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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. That's rather speculative on your part. We don't know that at all. However, Richie + firearms + mental instability = "tragedy". How long before he shoots 1 or more people, then himself? What concerns me is that there is a confrontational, violent nature to his brand of craziness.
  2. I enjoyed the scene leading up to the shooting of Nacho. They do that a lot. No dialogue for an extended period and you are just following along, piecing together what's happening. The torso shot to Nacho was tough to take! And then they tell him to make the call before he passes out. Easily could have died out there in the desert and no one really cared. It does suck to be Nacho. Should have gone into the family business.
  3. I thought it was pretty good to be honest. Yes, I don't think the mom or her husband have anything to do with the murder of the 2 girls in town. They don't have the stomach for that. I'm liking your theory about Ashley being the murderer more and more all the time. Or at least somehow related. I also have the little sister, Amma near the top of the suspect list! I'm curious about the blood found under the bed at Ashley and John Keene's house. It's supposed to be linking John to the murders, but we pretty much know he is not the murderer. So how did it get there? Maybe it's not his or the murder victim's blood after all, maybe it was planted, maybe it is there via some innocent explanation. The good news we only have 1 to go and I assume they will finally reveal who did it. Although it occurred to me the other day that they don't necessarily have to! Just end the show without ever finding a murderer...the show has been so frustrating I wouldn't put that past them!
  4. Domestic violence and illegal drug use? From an NFL player? Wow.
  5. Not sure there is enough there to say Baker suffers from "mental illness". The situation with his father definitely screwed him up in some sense, but that was a part of his development and I don't think it reaches an illness threshold. I don't find him to be a sympathetic character in the slightest. I have really enjoyed his drumming however. If Zeppelin had ever toured after the London 02 gig, and if for some reason they didn't use Jason Bonham, I always thought Ginger would have been a great stand in, as old as he is. Totally different style to Bonzo but he is one of the few guys around who has the raw talent to stand in for a guy like Bonzo in a bad like Led Zeppelin. As it is, Robert Plant was a party pooper, the tour never happened, it ain't ever gonna happen, and that's that.
  6. There are a few theories floating around regarding the letter. Kim faked it. No, Chuck wrote it, but it was from an earlier time when Jimmy still worked in the mail room. The letter is hand written. How would Kim fake Chuck's handwriting? Jimmy would recognize it either way. I think the letter is genuine. I predicted it would be kind and not attacking several pages ago in this thread! Here is what confused me in this episode: During the architectural model scene and then at the end of the episode, we see Kim sort of freaking out. I'm not sure why she did so in either instance. I think she saw the expansion plans for Mesa Verde and realized she had just gone through a lot of work for a small expansion...now this guy is trying to take over the world. I think it seems overwhelming to Kim at the time and she has been through a lot lately. But then we see the letter reading scene and Kim totally loses it, despite her normal tough, hard, professional demeanor. I think she is again focusing on the total lack of empathy or emotion that Jimmy showed while reading, and she realizes her life is about to take a big turn to the big time. I think she realizes Jimmy is a small time hustler and she knows their paths are going to have to diverge. Hence the emotion and tears. I'd be curious to hear other people's theories on why she spaced out during the model scene, or why the emotion at the end. I think she is going to dump Jimmy and she knows it, and that is how she will fade out of the story. That dumping may be the final straw that makes Jimmy become Saul the total scumbag.
  7. As the OP notes, the sample size is so small as to be statistically meaningless. But it's still nice to see that Allen's accuracy has been refreshingly good.
  8. Which D are you talking about? The one that got run over in the first quarter against Cleveland, or something else?
  9. I love the spirt of the whole thing and he definitely has the gum chewing down perfectly. Needs work in terms of emanating Dorsey's accent.
  10. Exactly. Early in that interview, Schopp said "Well the Bills have been mediocre for a lot of years". Which of course, is true. I suspect the OP got pissed off right there and decided the entire segment was rubbish.
  11. To the OP: The best way to hit Schopp where it hurts is to create a multi-page thread about him with a link to his broadcasting! DC Tom just called. He said you're an idiot. I find that the dumber posters here are, the more they hate S&B. As a general rule. Also, there is no doubt Schopp can be rude to some callers, and a lot of folks here really dislike that. But that is usually simply an expression of Schopp's disdain for callers' utter lack of intelligence or knowledge about what they are talking about. The caliber of most callers to their show is really, really poor. Most are incapable of critical thought or offering an argument in support of their assertions, and frequently reference player/coach names incorrectly. After 18 or however many years of listening to that stuff, I would imagine you get a little frustrated. As I've said many times before, Schopp would be benefited personally by working in a much larger market. For whatever reason, he remains in WNY. He seems to be the homer type, who lives now on the same little Grand Island where he was raised. Lots of WNYers are like that. Heck, lots of people are like that.
  12. Richie's in rough shape. He needs help and he needs to change his life. If he doesn't, we are going to hear he has died one of these days. This isn't a case of boys being boys or Richie being a jerk as other posters have suggested He has pretty clear mental illness of some type and it was obviously being treated/handled quite well for a while there. I suspect it could be as simple as him not taking his medication anymore and now we see the results. He is the type of person who needs to see a therapist weekly, take prescription meds, and work every day to keep things in check. It all begins and ends with him though. The lack of structure and routine in his daily life away from football has not been good to him.
  13. This is the truth. And who is suggesting Kelly was mobile? I would say neither is very mobile, though that is not a part of either player's game so it's no big deal. Brady is almost certainly the best of all time. Kelly wasn't even the best of his era, though he was damned good!
  14. Allen has been brought along a steady, gradual, well defined path that was probably in place a few months ago. It will culminate with him starting in Baltimore. Bank on it!
  15. Just announced by Sal at WGR-550 as well. He got the alert from the team I guess. GOOD. Let's see what he can do with the 1s and against the 1s.
  16. Yes. That documentary is a big part of why I suggest he is a POS human. He has spent a lifetime reinventing himself and running from his past, going from location to location...and treated his own son like ****. He's kind of a sad figure actually, especially given the huge amount of natural talent he was born with. There's a great clip on Youtube from the '60s where an interviewer is asking him if he ever practices playing the drums. Ginger kind of laughs and says "No" but that he used to practice all the time. It's like he didn't realize how hard it was do what he did easily.
  17. How do you pronounce Scipio in Scipio Center? Is the "c" silent or is it pronounced like a "k" sound?
  18. As of 2010, the median monthly income for males in Belize was $489 US. So I would imagine you can get around fairly cheaply, but I don't know. Haven't been there.
  19. 26 years. Last playoff win: 1/5/92 against Dallas.
  20. They haven't won in 27 years. Last victory 1/6/91 vs. Houston Oilers.
  21. It's been a combined 46 years since either team won a playoff game! Holy hell.
  22. He's an idiot with average level football IQ, but he is funny, entertaining, and gives a glowing review of Josh Allen in this clip. So folks here are going to eat it up for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  23. I'm all for a plugger in that part of the field. Take away the two A gaps and force the offense to go around. That's all that guy needs to do.
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