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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. Maybe the OP dreamt it? 😂😂
  2. You’re on a roll now. 😂😂😂
  3. Because no one cares? 😂
  4. Weren’t the end zone seats in the lower level supposed to be steep and close to the field? Is this still a part of the design?
  5. Just get rid of the kickoffs, unless you want to onside kick near the end of the game. This new rule only made kickoffs more useless.
  6. You’re right…I’d much rather see threads like, “what’s on your menu for the game”, or the weekly, “the nfl is rigged” nonsense instead.
  7. Why do major contract signings all have to be merged together? 👎🏻
  8. Yes!!!! The time of year when there is a run on tinfoil at all the stores. 😂
  9. I’m glad sales are dismal. Pegula has plenty of money to fund his share of the stadium. There was no need for outrageously priced PSL’s…on top of ticket prices that are doubling and then some.
  10. You positive? I know he was a player personnel FO guy, but did not know he was an NFL GM at any point.
  11. Pat Kirwin & Jim Miller are former GM’s?
  12. There are 100 people signed up. I’m guessing it is maxed out?
  13. …and no trades for the guys who were supposedly great depth, but no room on the 53 man roster.
  14. On a somewhat related note, in the new agreement, is the County responsible for any stadium maintenance/renovations/upgrades?
  15. You know that as fact, or just making the assumption because he is the GM?
  16. You don’t think Mcd has a very large say into player personnel and 53 man roster?
  17. I am already doing my part by paying county sales tax every single day. I’ll pass.
  18. I always get him confused with Ernest Jones III.
  19. I’m suprised they fit through the emergency opening in elevator car ceiling. 😂
  20. Fair enough.
  21. Not necessarily athlete/celebrity related, buy I do sometimes stay away from products based on their obnoxious ad campaigns. i.e. Progressive ads with Flo & Co. 😂😂😂
  22. Maybe at least wait for the regular season. Not sure how you can form an opinion based on how little teams use their starters in the preseason.
  23. Thanks as always for setting up the leagues!!
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