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Everything posted by enlightener

  1. wow sound like alot of personal problems, and whinning. Have you heard of adoption, or divorce? give those a try, buy a bottle of scotch, stay up all night with a stripper and enjoy the game.... geesh.
  2. great logic, so seven teams paid him to be a starter over all those wanna be rookies and veterans?? its called being the 20-32 best qb in the league who starts when a team admits they blew it on their draft pick the year before. Trent edwards...geno smith etc. 7 teams means the first team screwed up letting fitz go.
  3. slips prevent acls and other strains, not cause them.
  4. its not up to us, and its obvious rex is causing this team to regress.
  5. i think he always good for 5 - 15 yard runs but not break aways because he leans too much and he takes himself down with the slightest contact after passing the dline. Karlos is the exact opposite which is why he already has some long tds.
  6. ummmm the rest of the team is the same. ????what are yu even saying??? that they play worse or are worse players?? cuz theyre the same players!
  7. probably busy playing video games....and not dragging his toe....or fighting for the ball.
  8. no he saved us and burned us in 2-3 games last year. re watch houston. he completely sucked and cost us that one. also almost cost us detroit by going down like a girl on prom night w his last catch. 53 yard fg because he couldnt get 1 yard of rac. softy sammy is a little girl when hes hurt. so maybe one day he will play like a man...one day.
  9. only a real p *&*^k like you would write this, mainly because you wouldnt understand the difference between meth and scotch, or any other alcohol.....but as usual the pr%&k that is ryan l butthead lives on....
  10. it wasn't ticky tac. It wasn't even close to a foul, at all in anyway...it even took the ref 5 seconds to throw it....what a complete lie the nfl has turned into.
  11. Agree...the refs did there best the drive before when they gave a free pi call to the titans....sooooo sick of cheating idiot refs.
  12. damn mcrib is out again? When will sammy ever play without being injured? when will he ever bring down a 50/50 ball either? Guess its up to Goodwin now, at least he can go deep and bring em in for 6.
  13. T.O. now there was a guy who could toss-off like no one.
  14. very good post, i hardly ever say this.
  15. wow totally wrong on all points. Harvin is a gadget guy who should catch screens etc. Woods is really good, hogan is a wanna be. ANd the rb w speed was spiller, how did he run for us last year? Amazing how off some peoples takes are.
  16. you mean sammy right
  17. yes last time we cut our speed guy all it cost us was 5 picks and missing out on russel wilson trying to get that speed back. -lee evans= +graham (not wilson) +goodwin +sammy plus a first and fourth now that sammys hurt and was hurt all last year w a rib injury, it would be so smart to cut goodwin. maybe we can call sammy mcrib.... or mccalfe
  18. Hmmmm Fred Williams and kiko....and a few million left over to pay Glenn or bradham.
  19. funny my thread i posted before the season saying this exact thing got closed after a few replies...Why suddnely are we allowed to post about aaron williams being a mental case? Oh yes Its that I said it before everyone else noticed. Well now that hes ok I hope he hurries back to make a couple tackles and 2 personal foul penalties for us per game like last week.
  20. Do you understand football? yes or no?
  21. ok im a little buzzed right now but ill let you all in on a little secret. 10 years ago i told my friend, "look, this guy is more than lucky, who else has a rule that no one knows about used for the first time in a playoff game to save their superbowl run, Brady did with the "tuck rule"" was it ever even used once before that game? then his kicker kicks the weirdest ball ive ever seen, defy the laws of physics, just enough to creep in over the cross bar, and the rest is history. Later Im watching him side step pass rushers on instant replay who I KNOW he never saw coming, just enough to deliver passes that got him his next 2 superbowls. But then i told all my friends..."Brady will never win another superbowl, he sold his soul to the devil saying,' I want to be the greatest qb in nfl history', but the devil answered,'sorry, Joe montana already made that deal with me, so i can make you second, but it will seem like youre the best at least in the current time period.' So brady accepted after an addendum saying he got a supermodel wife thrown in. (Who i never thought was pretty anyway, and was officially confirmed that she looks like a "dude" on south park this week.) And finally, as the patriots were on the brink of losing the superbowl this year i made a quick bet with a friend who i had told my theory to. I knew brady could never win a fourth title as it would make him even with Joe. A few seconds later the seahawks were on the 1. I was fully confidant that they would win. then they passed. I was dumbfounded....until i heard about the asterisk. So far, in my opinion, brady has won 3.9 superbowls. He will never win another. OUR TIME HAS COME.
  22. first of all lee evans did something neither of those guys ever did. come down with every single deep ball that hit his hands. He also never complained like a baby like reed did, or fumble nine times one season like reed. but as for sammy, hes supposed to be fast, but rarely catches up to his deep balls, hasnt come down with a single 50/50 ball since joining the nfl, and often drops down faster than a bag of rocks when contact is imminent. that being said he got 3 balls thrown at him sunday, thats not his fault, and its why you need a strong number 2 and 3, like oh by the way we have in woods and harvin, doesnt hurt to have clay either, and when defenses realize they cant cheat..... i expect watkins to dominate...Moulds style.
  23. seriously, we get 2-3 calls that give the ball back to them on 3rd downs=3 scores we get 1-2 calls against us on scoring drives = not scoring 2 scores. all this and we lose by only 6 means we could have killed them if the refs had not screwed us. That and and aaron williams 15 yarder because hes a moron means we can never really beat the patriots.
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