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Everything posted by enlightener

  1. what a joke we should be 14 above san diego, we are getting screwed due to our qb, but the other teams above us have no names either at wr or rb. F that.
  2. wow moulds and reed were better, arguably, Evans was still in his prime that year but lost targets due to TO even though Evans was better a year or so before statistically. Also, he played awfully when here, not trying for balls that landed near his ankles or a foot away from him, some turning into picks that dbs took the other way, he would basically give up on the ball when it wasnt perfect. something reed used to do to todd collins but thats beside the point. He was a baby and caught the balls fitz put right into his basket, thats it. Why whould you be on his bandwagon this hard? Are you related? as for the self beating i was referring to this...http://deadspin.com/5921555/an-interview-with-the-woman-selling-photos-of-a-supposedly-masturbating-terrell-owens Also his "self" ruining of his own persona on his own tv show is pretty "self" beating. Good luck defending him now. He did really well after the bills dumped him (this greatest receiver we ever had)
  3. well...if you read, its clear. picking up a big name has been self-beater, like TO would be similar to picking up a big name has been wife-beater like rice. Or did you not read the post?
  4. kap always came across as a mental midget to me, even when winning, he bore this out in his last few losses, especially the last one to san diego which had playoff implications for us, a true moron, like edwards.
  5. i dont really get what your responding to here, but I am ok with an nfl team with a couple jerks, skilled or not, id still like to have had marshawn all these years. But when the jerk to hard worker ratio gets too high, I am less and less of a fan. I root for guys like FJ, Wood, Woods, and williams, and am glad to have em on the team even if they are 2nd tier players, I would hate to have a team full of T.O./Ray rice/incognito type players, just to have their talent. Id rather hope and wish for good chemistry and no distractions to help push us over the edge and win as a solid group of good men. Not add one loser, ie TO or Ray Rice, to try and gain an edge. The nfl is about 2/3rds primadonnas btw, i root for the 1/3rd, and i like hockey now over basketball, which has an almost 9/10 real man to primaddona ratio. Go my son, You have been enlightened.
  6. oh gosh really? i had no idea of the record. Thanks for that fact. And that was not the point. I enjoy any games we win and even some we lose, I dont need playoffs nor superbowls to be a fan, but i do need a group of guys i like, which is why i dont watch a game of nba anymore since they are mostly primadonnas. But again, very insightful, I thought we were a top tier team until you mentioned we were terrible.
  7. they better keep fred this year as a transition to what looks like a team full of thugs that rex is assembling, If he were to get rice, i would stop being a bills fan for a year at least, i already didnt want harvin, (thug) we got incognito (jerk), he wanted some other dbag, and we drafted williams. This and adding rice would be the last straw. And considering he wanted to cut fred on top of all this, My friendly neighborhood buffalo bills would instantly have become the evil "Venom" version of themselves. Freds and Kyle are the only real core remnants of the team I watched for the last 10 years.
  8. lol i remember arguing for 2 years how he wasnt really a number 1, now when you look at our roster, whos he better than? Hogan? Maybe I think Goodwin is about twice as fast and can catch better, injured about the same too. Really he might be a #3 in SD, and I mean might. I just am grateful we actually have a stable of WRs so good we dont know which one to cut, not like before when we had to make Donald Jones, Brad Smith and even CJ into starting receivers. what a joke that unit was.
  9. hey spags, nice to hear from you. If you can believe it, some people here thought I was you or you was me when i posted my ideas on players and it wasnt all rainbows and puppy dogs, ya get me?? I would crack on SJ but I liked Fitz and even TJ graham. And nows youse guys has da both of dem. Maybe you could find a way to sign SJ and have a rebirth of the 2010-12 buffalo offense-but in Green. I know its the best you bums could do seein hows you picked the bigger bum in Geno than we did w EJ. Oh and about rex being nice, thats true, but maybe he was being nice since he knew there was no way to ever win wit dat moron at general manager you had. Maybe now hes ready to be the big balled coach he was back when he was beating the cheaters with Snachez. Oh btw, is that your mug shot as your avatar? if you notice, i got your next qb as mine.
  10. this just in from a reliable source... Reed - "let me tell you how to play hurt and go into a game where you pretend you will make a difference and actually make a play on a ball" Watkins- "i already did that for half a season" Reed - " My work here is done, I must leave you now and teach Woods how to throw a helmet"
  11. ya, which point wasnt true? I know reed was good, but he aged badly, and became more selfish and careless with the ball and in the end it costs the bills several wins. oh, and trolls dont know that much bills history, especially from memory.
  12. I wonder which he will teach first... -how to play injured in a contract year when your not ready -how to fumble multiple times in a game -how to fumble multiple times in a game (playoff version) -how to throw your helmet and get penalized when mad -how to bump a ref and get ejected when mad coaching and playing are too very different things, that said I never liked Reed as I started watching the bills in the SB years all I ever saw was a lot of fumbling, a playoff game he came back too soon vs Pittsburg and helped the Bills to a loss, and also being a huge baby, especially at the end of his career as the team tried to help him reach a few milestones. He wanted to be the go to guy in year 14 even when we had Price Moulds and kevin williams.
  13. i was there no im establishing your excuse of 14 games, he had 3+ seasons as a starter and his idiot pocket presence lead him to miss games, when he did play, he still played like an idiot. Idiots dont become smart, ever. flutie dissected defense, he read a defense well, he just couldnt always see over the line and needed lanes, he used his feet to allow lanes and wrs to open up, he head faked, jump passed and threw as deep as RJ ever did with a little arm like he had. he beat new england, played tough, didnt get hurt, made things happen. he won grey cups and beat RJ head to head with touch passing and using his legs in SD, i was there. your celebrating that he left, left us with alex van pelt as the best qb on the roster the next year, RJ was cut quickly by his next team when they saw the real knob that he was, Flutie retired when he was ready, in the sun in SD, in the NFL, the league that got rid of him, then paid him millions to come back.
  14. rj had quite a bit more than 14 starts in the end, he also got credit for a flutie win btw when he got injured in the first series, went out, then flutie came in and walloped the colts. fluties last game for us was something like a 40pt whacking of the seahawks, where Rjs next season on his own lead us to a 3 win season. Rj was crap when he was in, injured more than goodwin, then cut from a sb winning team the next year, a year where he didnt play. that was his best contribution he made to that team.
  15. whuts so special ubout this guy, hes just u guy, why does someone, a guy- get ull this uttention?, if im a guy and sacked one person, i wouldnt get in the news because of it. Someone tell me whuts so unique ubout this person?
  16. well all your saying is wrong, and showing us all that you dont know much about football. The long passes and big plays flutie made all game were more than adequate to win the game. the arrogant receivers who thought they could just do their thing and fumbling away 3 balls that could have ended with td's would of allowed us to blow out miami. Having rj in was like watching a guy play qb in a wheel chair. He was pathetic. if you bothered watching youd see the defense and running game won that game. Then special teams lost it. In miami, flutie won the game offensively but bad defense, fumbling receivers, and bad pass protection lost the game. It was never fluties fault for being sacked, he was elusive and smart a qb as they come, if he got sacked-no one was open, or someone missed a block. When RJ got sacked it was because the mental midget inside him couldnt figure out which guy to throw to. He only managed a decent drive vs a prevent where everyones open underneath and still looked stupid when his shoe came off. Guy was a joke. Flutie was twice the man RJ was in half the body.
  17. i slept on goodwin again last night, i checked between the cushions and nothing, then in the morning i found him under the pillow, all squished.
  18. well agai you ignore the body of work in a game where doug "went off" offensively. then compare the last plays, while ignoring the real goats of the game, Reed, Moulds. Then you ignore RJs pathetic stats and give him credit for moving the ball 30 yards against a prevent in a game they should have dominated if not for his sacks and lack of play making. So its the ultimate in hypocracy, did you blame Norwood too for sb 25? or did the defense play any part in that? I dare you to post rjs stats in that game vs fluties the year before. side by side. then still blame Flutie and give Johnson a pass
  19. i slept on fred last night, oh wait that was goodwin
  20. never seen you make less sense
  21. " i thought" well you thought wrong, he had a terrible career stat-wise, i think throwing for 98 yards 0 tds and several sacks and a safety in a playoff game shows rjs career in a nutshell. his career fell apart his first full season btw, not the second, the second was the one flutie took over. the third was the one he lead us to a 3 win season. in case you never had a clue youll see his stats are a bit better than they should be due to him taking sacks versus throwing incomplete passes, which actually hurts a team but helps a self-serving pretender like karate kid johnson. It must have been nice to live in ignorance all of these years, almost...blissful.
  22. thanks for explaining how the the bills work. I did think fred was dead, now I know he isnt, who do you think we will draft this season? also Do you think we should resign Spiller? Also, whats that big yellow fiery thing in the sky?
  23. I slept on Goodwin last night...I'm sorry. He must have fell between the cushions in my friends sofa.
  24. Jerry will be negative until the bills can win a playoff game...he's been right for 15 years....but to make himself more interesting he signed Percy harvin and traded his wife for lesean McCoy this off season.
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