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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. Now they know how Sabres fans feel, when the Leafs come into town, and some nights it feels like a 50/50 split.
  2. The only message the WGR management will get is... you don't listen>>>advertisers take their dollars elsewhere>>>heads roll
  3. Livin' on a Prayer has been played at sporting events for years now. I seriously doubt that the person in charge of what goes out over the PA system at a visiting teams, is doing it because of JBJ interest in the Bills.
  4. Yep. I forgot, and give him credit for that play.
  5. Don't get me wrong, I am tired of the Pats dominating the AFC East since Brady took over the reigns, but 3 out of 4 of their October games are at home, and none of the 4 are against legit SB contenders... Bengals - Home Bills - Road Jets - Home Bears - Home
  6. You know why he had 13 tackles? Because the guy he was covering, caught the ball over and over again! The one play he had a chance to make, the ball hit him in the hands and he dropped it.
  7. LOL. Writing off the Pats after one week?
  8. Good Bills WIN! Woods Carpenter Graham Bad McKelvin Backup LB'ers Defense against the screen passes Ugly Referees
  9. I am worried about the offense(specifically EJ and the pass protection of the OL), but equally anxious about the defense going up against some pro bowl quality weapons on Chicago's offense...Cutler, Forte, Marshall & Jeffrey.
  10. Good to have Vic back, but kind of sucks for Mark Gaughan.
  11. For anyone hoping any of the WGR hosts/reports get fired, forget about. Those guys have jobs for life even if they mail it in(like some currently do). All they basically have to do, is show up, and talk into a mic. In recent years, the only host who was let go, was Brad Riter, and it is was rumored that he got canned because he couldn't figure out how to show up for his shift on time.
  12. In regards to the music "blaring", the Bills must be taking their cue from the Sabres where any stoppage in play and/or during the intermissions the music is ear splitting.
  13. $7 for a slice of pizza? LOL. I'm glad I always eat before I go in the stadium. Between the lines, the price, and the quality, it is a joke. As for the continued gridlock under the upper deck, this is why once I get in my seat thru the time when the game is over, the only place I'm going is to the top of the upper deck to use the bathrooms there.
  14. I'm curious about Golisano. If his role in buying the Sabres was just to stabilize the franchise and then sell to an owner committed to keeping the team in Buffalo, then why would he be bidding on the Bills, if he knows Pegula is in the picture? This is assuming Golisano's interest in the Bills is the same as it was with the Sabres(stabilize and eventually sell to an owner committed to keeping the team, when said owner steps forward).
  15. PTR...I can't see that many(50+) substantial events, not counting high school football or like events where there are 2000 people in the stadium. Maybe 25-30, but IMO even that would be a reach.
  16. I agree. Blow that thing up, move the track and field facilities somewhere else on campus, and then build a 30,000 seat stadium, with one end being open, and have the stands right on top of the field. I don't know what I dislike more about the current stadium, the track surrounding the field, or those embarrassing endzone bleachers which were thrown in to meet some minimum capacity MAC mandate, and then the only time they were ever filled was when Tony Hawk did an exhibition at one end of the stadium several years ago.
  17. So do you believe the new owner is going to end up footing the majority(or all) of the costs if a new stadium is built. I just can't see it for a stadium that will be a white elephant except for 10-12 times a year.
  18. Since when are the potential ownership groups submitting stadium proposals as part of their bid to buy the team?
  19. I didn't say I want Brandon interfering. But isn't he ultimately responsible for the record of the team if he is the one who hires the GM? I am not sure what this has to do with my statement that the Bills are profitable no matter who is in charge. That being said, so Brandon is responsible for generating higher revenues than 10 other teams? JOB FOR LIFE. What more can I ask for as a life long Bills fan than this.
  20. Did they lose money? I'm guessing they profit somewhere in the tens of millions each year.
  21. A cardboard cutout of Brandon could make the Bills money. They are profitable even if he sat in his office all day playing video games. If his main job is to make the team MORE profitable instead of a primary goal of winning a SB, then he is not the guy who should be in charge.
  22. My mistake. I misread your post. I thought it said "owner" not "ownerS". I still stand by my statement, you don't get to remain on as the "top guy" running a NFL franchise just because you helped keep the team in its current city.
  23. It could work. IF the owners were willing to subsidize a minor league during the spring, it could "work". It is never going to be a profitable venture, so IMO, this would be the only way to make a go of it. Of course for many of the owners, cutting into their current profits for something that may not help their bottom line, the answer would be NO WAY.
  24. This is ridiculous. I don't know how much truth there is to your statement, but even if it is true, the end result is you get to continue running an NFL franchise for as long as you want? Furthermore, if RW needed to be "convinced" to terms of a lease that would help the team stay in Buffalo, what does that say about his legacy as the only owner of the team and willingness to ensure that the team stays in Buffalo after he dies?
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