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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. Joe Major? http://www.weck1230.com/personalities.html Didn't WBEN930 used to have a Jim Major as one of it's news anchors? I wonder if Joe is any relation?
  2. I like this one even more... http://www.myfoxboston.com/myfox/pages/Hom...mp;pageId=1.1.1
  3. http://static.nfl.com/static/content/catch...m_081228_IA.jpg
  4. I remember Jaws or one of the other analysts pointing out(with film to back it up) last season how Crowell takes himself out of the play a lot. That being said, he'd be a big improvement over Ellison.
  5. Nice descriptive thread title.
  6. The Bills either overpaid for Dockery in a BIG way or he got lazy and lost interest once the contract was signed.
  7. Superstar? I'd settle for him being a "solid starter" at this point. Too many people want to make him more of a player than he is because of his weekly team meetings at his house. I'm now reading excuses here that he will be a better player when the front 7 is revamped. What does that have to do with poor tackling angles and tackling technique.
  8. RW wants to wait until all the top candidates have been hired so he will not have to make excuses as to why he choose to pass on them. I am not looking forward to the RW's painful press conferences like the ones from a few years back.
  9. Why? Didn't they just try that with Jauron for the last 3 painful seasons? I believe it has a lot more to do with who the OC & DC are going to be. Fewell and Schonert/Fairchild? Seriously? I still want to see Jauron sent packing, but bringing in experienced OC & DC with good track records is a must. If the new HC can fill one of the coordinator positions, that would be okay too.
  10. IMO Whitner's play has regressed from his rookie year.
  11. On WBEN yesterday, I believe they said you could work back to back shifts. Also, anyone 16 or older can do go out there. A great way for some youngsters to earn some money and get 8 hours of good exercise at the same time!
  12. You think Oman should be inactive, but you also want to see him get a few carries? How exactly does he pull off this Houdini like magic?
  13. Steve...Thanks for sharing. Who knows what is going on behind closed doors at OBD on a daily basis. It is never a good sign when the owner is chiming in on who to pick(Rodney Wright anyone?), his daughter is a player in the decision making and two Donahoe "guys" not only hold on to their jobs, but keep getting promoted and are major players in pro and college scouting(Modrak & Guy) for the Bills. I get excited about FA and the draft until I consider the above.
  14. Whitner has been in the NFL 3 years and his play ranges from below average to slightly above average depending on the game. I don't care how GREAT a leader he is, if he can't produce on the field, his team meetings at his house(which are brought up over and over again by the Whitner loyalists) are pretty meaningless. He has two more years on his current contract(contract average...5.8 per year) and he needs to play a LOT better if he thinks his next contract is going to be even close to the current one.
  15. The only problem with letting Greer walk is that McGee is a FA at the end of next season and he is going to cost a LOT more to re-sign than Greer will. If you let them both walk(Greer after this season and McGee after next season), it will right back to drafting more CB's in the 1st round.
  16. The Thruway reopened sometime between 8:30 and 9.
  17. He HAS a separated shoulder or HAD a separated shoulder? I don't give a damn if they picked him 8th or in the 7th round, his play still leaves a lot to be desired.
  18. Kelsay is a starter due to iunjury?
  19. This is mind boggling. He was so far back on one running play that went wide, that even after the RB was tackled 10 yards or so downfield, Whitner was still a good 10 yards away when the play ended.
  20. Considering there was next to nothing in terms of a pass rush(except for Mitchell's sack on the blitz), the cornerbacks did a pretty good job. I know there were many passes completed to wide open receivers and Cutler missed open targets a few times, but he was only 25 of 45 for a pedestrian completion rate of 56%. That being said, Whitner's play continues to leave a lot to be desired. He wiffed when trying to tackle Royal on the end around and was late getting to the play numerous times. Even his hit that caused the fumble was a lame attempt at a tackle, but he got lucky by the fact that his helmet hit the ball.
  21. "Interested" like Mark Hamister who was "interested" in buying the Sabres? Nobody will know for sure until that point in time comes, but call me skeptical about the legitimacy of the "Kelly Group".
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