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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. They will be on High St. near Michigan and it can be a sketchy walk at night to the bars you mentioned.
  2. Do you believe in miracles? YES!
  3. ...you're letting down all the old ladies on life support! Any chance this guys wants to come work for WGR? Radio Gold!
  4. $5 for a bottle of pop is a joke!
  5. I was in the upper deck Sunday, and across the aisle from me there was a group of people(men, women & children) all with Greenwood Chiefs jerseys on. Never heard of the guy, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to know that they were family members. Instead of some good natured booing or razzing, there were a group of 20 something punks a few rows behind me who decided it would be cool to chant "F*** the Chiefs" at these people ALL game long. The entire upper deck appeared to be made up of a typical Saturday night chip strip crowd. Maybe I'm getting old. Maybe the crowd is getting worse. Maybe a combination of both, but I have grown tired of going to games at RWS. Like I pointed out in another thread, good decision to replace patdowns with metal detector wanding. You will now catch everyone walking into the game with keys and change in their pockets, but not catch someone with a plastic flask of liquor.
  6. Revel in the victory kneel in the 2nd game of the season after getting smoked in the first game? Expectations of being an NFL fan in WNY have really gone downhill.
  7. Yes!!! Thank god for the metal detectors. I wouldn't have know I had two quarters in my pocket. They went from pat downs(so now people can sneak liquor into the stadium in a plastic container), to metal detectors that remind me that I have keys and coins in my pockets. Good decision OBD. You have just taken a step backwards in dealing with the out of control drinking at the staidum.
  8. This is kind of where I am at. I go to a couple home games a year, and an away game, but it is more about getting together with friends more so than going to see the Bills. When I watch on TV, I don't get upset when they lose, I usually just forget about it and watch the next game. The last 12 years has really zapped me of my enthusiasm. 46 years of following this team with only the Chuck Knox and Marv Levy teams to show for it, will do that to you.
  9. Do you expect him to rip his head off because he is angry about his brother being killed?
  10. Try being under there at halftime trying to get to a concession stand, restroom, or to the exterior walkway of the stadium. Human gridlock, and no, it is not for a few seconds. Who said it was fine 20 years ago? Typical TSW MO...completely disregard the financial impact of building a new stadium. Just build it! Feel free to explain the "multi-use stadium" part of your post.
  11. If you have ever been in the concourse under the upper deck(specifically at half time or after a game)...YES, the concourses need to be widened! Who says they are trying to compete with Dallas, Indy amd the Meadowlands in terms of stadium quality? I haven't heard that, want that, nor can they afford that.
  12. - Do not eat at Pearl Street Brewery. I have never had a good meal there. That being said, great place for a cocktail or two before or after a Sabres game. - If you go on the Whirlpool Jetboat, make sure your life vest is on tight... http://www.buffalonews.com/article/20120905/CITYANDREGION/120909839
  13. "..We don't expect the proud citizenry of upstate New York to take kindly to flaming arrows from a magazine obsessed with the rich.".
  14. I can be WGR's biggest critic, but how much football do you want them to talk about? If they had guests on(other than a steady diet of Hamilton, Sullivan and now Joe B), I could see it, but how much of the same nonsense can they rehash day in and day out?
  15. Even better, take the 4 worst teams and the winner of the two week tourney gets the #1 overall.
  16. You're right...being on the all-pro team two times is meaningless. Furthermore, we are talking about the Bills Wall of Fame, not the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
  17. Nothing like Broadway Joe stirring the pot. How does that taste Rexie?
  18. If Mcgee can't go in the regular season, I'd be shocked if the Bills don't acquire(either waivers or a trade), or CB with some experience.
  19. I just checked. I don't smell anything that stinks, no one is standing over me, my shoelaces are still in place, and I am sure there is a pencil around somewhere. Any other questions?
  20. 10 days until I don't have to see daily links to this blog.
  21. I have brought this up before. I have never heard of any problems between McKenzie and the Bills, but it is very odd that he is not on the Bills WoF.
  22. I am not surprised one bit. This guy made a name for himself by juicing, and was never the same afterwards. If he is getting cut this early in camp, chances are his career is close to being over.
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