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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I remember listening to radio commercials as much as anything referencing "harvey and corkey" at the end. Somewhere along the way, it became "Harvey, Corkey, and Teiss" Remember that? Not sure how to spell "TEISS" but that's the name I remember anyway. I have a good friend who attended 2 of those Buffalo Led Zeppelin concerts. He said they played their balls off for like 3 hours and has great memories of the shows. He also deliberately skipped his senior prom to see Pink Floyd at the Aud, doing their "Dark Side of the Moon" tour.
  2. I watched the last episode live. There are spoilers in this so if you are still going to watch the last episode, don't keep reading! After seeing that last episode, I honestly don't think "sweater dad" (LOL) fully understands what his wife was doing to the kids. I think they portrayed him as being totally oblivious, other than just loosely being aware that his wife likes to make little potions to "help" her kids when they are sick. Someone mentioned loose ends not tied up. The one that I am thinking of is the blood under the bed. That was never really explained one way or the other. Before the very end, the show was portraying mom as the killer of the other 2 girls in town. I found that to be totally unbelievable and not very satisfying. At least the show didn't ultimately go down that route, to its credit. Remember that flashback sequence they showed after the end credits were rolling? I believe they were trying to show that the pack of 3 girls who always roller skated around together were all in on the killings. It was a group thing. That is more believable than a single small girl doing that stuff. I also did not like the very last line from Amma, when she said to her big sister "Don't tell momma." As if to suggest mom knew nothing of it. I think I would have enjoyed it more if Mom HAD known that her child was in on it, but chose to protect her anyway, while still trying to slowly kill her with her potions. How F-ed up would that all be?! I have to say, I did say the killer would be a woman, I had Amma at the top of my suspect list, and I said right off that mom was either the killer or was protecting the killer, knowing who the killer was. I sort of got 2 out of 3. Overall, the entire miniseries could have been much better, much more suspenseful, and more mysterious. I think it made a few fatal flaws that any good fiction doesn't do. Almost all of the main characters were not likable. I did not feel like I cared what happened to any of them. The pacing of the show was way too slow. More stuff needed to be happening all the time, with more twists and turns. It also needed to work more of the traditional murder mystery plot into the show. It could have been much more balanced between the character/relationship development stuff between Camille and her mom and the actual investigation. Richard, the out of town investigator, didn't really do much investigating! He did hang out drinking at the bar quite a lot though. Lastly, the show couldn't decide if it was telling the story of Camille, dead sister Marian, and the psycho Munchausen Mom, or a murder mystery about the girls being killed in town. It should have picked 1 or the other and deleted 1, or done a much better job at integrating the 2 into a single plot. I give it 6.5 out of 10.
  3. Welcome to America! We love this sort of thing down here! Happens every few weeks and we don't do a damned thing about it!
  4. If you think Nate is likely to be the Game 1 starter in Baltimore, let Allen play the whole damned game. He can use the reps. And he's big, heavy, and durable. When defenders hit him he usually falls to the ground. He doesn't get slammed around. Too heavy for that.
  5. Towards the beginning of the video; that 2nd and 13 play on like our 10 yard line... He ran to his right and threw on the run. His footwork was horrible. His man had his defender beat, initially, by at least 5 yards. Had the ball been thrown high and hard so the WR could run under the ball, it would have been like a 90 yard TD play, unless the DB has enormous speed and could run the WR down. Instead, despite his killer arm, the ball was horribly under thrown and would have been an INT probably 8 out of 10 times, but the DB dropped the ball despite it hitting him square in his chest/hands. The immediately next play Allen fires a 100mph fastball in a seam between coverage but throws too high and it goes over the under D, the over D, and the Bills receiver in the middle of the sandwich. This is all stuff Allen has been doing all along. The OL was not an issue on either of these plays.
  6. This thread is why this forum desperately needs a separate "Around the NFL" section. So that crap like this can get funneled away from Bills topics.
  7. How do we know the blame falls on Castillo? IN theory he should be more aware of what's going on with the OL than anyone on the staff. How do we know that he hasn't been harping on the need for upgrades but getting vetoed by Beane b/c it's not the right time or he can't afford to divert resources in that area or God knows what? How the hell does any fan, exactly, throw this on a coach? You have no idea---none---what is going on behind closed doors.
  8. Miller is atrocious; he bends at the hips not the knees and simply lacks the athleticism/balance/quickness to take that first quick step in order to keep his man in front of him. Most of the break downs on the OL happened immediately, with the DL's first move. Our OL men couldn't adjust and the fight was over before it began. Miller is HORRIBLE. Ducasse is just as bad!
  9. Many fans here have a hard time distinguishing between what they want to be, and what is.
  10. I wish they would talk to Incognito for real. He was never more stable than when he was playing. If he would come back, he'd instantly be the best OL on the team, and by a wide margin.
  11. It was never particularly high to begin with.
  12. Sounds good except the part about trotting Allen out there and expecting him to be some shiny new toy. So far he is showing to be the same Josh Allen we knew at Wyoming. Hard to say where he is for sure until he plays some regular season games though. LOL. Is that how you describe what might otherwise be called "sucking?" You should go for Russ' old job at the Bills.
  13. Couldn't disagree more. If the OL is as bad as they played against the Bengals in both run and pass blocking, Shady will have little impact, particularly on the bottom line of winning games. No RB has a huge impact on the bottom line of winning games. It's why it's foolish to sink a lot of money into one.
  14. Your position is ridiculous. You want them to photo shop out a Bills logo? Why? B/C you already suffer from a typical WNY inferiority complex or what? The Bills are a national brand and every jackass and his brother wears NFL crap all the time. This particular individual was unfortunately mentally ill and decided to kill some people and himself, while wearing Bills stuff. It's called reality. That's how it played out. Get over it. No one is drawing a connection between the perp and the Bills as an organization except the people in this thread. The same who probably would normally talk about how the world is out to get Buffalo, NY. LOL.
  15. Agree with everything you are writing here, except the bit at the end about "ruining" Allen if played too early. IMO that is a myth and it doesn't actually happen. He learns by playing and only by playing. Our future for the next while is tied to his ass, so might as well get him out there and see what he can do.
  16. The quality of NFL sports broadcasting is atrocious. The NBC Sunday night production is by far the best in the industry; the rest is pretty freaking bad.
  17. You mean haberdashery? As in the stuff sold by a haberdasher, like men's clothes and accessories? I think you meant "balderdash." Jesus Christ. You're an idiot.
  18. His arm is right on the fringe of being too weak for NFL defensive speed. That plays a big role too.
  19. Of course it's possible. Don't think it's probable though.
  20. That's how this place is. People draw definitive conclusions based on the last thing they watched in the last 5 minutes. (The IQ of this board isn't that high).
  21. One thing Beane did which was positive is move a lot of bad contracts out the door. Next year in particular we are going to have huge amounts of cap space.
  22. That's totally wrong. There is plenty you can evaluate. Every single play was not a Chinese fire drill.
  23. Would love him on the team, long term. Assuming his health is OK.
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