I was in the upper deck Sunday, and across the aisle from me there was a group of people(men, women & children) all with Greenwood Chiefs jerseys on. Never heard of the guy, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to know that they were family members. Instead of some good natured booing or razzing, there were a group of 20 something punks a few rows behind me who decided it would be cool to chant "F*** the Chiefs" at these people ALL game long. The entire upper deck appeared to be made up of a typical Saturday night chip strip crowd.
Maybe I'm getting old. Maybe the crowd is getting worse. Maybe a combination of both, but I have grown tired of going to games at RWS.
Like I pointed out in another thread, good decision to replace patdowns with metal detector wanding. You will now catch everyone walking into the game with keys and change in their pockets, but not catch someone with a plastic flask of liquor.