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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. The store was opening prior to the first home preseason game no matter what the level of completion. They weren't going to miss out on the $$$ even if they had to hand out hard hats to people entering the store.
  2. That was his job as Director of Marketing. If that is what he does best, then put him back there and then find somebody qualified to lead the football operation back to the playoffs.
  3. All the local ski resorts make snow, BUT, it has to be cold enough for them to make it and for them to build a substantial base. There have been many Decembers in recent years that are more green than white.
  4. What they say and what they MIGHT do are two completely different things. They saw the dynamic duo in action last year, and chose to come back to camp with the same guys crap this year. That says a lot more than Marrone spouting off at a press conference.
  5. If true, then IMO the only explanation is that Whaley and Marrone don't want an experienced vet QB who could be viewed as a threat to Manuel's position on the QB depth chart.
  6. Doesn't answer my question. What exactly are the Kelly brothers providing in return for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
  7. I care. I'll take an extra month or two of summer any year(especially the last 15 or so ****ty years of Bills football).
  8. This excerpt from recent Tim Graham column, if true, is just mind boggling on behalf of the Kelly brothers... Two sources familiar with the sales process told The News the Kellys have made lofty partnership demands: 2 percent equity in the team, lifetime jobs for Jim and Dan, an up-front cash payment for their services and final say on all football decisions. I'd love to know what "services" they will be providing that would net them 2% interest in the team, lifetime jobs, up front cash payment, and most bizarre "final say on all football decisions"?? :blink:
  9. A quick 5 minute non-sports bit is not bad. What is bad, is when they dedicate an hour or more to one of Shopp's food drafts or other nonsense. But when you consider how superficial their sports expertise is(even when it comes to the Bills and Sabres), it is no surprise that they wander off topic so frequently. For instance, they amount of time spent discussing Manuel last year without getting in-depth at all was amazing. It was nothing more than Manuel sucks, no he doesn't, give him more time, etc.... rinse and repeat.
  10. I'm saying that tailgating as it exists at RWS today, will change if it is moved downtown. Hard to envision people throwing a football around, setting up elaborate buffets, etc... from a downtown ramp/small surface lot where they are maximizing space even more than at RWS. Not saying it won't be fun, just that it would be different.
  11. Many like to say it is colder in the winter on the waterfront, but when the winds are howling, are the wind chill numbers in the wide open areas around RWS in December, any different than if you were sitting in a stadium on the shores of Lake Erie? IMO, it is a moot point because I believe the next stadium will have a fixed or retractable roof. The Artvoice hipsters don't like parking ramps/lots downtown. They believe everyone should bike, walk or take public transportation downtown when commuting to work. Therefore, you are correct, tailgating would die or be drastically reduced with a downtown stadium.
  12. No way is a section of the 190 getting torn down, and rebuilt underground. There probably isn't enough room to build it on the surface lots near the FNC, so as someone else mentioned, you would have to go to the other side of the casino, and build on the site of the Perry Projects and other surrounding properties. It isn't like there isn't land available in other parts of the east side to put up new subsidized housing for the displaced residents. My money is still on a new stadium being built adjacent to the existing one in one of the current stadium lots.
  13. You do know that the 2 hour time slot occupied by Hockey Hotline(two hour paid infomercial by the Sabres?) was previously occupied by Colin Cowherd. My point...that two hour window(10AM-12PM) except for "Football Monday" or whatever they call it during the season, hasn't been dedicated to Bills talk in years.
  14. Calculator or abacus?
  15. ...or it could be a case of a 24 year old with a BIG bank account who doesn't want to grow up(drag racing, can't get his fat ass out of bed for practice, showing up for training camp out of shape, arrested for drugs, etc...). Football does not seem to be the primary focus of this guy.
  16. This thread should be closed at this point. What an idiotic post.
  17. Does it really matter where hockey ranks nationwide? It may not be number 1 in WNY(I bet it's closer than you think among WNY residents), but IMO, it is number 2 in WNY by a large margin over baseball, basketball, soccer, nascar, etc...(combined) Bottom line(not necessarily directed at you)...The knuckleheads at WGR550 can only talk about the Bills for so many hours out of the day, especially when they never discuss them in depth. Don't forget they are also the flagship station of the Sabres.
  18. Some pics as I was in the area(disclaimer...taken from my car with iPhone)
  19. IMO, if/when they ever start the cleanup of the Bethlehem Steel property they would end up finding it worse than expected. The plot of land on the outer harbor where Shooters used to be is also rumored to be a nasty cleanup, and that didn't have a steel plant built on top of it.
  20. Little strange that the portions of the new scoreboard on top of the old administration building appear to be blocked by the club suites depending on where you are sitting. Strange that they didn't elevate it more. Maybe the camera angles are just misleading.
  21. What is the physical difference between a new dome stadium and a multi-use domed stadium? One in the same, unless you are talking about a stadium/convention center, which as I stated previously is not going to work unless placed downtown, and even then, I don't know how much convention business Buffalo can attract?
  22. I agree that some enhancements had to be done in the interim, it is just unfortunate that it took so long to make improvements that the majority of fans can enjoy, instead of pouring millions over the years into club seating/suites(which have been undersold), and other amenities not seen by the majority of fans.
  23. Why do I think that a convention center won't be part of it, or why mega events won't be begging to come to Buffalo if a new indoor stadium is built? Convention Center would only be part of it, if new stadium is downtown, and on top of that the added cost combined with the lack of current events for the existing convention center makes it probably a no go. Mega events? How many BCS Bowl games are currently played in the Northeast/MidWest? You think they are going to turn their cheek on New Orleans, Miami, Phoenix, Pasadena, etc...? As far as basketball goes, Buffalo can't even get the regional finals of March Madness despite having a proven track record hosting the first and second round of games four or five times now. Final Four? Pipedream. Same reason there will never be a SB here. Not enough hotels. What does that leave? Just being realistic, but I guess that makes me a curmudgeon? :huh: As I just stated, despite having a proven track record in March Madness over the last 10 years, they can't sniff the Sweet 16, but the Final Four is not that far fetched?
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