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  1. You are flying from a small market to a mid-size market on two days notice. What did you expect price wise? $79 each way?
  2. I think I’m a wee bit old for that.
  3. In conjunction with the NBC Today Show, WGRZ is hosting a pre-game pep rally on the steps of City Hall at 6AM on Friday. 6AM? Yeah, I’ll pass. 😂 https://www.buffalobills.com/news/how-bills-fans-can-attend-friday-s-today-show-rally-at-buffalo-city-hall
  4. I am always puzzled that the team that loses the minority coach gets extra picks, but the team that hires said minority gets squat. IMO It should be the opposite.
  5. I have a good friend whose son attended OSU a few years back. It is annoying how big of a fan he became. It was non-stop OSU talk…and somehow he expected me to also become a fan. No thanks. The more it happens, the more I want them to lose!😂
  6. Am I Iooking at this correctly. $700+ face value for a lower bowl sideline seat(not a resale seat)? If so, I wouldnt be buying either
  7. Was just in Wegmans. Huge run on tinfoil this week. Not a single roll to be found. Even tinfoil trays have been a hot commodity.
  8. Yeah, good point. They suck.
  9. Two things… 1 - How much of a WR being wide open is scheme, and or blown coverages? 2 - Very often you see passes completed with a defender very close by…and if the ball wasn’t thrown that way, you would say “he wasn’t open, no separation”.
  10. Between the portal and NIL, college football has become a joke.
  11. Just curious where you can see coaches salaries?
  12. Hopefully McD sees this thread. I’m sure it hasn’t crossed their minds.
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