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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Yeah, he's way into the details, but was playing for a tie in a game last year that, had we tied, would have eliminated us from the playoffs. That detail got overlooked I guess. He operates the way he does b/c that is what football coaches do and how they talk. He just follows the rules. He is not smart enough to know what he can say or not say without disadvantaging the team, so he says nothing. I'm not sure why people continue to listen to his PCs and interviews. He'll never tell you anything other than a canned response. Huge difference between truly disadvantaging the team and what these guys think might do so, or might give another team an advantage. It is all just part of the culture of the NFL and NFL coaching. They are all cookie cutter people, except for the 1 or 2 really good ones.
  2. I wonder if at some point, later that day, his wife asked him how his day went. "Well, I went over to the bridge and was getting ready to jump, but 2 beer delivery guys talked to me for a while, offered me a free 12 pack, and so I decided not to jump. How was your day?"
  3. My memory of fun and games is that it had a giant curvy slide that was very wide, with many "channels" so many kids could go down, in theory, side by side at the same time. I think you went down in like sleeping bag type things. It was high as I recall, or at least it impressed me as being high as a little kid. Am I inventing this memory or did that slide exist? Definitely remember the sign in this photo.
  4. Soda Popinski, where are you?! Did you see the new episode last night!? By far the best one to date with lots happening and finally some interesting plot twists. I won't say more until you and others have had a chance to see the new episode. Only 1 left to go.
  5. That is what these internet forums seem to be about. They tend to attract anti-social people (IMO) who are looking to argue, and enjoy it. That's why any thread about anything will eventually deteriorate into that dynamic. The football talk is just a catalyst for the arguing. It's not about the football, it's about the arguing!
  6. Not only tremendous closing speed, but he seems to be wearing bulky body armor too! Or is that just a lot of doughnut intake? I can't really tell.
  7. No, we got our Kelly replacement when EJ led the team to a comeback against Carolina. 5 years ago. At least that's what the 2BD brain trust told me at the time.
  8. If Allen continues to impress and actually starts the regular season...and then does well enough for most to believe we have a franchise QB, tickets will sell well.
  9. Here is one of my favorite Ginger moments, around the 3 minute mark. Just awesome. From the Royal Albert Hall concert in 1968.
  10. Yeah but don't you think he wants somebody to love? He probably needs somebody to love. Wouldn't you love somebody to love? And now that I think about it, you better find somebody to love.
  11. One hell of a good drummer. But kind of a POS human being.
  12. That's a good start but it is not nearly enough! I want blood!
  13. If AJ's injury is vague enough that they need a "second opinion," it can't be something as clear cut as a fracture which would show up on x-rays or other imaging tests. So then how does Vic Carucci report that he has a hairline fracture of his collar bone?!?! Must be getting bad info. from a source.
  14. Suggesting that there is some type of "crime" here is absurd. For thousands of years humans were having babies when they were biologically ready to do so, like age 13 to 16, and until quite recently. So here we have a 17 and 22 year old....no big deal. America, the land of Puritans. Remember, showing a woman's breasts on TV is forbidden, but showing someone get their head blown off with a shotgun is perfectly OK. Arizona. Rednecks. Republicans. Trump voters. Say no more.
  15. A bit too gummy for my personal taste, but nonetheless, a strong "YES".
  16. Were we expecting our defenders to point out his flaws and suggest that he doesn't seem to have what it takes to be successful in the NFL? Is there any chance whatsoever that they would say anything negative at all? What are those odds exactly?
  17. Most folks 'round here are kool-aid drinking homers, who view this forum as a booster club and opportunity to say "go Bills" and nothing more. They ain't gonna take too kindly to this type of observation, regardless of whatever merit it may have!
  18. Does this mean we'll eventually get to 4 straight Superbowls and lose all of them again!?
  19. Sounds like he is a very common case of someone who struggles with depression/anxiety issues and he has been self-medicating with pot and/or alcohol. That is very treatable with proper counseling, attention, and maybe a good SSRI. If he is fundamentally a good kid, he should get it together with the right help and if he has the right commitment.
  20. I can't think of a topic of conversation that has received more attention over the entire off-season than our offensive line. It's been up there all along with the QB situation and our WR corps. WTF?
  21. I think this what they mean by the term "rough seas."
  22. I'd love to see it reduced to 2 games, and for the NFL regular season to start a few weeks earlier than it does. It goes too freaking late now, deep into December and January. That's nuts.
  23. The answer is obvious. He's available, has plenty of experience, and has ties to WNY: Kyle Orton
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