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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting
  2. Where is the diss?
  3. I just looked at an image of the flag and I can't decide which is worse, the flag or the uniforms. http://www.50states.com/flag/mdflag.htm
  4. It can be looked at one of three ways... 1. Wilson and his henchmen are always looking at the bottom line. 2. Nix is in love with Andrew Luck and is already taking preemptive strikes to make sure he ends up a Bill. 3. The coaches who are in on the decision making of which OL to keep, need to be put in straight jackets. Anyone else who can come up with a different reason why this is our opening day roster of OL, feel free... Bell Levitre Urbik Pears Wood Rinehart Brown
  5. Numerous teams over the last decade have been running the wildcat and the best example you have of the impact of the wildcat is a game where Smith threw one pass which was completed for a TD and ran the ball 3 more times for meaningless yardage?
  6. Calling them hideous would be the understatement of the year.
  7. The wildcat has always been overrated IMO. Except for when Miami sprung it on New England a few years back(I think it was Ronnie Brown running it), I can't remember the wildcat ever having a huge impact on a NFL game.
  8. Based on this quote from Gailey, Jasper has busted out at NT. If he doesn't show even the slightest amount of ability to convert to the OL within a month or so, I would guess that would be the end of the line.
  9. Why...because they are good, or just because they are from the Buffalo area?
  10. I haven't been following the new parking/traffic flow rules. What is the difference between Abbott Rd in front of the stadium being blocked(according to the OP) versus closed(according to the signage)?
  11. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/133804-could-andre-gurode-help-our-o-line/
  12. I've been to 6 stadiums to see the Bills play, and nowhere is as bad as the Ralph in terms of treatment of opposing fans, out of control tailgaters, etc... I give the Bills credit for the things they are attempting to do in terms of controlling the knuckleheads, but as long as people have 4-6 hours of drinking time before the games, the worst behavior is not going to stop.
  13. Ralph has kept the team here due to us...the Erie County taxpayers who have been subsidizing his money making operation for decades. So, no I won't be thanking Ralph any time soon. He should be thanking ME and the rest of the taxpayers in this county.
  14. Speak for yourself.
  15. I fixed your post.
  16. I remember all the ball washing that was going on here at the time Ralph was enshrined in the HoF. It was a joke then, and still is. He has no place in the HoF and I don't care that he loaned some team a few thousand bucks to help them out when times were tough 50 years ago. The sooner the Bills have a new owner the better!
  17. It really is sad.
  18. The RW era may end with the Bills in the midst of one of the darkest periods in their history. We can only hope that a new ownership group comes forward in the near future and brings this team back to prominence. I was a fan through the OJ years, the Chuck Knox years, and of course the Kelly years(the only good years outside of the mid 60's which I was too little to remember), and I'd love to see even 1 season of exciting football reminiscent of those years. What a sad franchise this has become. Davis, Wilson & Brown are by far the worst owners in football and this is reflected by the teams they put on the field.
  19. Nice summary. Out of 50 years, there really are some dark periods.
  20. Thurman Thomas says hi!
  21. The last two years of the Stephenson era were brutal, but this team could be on par if Fitzpatrick regresses at all. There are holes all over this team... OL - trainwreck WR - Very little experience. Now counting on a guy who last year struggled with the dropsies to be your #1 guy. LB - Those that were counting on Merriman to save this woeful group have come back to earth TE - We don't have one Except for Williams and Dareus, there isn't a player on this roster who is within a country mile of being a star.
  22. At the risk of repeating myself... NOTHING will change until Wilson, Overdorf & Littman are no longer part of this organization.
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