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Everything posted by enlightener

  1. we should definitely trade him after that pi call, shady will be way more effective.
  2. 6 pages and 3 threads on kiko, but how many on shady week 1? my thread on kiko shady trade got shot down though, guess you all needed to see it in real time.
  3. oh so now were contemplating that the refs help out high profile QB led teams???? I never said that before...except all last season. Im sick of enlightening everyone a year before theyre ready.
  4. hi who else runs a 4.2 on this team??? ya no one.
  5. i didnt know we played today
  6. all of them are about 500 from last year, any douche could have records like those. I predict 11-5, so thats it then, book it. ps. last season i said theyd go at best 10-6 but probably 9-7...look it up.
  7. no one has ever brought up this topic before on the board. you should start a thread on this.....and the red helmet too.
  8. +1 by the way your name is spelled wrong, you need another x
  9. dont use real stats here, the more logical and explicit you are, the quicker your post will be deleted. And many here will call you a moron etc.... that being said, nice factoid. I didnt realize this.
  10. no lol,,,, but if a qb throws a pic we should bench, him but if a safety decides hes late on a play and wants to make a hit anyway and give the ball back,, thats ok? a turnovers a turnover and he causes quite a few, the wrong way. someone please count up his personal fouls please...im too busy drinking scotch and watching the game.
  11. now he can go hit the guy helmet to helmet or after the play, like in real games where he costs us the ball and 15 yards. f Maaron williams and his deer.
  12. ya nice overstatement, not you but the guy saying its not even close, looks pretty close to me.
  13. fred made the cut to get that 40 yard gain that most running backs wouldnt have, he ran like water moves downhill, when brown runs right into the pile and fumbles, we will never know the cut that fred would have made to make it down just to the 1 yard line because he was a little slow. A little slow was still alot better than running stupidly into a blocker, which is why the moron spiller got let go in march. So now we see the end of the classy fj and welcome the likes of ik, incognito and harvin, sigh. So long Fred, you were a great Bill. Thanks.
  14. um.... Olympics is pretty tough training...maybe harder than nfl training. Or at least equal.
  15. i tried to hold off on this but if you look back (many here have very short memories so use your nfl replay or interwebs before arguing this) aaron (mAaron) williams has a 15 yard unsporstsmanlike or unnecessary roughness penalty in just about every other game. He does it on third downs often which equates to a turn over. This guy is not a rookie and while i used to feel that spiller and mckelvin were the dumbest bills, spiller is thankfully gone and i like mckevin too much to keep holding his KO fumble form 2010 against him....mAARON Williams has to get a clue. enough with the fang mouthpiece and after game comments. DO YOUR JOB mAARON and stop hurting the team.
  16. ummmm Ya?!? Lol at all your assumptions you state as facts...way to write a novel that basically says"I like ej because hes big and nice and has an arm" so did losman. Atrocious o line? Not at pass blocking...he had lots of time to not read the D and sail balls high. Oh and the old. "not enoug games excuse" which was said for Edwards even in his 3rd year. I've seen plenty of games where he sucked....so did Florida state. He's never been good....probably never will be. Tyrods better.
  17. welcome. First year fan? In 2012. He caught plenty. Most tough deep balls.....oh and you mean glass hogwyn?
  18. find a clip in a regular season game where Goodwin drops a ball...there are none. Goodwin is faster too....yes brittle...but better
  19. cue the, "hey, we have more than 1 good guy at a position so lets trade him" thread. lol at how every year we have to trade a good player because we have one guy whos better. Its called depth. go play fantasy football rather than waste internet space with garbage like this.
  20. trade mcoy ... we traded all our other productive running backs.
  21. he got to play with the first team, in 2013 and 2014...he sucked.
  22. screw easely we can get alot of people to play st, hes not steve tasker, id rather keep goodwin than him or glass hoguin
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