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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. This cowboy makes Evel Knievel look like a girl scout.
  2. That's $38.77 in 2018 money, adjusting for inflation. Pretty good deal.
  3. Agreed. Not having to accommodate a human's body (or 2 humans) alone is a big design advantage. It helps also that the vehicle's performance won't be limited to what a human can endure. The vehicle can also be used in a manner that would be considered reckless or too risky if a human life (or lives) are at risk. Lots of good reasons not to have pilots.
  4. It's 2018, not 1818. Who the F gets in a gun battle arguing over "property lines" other than Texans?
  5. I'm with you regarding the letter and its purpose in the show. In 2 episodes now, they have shown us that Jimmy is emotionally detached from the death of his brother, Kim has observed it closely, and it has disturbed her. They are setting things up for when Kim dumps Jimmy and he gets pushed over the cliff to become Saul.
  6. This thing made me laugh out loud! Thank you! My God, that is just fantastic.
  7. Are you not on the Allen Hype Train like the rest of this board? Objectively, Nate has been fantastic in this pre-season. But Allen should start Week 1. It's all about him until IF and when he shows us it's not about him. That's how it works. Bills fans have remarkably short memories. EJ is drafted: "Our savior!" Big trade up for Sammy: "We'll be unstoppable now!" Rex is hired: "Instant national relevancy; great hire!" Tyrod comes to town: "Finally a franchise QB!" And so on.
  8. As others have said, my living room. Preferably in isolation, with total focus on the game. There are few things I enjoy more than a Bills game while it is happening. The bigger the game, the more isolation/focus I want!
  9. "Ruining" a QB by playing too quickly is a myth, similar to "momentum" in games or the need for "chemistry" between a QB and receiver. And lots of others. Measured from any perspective, Allen should be the Game 1 starter. The entire near term future of this organization revolves around him.
  10. Perhaps. But this being America, instead, someone will sell him an AR-15 and plenty of ammo. What bad thing could possibly emanate from this decision?
  11. Not sure if it's the longest, per se, but one of the most active bull markets is this one, the Oklahoma National Stockyards Company. They auction thousands of cattle every Monday.
  12. Had Candy-O on vinyl as a kid whenever that came out. Quite a long time ago! EDIT: Released in 1979
  13. It could go that way, but she's kind of a stupid person. I don't think she could have done 1 or both murders and gotten away with it for this long. Then again, the quality of the police work in town is not that great.
  14. I've only come to know Steve through this thread. Already I feel like I knew the man. RIP, Steve.
  15. Why choose between chocolate and vanilla if you can have a scoop of each?! I'd be all over both of them, preferably at the same time. PS: but voted Mary Ann if I have to choose 1. Even as a little boy watching the shows, I was always a Mary Ann fan moreso than Ginger. Great photo! Both of those women were tasty treats in their prime. Ginger had the more classic model physique, but Mary Ann was naturally prettier IMO.
  16. Just had to chime in and say this is a disgusting topic and I won't be reading! Come on man!
  17. I believe this exact same thread was created a while ago. I finally got on board with saying "Ralph Wilson Stadium" a few years ago. Prior to that, it was always Rich Stadium. Now I call it one of those 2, usually R.W. Stadium. Remember when stadiums and arenas in this country used to be named after famous people, events, or the cities in which they were found? You know, in the days before their names where whored out every few years to the highest bidder.
  18. Just finished watching episode 3. Best part of the show, by far, was after Terrence Fede's sack of Mayfield. They cut to Myles Garrett on the sideline, who calmly says: "We can't let that **** happen." Just the way he said it was so funny! The other star of this episode was Bob Wylie, the offensive line coach. The stuff he was saying about winning 2 world wars with jumping jacks, push ups, and sit ups, was f-ing hilarious. I fell in love with that guy. Then they showed him driving his Maserati GranTurismo and I loved him more! I think this was about the 3rd or 4th time we have now seen Jarvis Landry's daughter. That kid is UGLY. LOL. Great show, as always. I made note of that too! It was sweet! He was about to slam his clipboard down and then thought better of it, but you could tell he was on the brink of a heart attack. Just so good to see!
  19. I thought you could actually see that it was hand written, and it was the sort of thing that would be hand written. The content of the letter does suggest it is from an earlier time and not right at the end of Chuck's life. Perhaps the reason Kim broke down as she did is precisely b/c the letter is authentic. She would be the one to know that... The letter was supportive and had a positive tone. And yet Jimmy reads it quickly, totally devoid of emotion. I think that freaked her out, just as his singing in the kitchen freaked her out at the end of the other episode. Both times Jimmy basically saying, without using any words, that he is totally emotionally detached from his brother and doesn't really care that he is dead. I still have it on the DVR; I'll watch that scene again and see why I thought it was a hand written note.
  20. Makes a lot of sense. Men are looking for hot chicks with youthful, sexy physical characteristics. Women are looking for stable, wealthy, nest providers. A successful guy who is 50 is in the prime of his career and money making years, already has a lot of money making years behind him, and can provide. A chick who is 18 and who is pretty/well put together is....the stuff life is made of. LOL. Hasn't had time to develop the cellulite yet; gravity hasn't taken its toll on various body parts. This is encouraging as I still have a few years before I peak out!
  21. He's a pro athlete with access to professional dietitians and (hopefully) a scripted diet. You think he's going to pound a steady diet of pizza, wings, and subs? Come on man. I'm glad he is an "honest" 245 and isn't faking it like a lot of NFL players. Some NFL players have to blow up like blowfish to get to an NFL playing weight, and they get injured. Then you have natural big bodies who always need to keep their weight in check. That seems to be Josh, which is good; should help him avoid injury.
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