakin' press conference at OBD before whipping the "Angry Mob" into a frenzy....again.
  2. That's because some "insider" didn't come here a week prior to MM's hiring and proclaim that Bill Walsh one of the all-time most successful coaches was coming out of retirement to coach the Bills, only to have it turn out that it was all bull sh--.
  3. ...and how many season tickets that were sold/renewed two years ago were attributed to the hiring of MM? My guess is a few for his family and that's about it.
  4. My point is, he doesn't like Jauron because he is "boring". I forgot logic goes out the window when the rollercoater is out of control.
  5. Do you like the front row or the last row of the coaster?
  6. Were you excited when ML was hired back in the mid 80's? His career turned out all right.
  7. Guys like Bill Walsh & Tom Landry also looked pretty boring on the sidelines....and not being boring is important as a HC in what way?
  8. Great post, but this is no time for logic when the roller coaster brake cable snapped and there is no stopping it. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE............HERE COMES THE BIG DROP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can hear all the riders now.....JJJJAAAAAAURRROOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN YYYOOOOOUUU SUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.
  9. Matt Millen wouldn't know right from wrong if his life depended on it. He is too busy trying to figure out which WR he should draft in the first round this year.
  10. If Sherman was such a no-brainer, why did all the other teams pass him by for guys with no HC experience. There's something more than meets the eye and I wish Soprano 90210 was here to fill in the blanks on why all the HC jobs have been filled and Sherm finds himself without one of them.
  11. I've been a Bills fan since the late '60's. Old habits die hard. GO BILLS!!!!!
  12. I'll tell you what...if it was TD & MM in 2006, I'd be right there with you, but any change for me at this point is a positive one. I'm ready for training camp...who's with me?
  13. Guys like Wannestedt and Turner have rings from their Dallas days and look what that got them when they went elsewhere. The both sucked hind tit and still do as HC's. I don't give a damn what the guy did previously, all I care about is how the Bills look come September and unless you have a crystal ball, you don't have a clue how Jauron will work out as the HC of the Bills.
  14. The reason why some posters heads are exploding right now is because Mr. Soprano had everyone convinced that Sherman was the next HC and therefore that's what the "Angry Mob" wants now. Me...I'm okay with Jauron and was never convinced about Deep Throat...I mean Soprano 90210.
  15. MM quit, what is it you want the Bills to do? Beg him to come back. I'm not sure what MM did in his two years here that makes you believe he is so much better than Jauron.
  16. Belichick in Cleveland 36-44, 1 winning season. Now what was your point?
  17. Tough call when deciding the type of player to draft... 1. Great potential, pro bowl ability, but some questions in terms of effort or 2. High motor guy, always gives 100%, but has limits in terms of athletic ability. I've seen enough of #2, give me some guys that are more like #1 and cross your fingers that your front office staff can pick the right guy and the coaching staff can mold them into pro bowlers!
  18. I'm just saying buyer beware. He could be looking to cash in one last time before calling it a career. Found this on a football info site(from 2004)...And Jackson is 32 and wearing down with knee problems. Jackson missed five weeks last year with knee problems, and the Packer run D was pretty bad until Jackson returned. But as the season went on, those knees got worse again, and the Packers run defense declined significantly in the last few weeks of the season, as teams began running around the increasingly immobile Jackson:
  19. Very believable. Keep the insider info coming.
  20. BGiM...doesn't Grady have chronic problems with both his knees?
  21. In a stunning turn of events, 5 year old little Jimmy Watson apologized to MM's child for calling his daddy an idiot and this prompted MM to ask for, and get his job back. HC - MM OC- TC DC - JG DL - TK Status quo for 2006.
  22. Either Sully wrote this coumn "tongue in cheek" or when Sully called him, Lou was halfway to a ten martini lunch.
  23. Then why not say they are making the announcement by Tuesday or is Mort just hedging his bets.
  24. Excerpt from another link I found... A female student at Barry told police she woke up in the middle of the night and found the football player in her closet defecating into her laundry basket. Davenport was arrested and charged with one count of criminal mischief and one count of burglary. According to his attorney, the charges will be dismissed in exchange for Davenport teaching a series of football clinics in the Overtown neighborhood where he grew up. "Thanks to the plea deal, it won't be necessary for us to dig to the bottom of this situation, and we're going leave it where it was," Sharpstein said. My only question is, what doesn't he want to dig through and what does he mean when he says" we're going to leave it where it was"?
  25. I don't want to worry about Najeh breaking into my house and taking a dump in my laundry basket. Say no to Najeh. http://espn.go.com/nfl/news/2002/0708/1403417.html
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