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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. And yet another lesson on why you never trade up. It's a crap shoot and the "experts" aren't experts at all. If they will take a 7th round pick, do it. A 7th round pick is like giving nothing. For nothing, this guy is worth a shot.
  2. This is what a lot of posters here don't seem to understand. If we are discussing who played better in the preseason games, that was Nate. Regardless, Allen should start Game 1 in Baltimore.
  3. Who saw the 4th episode? Positively epic scene with Leonel and Marco Salamanca transforming into a 2 man army! LOL. It was almost over the top but this is the cousins we are talking about. I love how Nacho tells them they will need lots of backup and support, so they'll have to come back with many more men. They just look at each other, no words, and go in.
  4. The bus was moving forward, you're right. But it was driven by Andy Dalton.
  5. No, I didn't consider we would unleash hell. Not even for a moment.
  6. McD addressed that in his P/C, saying they were deliberately rotating guys to see how various players played in different positions, b/c that is a reality once the real season starts and starters get injured. People need to shuffle around and fill in, so he was trying to see how well each player played at differing positions. At least that is what he said.
  7. My only interest in the near term is developing Josh Allen so we can quickly find out if he has it or doesn't have it. If doesn't have it, we should know ASAP so we can start moving to get the next Josh Allen. Without a franchise QB we have nothing and nothing else really matters. That means playing him every game this year. If that means our record is bad but we figure out what Josh is all about, I'm fine with it.
  8. How does legalized prostitution create a schism between sexes? What evidence do you have for that assertion?
  9. Had to look her up. I would most definitely take a bite out of her Coffee Crisp, if you see my meaning.
  10. Watch where he lands! It's a little too close to the edge for my liking! It wasn't a problem, but still...he didn't exactly drop right in the center of that thing. And what if he had hit the edge of it? It would have likely cut through whatever part of his body hit. Take off a leg, cut his torso in half, etc. I just have no idea how or why people do this sort of thing. I understand that he obviously gets a high off adrenaline, but jump a motocross bike or something where you aren't 100% dead for sure if it goes wrong.
  11. This sounds like the basis for a Simpsons episode, with Homer moving into the hotel.
  12. Williams has had a stop at TEN TEAMS in this league he keeps getting work...and high paying work too. He must be some kind of genius. Which is fascinating, b/c he comes across like a freaking idiot on Hard Knocks.
  13. This will definitely catch on. Sal C. mentioned today that he thinks it could impact the next CBA. I don't disagree with him. It could become a problem for the league if most or all of the teams refuse to play starters in the pre-season. Might finally make some progress in terms of reducing or eliminating the games.
  14. In order of importance, the three biggest bright spots from the Bengals game are: 1) No one was significantly injured 2) No one was significantly injured 3) No one was significantly injured
  15. Interesting development in Chicago this pre-season. Nagy is bucking the trend to play starters in these meaningless pre-season games. "We're just at the spot right now where we're lucky to be where we're at," Nagy said, per NBC Sports Chicago. "I love the growth as a team and as a family. I feel strong that when we go into Week 1 that those 25-30 plays [that his starters won't be playing in pre-season] aren't going to sway [the Green Bay game] one way or the other. It's really not. If we win that game against Green Bay, trust me, it wasn't because we didn't play those 25. If we lose it, same thing, I promise you that." This is likely to catch on further next year and beyond. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/bears-coach-matt-nagy-sitting-starters-in-preseason-wont-change-week-1-result/
  16. Looks like a fabulous read, but it will only deepen my general hatred for NFL ownership, no doubt. PS: What is it about this football team of ours that attracts such idiots to its fanbase?
  17. Any reason why the OP's comments couldn't have been added to the 90 page thread discussing the fact that Peterman will start Game 1 in Baltimore? And for F's sake, try to use paragraphs in your writing.
  18. To the OP: Have you seen the thread in "Off the wall" discussing insider knowledge saying Gronk will be a bill after this season ends?
  19. The problem with Bodine is he looks more like a Bovine. Miller is a classic hip bender and totally outclassed against quality D linemen. I'm hoping we pick up 1 or more cut O linemen once cuts happen.
  20. I'll stick with the NE approach. Find coachable, quick guys with great hands and who work on the cheap. When they start wanting too much $, replace them with new ones. No need to spend huge cash on a marquis WR.
  21. One of the problems with our poor pass blocking right now is the guys we have on the line are overweight and simply lack the athletic ability (relative to their size) to move laterally, quickly, and with good balance. If you watch the pass coverage break-downs from yesterday's game, you will see that the defender beat his man often with his first move. One quick move that the Bill OL couldn't respond to, and the gap was open for the defender to go straight into the backfield and after Allen. Our OL's lateral movement is atrocious, and John Miller, in particular, needs to start bending at his knees and not his hips.
  22. No reason why Murphy couldn't jump right in and become the new Shady, IMO. He's a great example of finding RB talent on the cheap and out of nowhere, and why I would never, ever, sink big money into a big name rusher.
  23. Kujo is terrible. A busted Whaley draft pick. Not sure why we are now longing for his return to the team.
  24. HC is a DC masquerading as a HC, until he proves otherwise. So he views things from a defensive perspective. I assume the plan is to build up the offense this next offseason, with the rebuild being where they want it for 2019. If Allen proves to be a very good franchise QB who makes this team good or great for the next decade, it will all be worth it. If Allen busts or just never gets to where we hope he will, it will be another failed 3 year (or so) phase of the never ending cycle.
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