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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Right. Because defense played a major role in last year's Super Bowl. 1100+ combined total offensive yards Nearly 900 combined yards passing 74 combined points Defense seems critically important! In this league you need a great, accurate passer, and guys who can consistently catch the ball. The rest can be filler, avg. NFL talent, and your'e all good.
  2. Yes, the opening short scene was the same scene we later saw. The later scene explains the intro, which was confusing and weird at the time. I had forgotten about "group" and was like "why is Mike talking to a bunch of people at an AA meeting or something similar? Of course, we later find out.
  3. I totally agree that Adora did not know; that's ultimately the importance of that last line about not telling her. What if the last line had been "Shhh! This is momma's and my secret. Please don't tell anyone." I.E., do the opposite; tell the audience Mom does know and is taking the fall for her child in jail. That would add so much more complexity to her character and make a F-ed up situation only moreso. Don't get me wrong: I love slow, methodically developing plots. I always loved the original "Day of the Jackal" for that reason. It moves so slowly, logically, and methodically it's just fun to follow along with the assassin and see how he is working out his plan. And I hate modern movies that shove 8 hours of plot into 2! But the slow burn was a bit too slow in this one. Needed more to maintain my interest, much of the time. Again though, that is just my subjective take. I notice HBO is capitalizing on the success of "Big Little Lies" and making a 2nd season miniseries out of the first miniseries. I doubt they will do that with "Sharp Objects". Leave this one where it left off.
  4. Right. And the Buffalo Bills organization, as a whole, has no resources available for helping Richie.
  5. When salary caps and free agency first cam along, some were worried that eventually, the league would be about teams with 3 or 4 ultra super stars making ALL the money, and everyone else making league minimum. We have never been closer to that reality. Teams are slowly realizing what is vitally important and the fact that the rest doesn't really matter.
  6. The stability, routine, and time commitment an NFL teams demands would all be great for him, probably. Unless he is already beyond the point of no return. I don't know. If teams start eliminating players with a ton of guns, there won't be much of a league left.
  7. I'd love to have their 5 Super Bowl victories.
  8. I liked the scene where the 2 kids in the crowd were saying "Welcome back, Flash!" and he went over and gave them his gloves. The one kid's mind was blown! He'll talk about that forever. The stuff with Tyrod's hand being injured was tough to watch. He seemed like he was really in pain screaming in that tent thing.
  9. LOL. The favorite pastime of TSW posters. Find a garbage website engaging in dubious reporting, consume what they are dishing out, then B word about it while promoting said garbage website in the process.
  10. Meh. The 5 picks were historically bad but it's in the past now. Nate's career has hardly begun. If he proves to be a good QB, the Chargers game won't mean squat, other than to haters with an agenda.
  11. Rosen probably is more ready to go today than Allen, as pretty much everyone said would be the case prior to the draft. He is also probably not nearly as durable as Allen, so there's that.
  12. Ya think it's a little easier to be optimistic and excited in a city where they just won the Super Bowl and have a young QB who looks like he can do it many times more? Are you old enough to remember what things were like in Buffalo in the late '80s and after? It wasn't dour.
  13. Who's getting pumped for tonight's episode? I'm going to crash hard after it's over. I really enjoy this show every year.
  14. About $121,000,000 in today's dollars, adjusting for inflation. Good luck building a new NFL stadium for that price now! Rich Stadium was a very basic structure back in the day.
  15. Wow. Musicians sitting around playing music in a very musical way. How refreshing! It's hard to find this now, and it's all because of MTV. There are still great musicians out there, but you have to dig around to find them.
  16. With all due respect...you're NUTS! Just kidding. But I don't know how anyone could prefer winter to summer. It's like comparing life to death.
  17. Not sure. It was definitely short and it definitely ended abruptly. Kind of made me laugh when I saw it.
  18. My point simply is that we already accept that we don't always get to see the best players due to injury, so extending that to the 2 "sit" games is maybe not that big a reach. I disagree about deciding when to sit people just before the games. That would actually add a ton of interesting strategy to the whole thing. When do you sit player X? You would want to sort that out before the season even starts, so as to mitigate the damage of sitting the wrong guy at the wrong time. But of course, injuries could and probably would play into that, such that the plan you drew up in August is messed up come November. I.E., perhaps you sat a great player in week 2 b/c you were playing the worst team in the league and figured that was the best time to sit him. Now you get to week 10 and he is injured! He is going to be sitting anyway, but you already sat him, so you sat him for nothing. How it would all play out remains to be seen, but there is room for some interesting tactics there for sure. I don't know; I don't think the idea is horribly crazy, though I would suggest it is unlikely to become reality.
  19. If you're implying he will go home, he's from Providence, RI. Bucky I have no use for; Sully is a very good writer. He did get stuck in a rut of criticism for the sake of it, IMO, but after a generation of that being the right take, it was hard for him to change I guess. The folks here who hate these guys are not their intended market anyway.
  20. Not a bad point, but you routinely don't see stars play. It's called "injury." If this concept was worked into a much bigger revision of the entire season, including the elimination of pre-season or 2 or 3 of the pre-season games, I would be all for it. I would also want to see the extra games front-loaded in the warm weather time of year, not tacked on the end so the Super Bowl is played in late February or some such. Really cold weather games are usually not good.
  21. There was nothing quiet about this rebuild! It was pretty damned loud, for anyone listening.
  22. Sack #3 is a good example of Allen not getting the ball out. Coleman was open for the majority of his route and probably the guy he should have thrown the ball to. Would have been a short gain, but better than a sack. The guy making the video writes a caption on the screen that Coleman is covered. Not really. Watch it again.
  23. Don't know the answer, but I liked "The Cure" and "Depeche Mode" back in the day. I actually still like a ton of '80s music.
  24. I don't think Kim has lost it, per se. I think she realizes in her soul that she does not want to do "mere" regulatory work for a regional bank. She is a trial attorney and considers that to be her true calling. She wants to get into a courtroom and make a difference in the world. The scene with the judge eating his lunch was designed, IMO, to demonstrate that. I made note of the fact that a new hire would not be left alone to run a store on his first day as well. He wouldn't know how to do anything. Don't think Mike was holding back crying; he was holding back rage directed at his daughter in law, the faker, and everyone else in the room. A few minutes later he snapped and let them all have it. He sees the group meetings as a pity party, not productive, and the sort of thing only weak minded people would be engaged in. He doesn't want to be there but has been there to support his daughter in law. Between her comments about forgetting her husband/his son, the faker, and everything else, he lost it. That scene was great. Mike is possibly the only character on the show who is more competent than Gus. Or at least his equal. Gus knows it, too, and respects Mike for it. Highly disagree that this was a "meaningless episode." The show moves at the pace Gilligan wants to tell it at, as he did with Breaking Bad, and these slightly mellow episodes always pay big dividends down the road. It is in these episodes that various important factors are planted. We'll see them come to harvest in future episodes. Nothing is a waste and everything has a purpose. That's why the show is so F-ing good.
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