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Posts posted by enlightener

  1. Sooooo? Is your point that we shouldn't draft Watkins because we have a WR with similar measurables? Is your point that Woods is #1 WR material because of his measurables, so no need to draft one early? Not flaming you...I just don't understand the thread.

    his point is the numbers are close, also woods is already a Bill and Watkins might be. also their is a draft coming up and its interesting to know things. what don't you understand?


    It seems people have an issue personally with players like Stevie , Chad Johnson, Randy Moss, Terrell Owens, Ray Lewis, Darrell Revis, Phillip Rivers. These players are cocky and they are vocal about it. Everyone loves to throw it in their face when there's failure but never give them praise when they succeed. It's human nature.

    wow....comparing SJ to hall of fame and future hall of fame players. I thought you finally realized Steve isn't even a number 1...why would you make this type of comparison then???? Steve can talk and brag and act cocky again when he has a 1200 yard season and plays more then %75 of it without getting injured....or benched...something hes never done yet.
  3. If we lose Byrd and over pay for Vick I might just be done with this team.


    By over pay I mean anything over $1.25

    well I thought u said byrd wanted to be here and the team just wouldn't pay him....so why quit on the bills when byrd is the real dyck? like we all knew he was....except you. vick might at least want to play here.

  4. It is more then getting two good players for one great one. It is creating a hole in the roster that we do not need to make. We have the room to resign Byrd and once he is resigned we then call up Aaron Williams, among others. We take our top talent and commit to it now.


    Whew, A.D.D. Anyway, getting rid of Byrd to get draft picks and replacing positions with good players to develop to great sounds like a great idea and is a great idea but it doesn't need to happen. We have the draft picks, we have the cap room and we have the potential in FA to fill needs up to not needlessly waste picks. If we sign a solid 2 down ILB, a range extending TE or maybe a large bodied WR to compliment what we have, and a depth player or two at OL we would be prime to take whatever we wanted at 9 or any trade down pick.


    Imagine, going in to the draft and no one calls at 9 and the #1 OLB is there. It'd be hard not to take him and we really shouldn't. But, we could. Or the top FS. We could pick up an impact player out of sheer happenstance. That is why draft an OT in the first would not make me flinch at all. (The only reason I do not want to draft OL is because our Front Office has been lackluster in the past at finding/grading OL).


    Needless to say, I would prefer another option to your dream. It's not that it is incorrect but it is a lot of dominoes falling just right and finding someone who'd dance for Byrd.

    problem is Byrd doesn't really want to be here. That and you will lose Williams if you sign Byrd... The Byrd part was secondary to trading back which was the real point of my thread.
  5. last years draft was awesome especially watching the board comments as we started out trading back, then getting woods etc... with the possibility growing that mack or Watkins falls to 9 this scenario has been growing in my mind....


    If Watkins drops to 9 and the bills were able to trade back to somewhere between 10-15 and pick up another second/third depending. They could still get either mosley,evans,robinson or ebron along with taking advantage of the depth in the draft this year and get that OG in round 2...as good as Watkins would look in a bills uni, I think 2 quality players are better than one great one. (unless its a Qb) think how we got EJ and Kiko doing this last year. Imagine this and a byrd trade for even another 2nd,that would be epic!


    I really hope something like is happens, whats your dream scenario?

  6. first off I am not calling the entire board amazing just a specific few. I also haven't had any praises for Stevie Johnson. Just listed his stats over the last 4 years. This one year he was injured had an undrafted rookie free agent, practice squad player with one start, and EJ. That, and it seemed that all three were in rotation!

    I'm tired of you not even understanding my point. If you think it's fair to judge SJ on just this year, than you're right. He doesn't deserve that middle of the road WR contract he got. If you prefer to take his career into the situation, personally, I keep the guy getting me 1000 yards a year. That's called production. I believe SJ will return to form next year. it's not like we're trying to make a case for no production Lee Evans.

    If you respond to this, you will have the last word.

    so you use the word "we" but that's not the entire board? and don't you then list his stats then his 7th draft round spot which implies overachievement???? then you list his qbs but that's not an excuse? oh and did his drops and penalties happen this year?? did his injuries just happen this year or last year too and part of 2011? did you notice how hes still skinny and admitted he has no real off season workout routine??? SJ is a lazy joke and a bonifiable #2 if that...admit it.




    nice post and stats but this year is deep in oline players....so i say get a skill player at 9 then og in round 2 or trade back and get 2.

  7. I blame our improved defense having "close" to last years number on our offense. We had game after game where we would get an INT then go 3 and out thanks to the ridiculous running game we had where CJ would run outside for -3 yards then run up the middle for +1, then EJ would misfire or throw short of the sticks. Our lame running game and spillers lack of intelligence made our defense work twice as hard as it should have, giving up a lot more yards due to being on the field too long.

  8. jaxbills "301 catches and 3,832 yards after being drafted in the seventh round, all we remember is a drop, and a fumble.



    yes all we remember are the big plays that he cant seem to make....all you can do is quote stats amassed in 4 years as the unquestioned starter on a team that had to pass quite a bit since we are usually losing and forced to pass in the second half....A guy that gets targeted that much should have had 400 catches and 4000 yards by now. Maybe because he cant go deep, stay healthy, avoid penalties or even hold on to the football now..that and the drops make me remember those things about Steve Johnson...can we draft a real #1 now pleeeeease!!


    P.S. Him being a 7th rounder doesn't mean he's accomplished more...it means he kinda sucked in college as he is showing he kinda sucks now

  9. Was injured as well and deserves the same mulligan. Don't understand why spiller gets so much flack on here. He was lights out the prior season when healthy and broke a long one this year running hobbled.

    spiller pretty much showed hes one of the dumbest bills there are....cant ever learn how to let blocks develop, cant stay in bounds and run clock, cant figure out how not lose 4 yards running sideways about every third play....also cant catch very well...or block very well...or not fumble in the opening 3-4 games...or stay healthy.... bust is a nice way of putting it.
  10. Many of Chandler's & Robert Woods' catches have been in the intermediate range in the middle of the field. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't been watching the Bills or just doesn't know football...Maybe both.

    they are almost all to the flat/sidline. watch the replay and stop kidding yourself , watch pittsburg again and youll see every pass is an out or short hitch. today he had a couple 9 yard type hitches- WOW!. where are the crossing routes? slants even? hes afraid of the middle, like trent or any other qb who cant read a defense. Just saying,, watch and youll see this yourself, not that im rooting against ej but its true.

  11. spiller must be the dumbest guy on the team....im so sick of watching him gain one yard a carry, then lose 4 yards, then act all upset as he watches the replay on the jumbotron. im starting to hate his guts. How hard is it to run through a hole?? he cant break a tackle if his life depended on it either. Screw spiller.


    I was talking about myself... :nana:


    http://forums.twobil... +jackson +back

    That was during he season. I posted a few threads this past off season, training camp, etc when everyone kept talking about CJ looking great in practice and Fred looking slow that FJ was going to be the better back. I got lamb basted and called a maroon.

    you were right, and how dare they call you a maroon, I would say a light purple at most!!
  12. Haven't had a Byrd thread in a while. Three Picks and a sack in the last two games. The Bills are a far better team with this guy on the field. Hope the Bills and his agent work things out.

    apologize for doing your job after not doing your job for half a season? why apologize again? ill apologize if he gives back his first 5 game checks. How many ints or tackles did he have in those games. What a joke the OP is.

  13. EJ still threw the "out" all day long until he hit tj and the Goodwin on some long ones, those 2 were nice but that's exactly what Edwards used to do, throw short all day and then sneak a go route in for a TD here or there. WHERE are the intermediate routes? he threw none today, he looks like crap to me actually. why should I feel better about him exactly? tuel hit Goodwin for the same exact td the other week.

  14. If you think Flutie would have beaten the Titans you are sorely mistaken. It it makes you comfortable to believe that in an effort to make you feel better then go ahead.


    The funny part about this is that so many people want to just hate Johnson for the sake of it. We were actually ahead and then the refs AND the Bills special teams botched the last play badly. If that didn't happen,this thread wouldn't be happening either.


    The last five weeks of that season, excluding the almost meaningless game 16, we barely scraped by against some really crappy teams.


    Lost to the 8-8 Jets

    Beat the 8-8 Pats in a low scoring game at home

    Lost at home to the 7-9 Giants

    Barely hung on against the 6-10 Cardinals

    Lost twice to the 8-8 Pats unless Vinatieri misses chip shots which he did.


    And now we will go on the road and beat the Titans??????? Ok.


    Flutie was taken out for the last game to rest his ridiculous arm. Johnson played well against the Colts and in all probability Ralph meddled because he saw some good passes from RJ that day....something he had not seen from Flutie for two months. Does that make it right? No. But it also doesn't mean Flutie would have beaten the Titans.

    every game is different, flutie set records the year before in his playoff loss. How could he not of won when RJ cost us 12 points, did nothing offensively(98 total yards passing), and wow, had one 40 yard drive to kick a FG? The running game got the other points along with a great D. you obviously don't understand the overall picture. RJ held us back, had fluite even played average we would have killed the titans that game. even in those games you mention, fluite didn't have 98 yards passing and no points in any of them.

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