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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. That Madrigal security training piece is fantastic! Thanks, Poojer, for posting.
  2. Since you can apparently see the future, please private message me next week's winning lotto numbers. Thanks.
  3. I don't do Twitter nor would I follow anyone on it, but I agree with you about "fantasy" stuff. I have zero interest in it but I know a lot of people do like that crap. Schopp was rambling on for an entire segment on Friday about fantasy stuff and it was enough to make me jump to the next hour (listening pre-recorded minus commercials). IMO, "fantasy" is enough of a sub-genre of "sports talk" that it should have its own show and not be included into a regular sports show. Similar to sports memorabilia collecting or other aspects of sports. That's not really true. Insightful, intelligent, sharp callers are rare to the show, but when they do call in, Schopp's entire tone of voice changes, he shuts up, and let's them speak. And he usually praises the caller or the observation after. He definitely is quick to adopt a combative tone with those who disagree with him, however, but if the caller is making sense or can at least support his assertions with names/facts and not be a total general idiot, Schopp will give them some credit too. When Schopp is off and it's just Bulldog for the day or a full week, I find the show much harder to listen to. When Bulldog takes the day or week off (he has off all next week) the show doesn't miss a beat. Schopp has some unlikable personality traits and does come across as harsh to some callers, but he's--by far--the best thing on WGR550 IMO. He's also the smartest of that lot, too. Jeremy in the morning and Sal are really dumb people. It doesn't take too long to figure that out.
  4. I was thinking the same thing. Someone needs to pass the family name onto future generations. Bill needs to come home.
  5. Love reading your comments about all this stuff! My biggest complaint with Top Gun was the "Soviet" F-5s painted gloss black (?) with fictional Soviet markings. Who the hell made those decisions? They could have at least put an accurate paint scheme and markings on one.
  6. Yes, I've seen season 4 of "XL". More hotties on screen at the same time! What's not to love. The environments they are placed in are quite varied. Whenever they are in Africa or an environment similar to that, it does become diabolical. There is just nothing around in those types of wastelands and there really is no decent food source, or even a water source. I saw a show recently where they were out in the the middle of nowhere in Canada in a deciduous forest, basically, and they had a fast moving stream and tons of food in many forms all around them. It's not even the same type of challenge at that point. I feel very sorry for the ones in the really arid, rugged environments. The show shouldn't even go there IMO.
  7. Well, insofar as a lot of people in Canada have strong English or British ancestry, I'd say there is some merit to the idea that Canadians aren't good looking. The gene pool in the UK is not strong. Too much genetic isolation for way too long, as is common with most western European countries. But of course there are tons of very attractive Canadians as well. Kate from Lost, Evangeline Lilly, is Canadian! Born out in Alberta! What more proof do you need? Lots of immigrants in the Toronto area and big cities too, helping to strengthen that gene pool!
  8. Huh? I loved that we made the playoffs last year. I do hate mindless kool aid drinkers like you though who only participate here as part of a fake feel good exercise. I see no value in that whatsoever. I prefer objective, rational conversation regarding all things Bills. I was not a fan of the Allen pick and I think it was a big mistake. I would have taken Josh Rosen in the same situation. He's here now, and Rosen is not, so pretty soon we will all be rolling down the tracks on the Allen Express.
  9. Who remembers a time when bull **** jargon like "narrative," "hyperbole," and "due diligence" was not a part of every sports fan's lexicon?
  10. Schopp and Sal discussed this on Thursday or Friday. Consensus was that Allen may not seal the starting job with a strong performance, but he may very well convince the coaches NOT to start him in Baltimore with a bad one. Agreement was also reached that the game is important to the coaching staff in terms of their starting QB decision making process. I.E., performance in the game does matter. I would still like them to start Allen for Game 1 no matter what! The Bills have no future of any kind with the other 2 QBs. It's all about Allen for the next couple years, until he sinks or swims. So let's get on with it!
  11. Boston is and always has been, first and foremost, a Red Sox/baseball town. You won't find better or more knowledgable baseball fans anywhere on the planet.
  12. IMO it is on the Bills organization to create a little moment that prompts the crowd to take notice of Dalton and salute him. That's easily done in many ways, particularly as part of an otherwise meaningless pre-season game. If they don't, I'll be disappointed.
  13. Laurie Partridge or Shirley Partridge? Kitten or Cougar?
  14. Let's get them on "Naked and Afraid" for 21 days. Bingo! 40 pounds of instant and previously thought impossible weight loss.
  15. He's given me some good laughs this week, though, as he has literally been confused by a Mike Schopp question twice in two days, asking "I'm sorry, what now?" and making Schopp re-state the question in a manner that Sal could understand. He does that fairly regularly actually. Guy is a serious fan boy and just happy to have the access to the team/players that he has. Never has a scoop, good insight, or an ability to accurately predict what the team might do.
  16. If none of our QBs make it, I'd rather funnel resources into the next QB anyway. If Allen proves to be the real deal, we will be able to pick up WR talent.
  17. Apparently, the competition left a number of staff members limp with fatigue.
  18. I couldn't find a thread on this show specifically. Anyone watch? I've seen many episodes as they are all available for free on Comcast on Demand. I enjoy it, especially if the woman is hot. Just watched a pair last night. Both featured a reoccurring theme on the show: the guy was a muscle bound macho type...giving orders and always knowing what's best in the first few days. And doing lots of wood chopping with a big machete. By about Day 10, each man tapped out, literally crying as they did so. The woman stayed on in each case and made it to the 21 days, alone. These guys do way too much unnecessary work, dehydrate themselves, and are used to big daily caloric intakes. When that goes away, they end up really hurting. I swear I've seen the macho guy tap out and her abandoned female partner stay the full 21 days at least 10 times.
  19. To clarify: Bob was lost at sea, but they found him. That was last week. The auto accident occurred just a couple of days ago.
  20. Apparently Steve's brother Bob was killed in an auto accident, just a few days after the passing of Steve. RIP.
  21. Pot delivered legally, by hotties, right to your front door, huh? California really is the land of milk and honey. Every now and again I have some type of dental or periodontal work done and I end up with a prescription for 30 relatively weak opioid pills of some type. That **** is fantastic and I have to admit, if I could go to the grocery store and buy 100 of them for $7.00 like some Tylenol, I would, and I'd be addicted.
  22. The one on the right is not too bad; the one on the left is more a "no."
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