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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. I wonder how much this guy has to due with the pedestrian play of the OL, along with the game of musical chairs going on with the OL right now? http://www.buffalobills.com/team/coaches/joe-dalessandris/688adbac-4dd4-49d8-be7c-98463346bf27 Read his bio and tell me the good ole' boy network isn't alive and well. Nothing like hiring one of your old buddies for a nice NFL gig.
  2. Being a fan of the team can be defined in many ways. An extremely overly optimistic POV is no better or worse, than someone who sees the decade long mediocrity continuing. To each their own. PS I'd rather discuss football with someone who is realistic versus someone who has their head in the sand.
  3. I fixed your post.
  4. The only problem with this, is that by the time Sal comes on, Schoop will have forced all listeners to turn off their radios.
  5. Nobody here knows for sure what the Bills offered Clabo, so the "we had the best offer and he declined it" is nothing more than BS.
  6. Actually they have had TWO off-seasons to improve the OL. Do you relly believe that spending a 4th and 5th round picks along with watching the waiver wire is "all they could do" over the course of two off-seasons to improve the OL?
  7. Do you think this is hockey where they are going to try and fight him. There is no "having your back" in football nor does he have to "watch out" come the regular season.
  8. Nobody knows this for sure except for those in the front office. Everything else was rumors. Making an offer do a FA does not constitute "going after them hard".
  9. I would take ANYWHERE in the upper deck before sitting in the endzone. The view is so limited when the teams are at the other end, that I'd rather watch at home before sitting there.
  10. Is this AKC? I thought he no longer posted here? The old Vinatieri means more to his team than Brady theory. I know Brady owning the Bills for the last decade has sucked, but at least try to be objective when having a discussion about him.
  11. They can't find a way to upgrade the RT position. What makes you think if they move Bell to RT, that they will be able to find a new LT? :blink:
  12. You mean the delusional Bills fans who try and convince themselves that Brady is overrated?
  13. You have watched a lot of football over the years and Miami has not played one game this year. How does that equate to them being bad?
  14. Must be related to NJsue.
  15. According to WGR this morning, the Denver game is back to its original start time of 830.
  16. I had a serious man crush on Mary Alice Demler until she let her hair grow out. Somehow the sex appeal went away. I don't know how old she is, but she can feel free to rock my world...as soon as she cuts her hair again.
  17. The only thing that matters is if the story itself is true. Merriman having steroids in his possession shortly after the lockout was settled is not a good sign....especially when combined with the fact that he was looking like his old self during the first preseason game.
  18. http://blogs.buffalonews.com/billboard/2011/08/maybin-on-his-weight.html
  19. So what did Dungy have to say?
  20. I can't wait to see the NFL's response to Vick's comments. I have a feeling that the NFL will issue a "no comment", and Vick will offer up the "I was taken out of context" when approached for a follow-up.
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