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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. dude and bro in the same thread. I can't wait to start 8th grade in two weeks. Do they teach basic English in school anymore.
  2. Boy that was original and funny.
  3. bro? WTF did you think Lynch was going to admit to?
  4. One last thing and I will move on...why give the media the silent treatment? Are they the ones responsible for his demotion? Maybe he needs to take a look in the mirror or go see the coaches for an answer to that question.
  5. No, actually he is a douche bag for driving off from a hit and run who then tried to explain it away(via his attorney) several weeks later that he didn't even know he hit anyone.
  6. Oh my...such tough questions to deal with while being paid $$$. Poor JP, what's a man to do.
  7. I'd rather have him state the party line instead of pouting throughout training camp because he was demoted. I realize how difficult it is for him making 7 figures and not being able to come to grips with the fact that he had his shot and blew it. Does he pout during film sessions also?
  8. Get over yourself? Excellent response, giving further credence to the reason why I rarely post here anymore. I didn't say he had to speak his mind. If he can't differentiate between what he should and shouldn't say, he is even less of a professional than what I believe.
  9. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=69893
  10. A guy who refused to talk to the media throughout training camp is acting "professionally"? Really? Seems pretty childish to me.
  11. Start drinking more Pepsi!
  12. Reminds me of the Stern show sometime last fall when they started talking about an avant-garde band and decided to have an impromptu avant-garde jam session amongst the staff. I wish I could find a clip of it.
  13. The post I was responding to was in reference to "injuries" being a big reason for Kelsay's suckiness last year. To that I responded that he wasn't hurt until Game #11.
  14. You may get a mouthful of mom when diving for the ball.. http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/news?slug...s&type=lgns
  15. Kelsay got hurt in Game 11 last year(as the article states). Up to that point he had 2 sacks in 10+ games. What was the excuse for the poor play to that point?
  16. Sam...When does school start?
  17. I don't think we are going to see a new stadium at all, but if it were to happen, I'd want it in downtown Buffalo before the Niagara Falls area.
  18. Secrets are meant to be told!
  19. I don't know what is so great about the article. It's old ideas that have discussed 100's of times on TSW. Downtown stadiums, public ownership of the team, Ralph's refusal to be proactive in the sale prior to his death, Golly possibly buying the team, etc... It's not like the kid came up with this fantastic innovative plan to save the Bills.
  20. What you don't understand is that rookie WR's need reps. Standing on the sidelines for all but two series doesn't help. Clear enough for U??
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