-No surprises last night. Anoop and Lil getting bounced could have been predicted before they even performed on Tuesday.
-Matt will probably get bounced next week and then I think it may be somewhat unpredicatable. When they got down to the final 12, I thought it would be a final between Adam and Allison. Now, I'm not so sure about her.
-Paula and Simon were TV gold on Tuesday. Paula's comments about Chris shopping in a ladies store followed by Simon's comments about needing a translator were great. This was followed up later in the show with Simon mouthing the word "what" while Paula was just babbling on.
-The judges(especially Simon) are very capable of swaying the voting and it is clear that they would love to see Adam win. He definitely has the best chance of selling a ton of records.
-I've mentioned this earlier in the season, but DVR is the way to go with AI. I've become so accustomed to it, that watching it live is torture.