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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. So if they let Glenn walk, they end up with Kujo who was so bad last year he wasn't even dressed for most games, and Henderson who was only in at RT because the other options were worse. They better be real careful(and have a really good plan in place) before deciding to go on the cheap in terms of the OT position.
  2. 3 putts... 1 putt...YOU WIN! 2 putts...Playoff tomorrow! 3 putts...WTF just happened!
  3. I only want to live long enough to see one thing Bills or Sabres related.
  4. ...unless of course it is a rout one way or the other in which case you will be leaving early with thousands of others.
  5. Go figure...a guy and his band whose music sucks so bad that "everyone hates it", somehow is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. If Bon Jovi had generated all the albums they have to date, but without any big-time commercial success, the music snobs would probably be touting them as the greatest group most of the world has never heard of.
  6. There was a plan a decade or so ago that a tie in would be built between rte 5 around tifft and the 190 that would then eliminate the need for the skyway. I haven't heard anything about it in years. Until then, the skyway is going nowhere.
  7. I am pretty sure I read somewhere that Pegula is not the franchisee for the HarborCenter Marriott.
  8. my 2 cents...you buy the tickets, you have the right to do with them as you please.
  9. Screw Atlanta. They won a WS in the 90's. For the record, I am hoping the Cavs lose(I don't really follow the NBA at all). Cleveland MUST not win a championship before Buffalo.
  10. I was hoping that the stadium ended up on either of the other proposed sites. There is all kinds of synergy going on by FNC and Canalside, and I don't think putting the stadium on the other side of the 190 builds on that... http://www.buffalonews.com/city-region/state-study-focuses-on-three-buffalo-sites-for-bills-stadium-as-well-as-the-ralph-20150118 ...and for the record(not aimed at you Kirby), I also prefer DiTondo's to Chefs. Chef's to me is overpriced, small portions, and the place you go with out of town guests and business acquaintences. Similar to another touristy overrated place...Anchor Bar.
  11. I live here in WNY, and maybe having a memory lapse, but I don't remember this at all. Please explain?
  12. How does the chip in the ball know when a players knee or other body part is down? The spotting of the ball will always be an inexact science. This is what coaches challenges are for.
  13. I don't care how long current practices have been going on for, if the NFL wanted to put a stop to this nonsense, all footballs would only be handled by LEAGUE personnel(not team personnel) on game days. None of this, these are your footballs, inflate/deflate them as you please, scuff them up, etc...
  14. If you want to see coverage of an exotic venue, you tune into the Travel Channel. Just get rid of the game, the star players don't want it(and even the ones who do show up, don't try) & the fans don't care about it. You can still have an all-pro team that players can have bonuses tied to...after all, isn't that what the all-star games are all about?
  15. All this talk of the Bills having the best skilled position players in the NFL. Isn't QB part of said skilled position players? If so, you can add all the WR's, RB's & TE's you want, but until you have an above average QB, there is no way I'd say the Bills have the best "skilled" players in the NFL.
  16. I am not sure what I said in my post that deserves this exaggerated response? Are the numbers I proposed for Clay outrageous? Did I say he has to have 100 catches 1200 yards and 15 TD's?
  17. You don't pay a guy 7-8 mil a year cap hit to be a decoy. His numbers absolutely will prove his worth. Anything less than 60 catches a year, 650 yards and 6 TD's will be a disappointment. I don't think these are ridiculous expectations. If they are lower, then DW and RR are not on the same page.
  18. A lot of people banking on CK considering he was so bad he wasn't even dressed for many games last season/
  19. It definitely is a concern when CK is the alternative at swing tackle.
  20. ...and they let their swing tackle(Hairston) walk. They went into training camp last season with the "big" OL acquisitions of a broken down average at best FA signing, and 3 draft picks. Hopefully they learned from this lesson, and history doesn't repeat itself. I remember it being written at the beginning of the season that this was the best OL depth we have had in years...how did that work out?
  21. So Clay knows Miami has no need for him and the Bills want him desperately. Is it any wonder why he hasn't signed an offer sheet yet? My guess...he is bending the Bills over. If an offer sheet is ever signed, expect it to be mind blowing in terms of TE contracts.
  22. You can still tailgate at Hammer's...and then get in your car and drive downtown to the stadium. If I was a betting man, I'd say the chances of the new stadium being built in OP are less than 5%. Once the new stadium is opened, blow up the old stadium, fill the hole in, and turn it into another pricey OP subdivision.
  23. Even if Kujo provides OT depth, the guard situation still needs to be addressed in a big way. Williams is injury prone and average to below average.
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