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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. I'd do it in a heartbeat. What does the point chart that everyone loves to reference say? I bet it is not as far fetched a trade as some would think. May not be balanced, but not outrageous especially with a guy like Luck sitting there.
  2. At this point, I'd rather not hear from Ralph ever again. This joke of an organization speaks for itself.
  3. You make it sound as if the Bills didn't have the Toronto deal they would be losing money. If so, not true.
  4. I think you need to get his name right!
  5. Nothing will change until Wilson, Littman, Overdorf, etc... are no longer with the organization. NOTHING.
  6. I've said this multiple times over the last couple of months. Switch to the 4-3, put Dareus and Williams at DT, and build around them. Fire Edwards, cut the crap with the 3-4/4-3 hybrid & stop playing DE/DT's at OLB. WTF!
  7. I love how some have already determined that Landry is no good. Probably the same people who said that they would pass on all the QB's that came out last year? How did that prediction work out?
  8. My only disappointment is that I think he is playing too heavy(I'd like to see him around 300-310), and the Bills need to scrap this 3-4/hybrid crap, go to a 4-3 with Williams and Dareus at DT, and build from there.
  9. "Madness! Madness!"... The Bridge on the River Kwai
  10. - The new owner will make money(go look at the NFL TV contracts) each season in Jacksonville no matter how bad the attendance is. - Whenever he decides to sell the team, it will be for a lot more than he paid for it. - Therefore, there is no reason for him to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to break the lease and move the team.
  11. 1. Nothing will change until Wilson, Overdorf & Littman are no longer part of this organization. 2. Wilson is not selling the team prior to his death. End of story.
  12. What role would you like Kelly to have? What does his resume consist of since he retired, that has him prepared for any position in an NFL front office/coaching staff?
  13. How could a team as bad as the Colts ever be suspected of throwing a game? Seriously?
  14. Fans better hope that Kelly never has an active role in the football operations side of this organization.
  15. I was hoping it was Biff/Giff.
  16. The Bills need to fire Edwards, commit to a 4-3(screw this hybrid crap), lineup Williams and Dareus at DT, and build a defense around them. ...and no, I am not talking about Jauron's cover 2 with 220 pound LB's, and 240 pound DE's.
  17. I've been saying this for several months now. I think Nix will last until the end of next season at the latest, and it wouldn't surprise me if he bolted after this season.
  18. Seriously? You want to turn over the football operation of an NFL team to 3 ex-players who have no experience in this regard. Outstanding!
  19. Nothing good ever comes out of confronting a naked body builder sitting on your front steps as you arrive home... http://news.yahoo.com/couple-badly-injured-bodybuilder-attack-032149667.html
  20. IMO, they won't fire Nix. Instead, if he doesn't "retire" this off-season, I think he goes after the 2012 season. I know there are exceptions, but guys in their mid 70's aren't made to be GM's in the 24x7 365 day a year NFL. Just another stop gap measure brought to you by the 3 Stooges...Wilson, Littman & Overdorf.
  21. Your best bet for live music would be to pick up a Gusto from Friday's Buffalo News. They have complete listings of bars with live music by genre. Obviously Sunday night live music choices are going to be limited when compared to Friday and Saturday, but you should have some options. I think Nietzche's on Allen has live music on Sunday's...but I have never been in there.
  22. I just saw a Queen concert on Palladia last night. It was filmed in Montreal. Freddie was AWESOME. It pisses me off that I never saw them in concert.
  23. Proving that he can be a #2, and saying he is a legit #2 right now(as the other poster implied), are two different things.
  24. When did he become a legit #2 WR? Just because he is starting or because he made one lucky tip of the ball in last weeks game?
  25. Suh appeals the suspension... http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/11/29/suh-appeals-suspension-decision-coming-by-sunday/
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