I don’t understand how the Bills offense is maximizing its potential when Cooper is 4th among wr’s in terms of snap counts.
Put your best players on the field!!!
A lot of national media talked today about all the Lions injuries, but then not a word about the Bills injuries, who in the same game missed their two starting safeties, a starting cornerback, and then lost another safety during the game.
Unless the party deck is sloped at a severe angle(insurance liability nightmare), or you are right against the railing, there will be no decent view of the field…IMO.
Standing room only at the Aud was great for Sabres hockey. This nonsense isn’t SRO. It is a “party deck” where you will pay a LOT to get in, stand, watch the game on a TV or big screen, and buy overpriced food and beer for 4 hours.
I’ll pass.
Take all your furniture except the TV out of your living room, jam as many people in there as possible, and charge $25 for a beer. That is what it will be like.
I continue to wonder once the stadium opens that ticket prices will be jacked up year after year. After all, who is going to walk away after paying thousands in PSL costs.