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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. My prediction...the Bills will not sign Jeff Posey, Langston Walker, Derrick Dockery, Eddie Robinson, Geoff Hangartner, who else am I missing?
  2. Did the nameplate read "K. Williams" or "M. Williams"? Maybe someone stole Kyle's and a replacement was ordered?
  3. So in other words they are cheaters? Just like the guy everyone loves to hate on this board?
  4. So Williams is in a private jet, destination not known until 4PM?
  5. Forgive me if this has been covered...how is it that Williams will be in Buffalo tonight for dinner, when no communication is even allowed before 4PM today?
  6. ...or maybe it helps that the same ole' on-air staff(Simon, White, Riter, Schoop & Bulldog) are not part of the program.
  7. Playing in a pass happy offense with a very good QB, Jackson has been above the 60 catch mark ONCE in his career, and held out for as long as he could(without losing a year of service credit) a couple of years ago. This is the guy the Bills should break the bank for?
  8. Send this to Chan ASAP! How dare he sit down Johnson for a half, after his "mature" celebrations.
  9. There were no other factors in why they signed here?? Maybe just maybe this was their only offer or maybe the best offer? Make no mistake about it, if the dollars were the same coming from a playoff caliber team, Merriman's tweets wouldn't mean diddly.
  10. I was hoping Manning ended up with the Dolphins. It would have breathed some life into a rivalry that has been dormant for a decade or so.
  11. Let me see if I have this straight...it is okay to have Brady destroy the Bills for years on end while they draft RB's and CB's, but if Manning comes into the division they have to get a DE or OLB? How about they need pass rushing help no matter who is playing QB for the Dolphins this fall?
  12. If Ralph read this, one of two things would happen, he'd have a heart attack or soil himself from laughing uncontrollably.
  13. So should the Bills just keep waiting for guys like Carrington, Moats, Merriman & Troup to provide the pass rush that continues to be MIA?
  14. Schoop doesn't suck because of the "how are you today" BS. It's the non-sports related drafts, it's his disdain for the NFL product, it's the appearance of little to no preparation for a 4 hour show, etc... PS I hear more educated NFL football talk on the FAN590 out of Toronto than I get from WGR. How embarrassing is that for the Bills flagship station?
  15. This the first thing that crossed my mind as I read the article this morning. What a phoney. I have heard Sal do more interesting interviews(other than having Sully & Hamilton on 10,000 times a week) in a couple of Saturdays than I have heard out of these two clowns in years. Does the GM have no expectations for these two? Actually after I finding out that Riter is working there again, I realized there is little thought being given as to how to improve the programming at the station.
  16. Not only wouldn't I lie about it, I'd stand on the star on the 50 yard line at Cowboys stadium and profess it to the world on national TV.
  17. George Urban just west of Dick Rd. Kentucky Greg's is awesome!
  18. So now it is about the players who served in WWII? What about all the players that did go to college and got degrees(a far greater number than the "war vets/nfl player"), but didn't plan for their retirement years, and are now crying that they only get a $100 a month, because they want in on the NFL war chest?
  19. Nice job of making your case based on one NFL player.
  20. Oakland Place is a great place to take a walk down in the summer time. The houses look awesome from the outside, and I'm sure there are some that are even nicer on the inside than JP's.
  21. Forget about the money. On principle alone, it was okay that Joe D. didn't take this stance on former players while he was playing? There weren't former players falling on hard times back in the 70's? Most players were finished with their pro careers well before 30. They couldn't find a way to make a go of life between the end of their football careers and their retirement years? It's good to know that even back then, the college degrees these players earned(or didn't earn) were worthless.
  22. Joe D. is a bitter old man. A couple of years ago, WGR had him on regularly. Each time, it would turn into Joe D's personal soapbox. Was he this outspoken about the veteran players who came before him when he was playing, or did it just became an issue when he became part of the alumni?
  23. The only thing I hate more in terms of football broadcasts are the 5 man "cackling/backslapping/let's talk all over each other" pregame & halftime shows. PS They gave the wrong guy the boot. I would have dumped Gruden instead.
  24. RMPL... http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/142071-screw-hines-randy-moss-wants-back-in/
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