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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. There we go. Is there a reason why we couldn't sniff out the best OL or 2 very likely to be cut, and contact that team prior to making the cut....and offer them a 7th round pick or something a bit more than nothing....and trade for the guy prior to him getting cut?
  2. Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf von Moltke (1800-1891) was a Prussian Field Marshall who is credited with being a tactical genius and inventing modern ways of directing armies in combat. Also surely had a hell of a good sense of humor (not). He cooked up this matrix which I thought would be fun to show here. He basically asserts that all officer candidates, all people in fact, can be broken down into 2 critical categories: how smart you are (or dumb) and how motivated (or lazy). His favorites were smart but lazy people as they will do what they are told but in an efficient manner. The absolute worse were dumb but energetic/motivated types, as they will get the army destroyed. I have found in the part of the business world I work in, most in managerial positions would not have survived in von Moltke's army. They are dumb, but highly motivated to buck up the ladder. Which one are you!?
  3. I see hot girls in bikinis at the beach almost every day...in their late teens, early 20s....and they are very intently looking down at a cell phone and texting away at a feverish pace. Totally oblivious to the world around them...while standing on the beach with lovely views of the ocean, palm trees, etc. Honestly, it's sad. Society has now moved far enough down the road for us to know that if you give a little hand-held computer to a certain type of person, they will be unable to leave it alone for any duration of time whatsoever. I guarantee you this will be classified as a "disorder" further down the road. It's addictive; it's exactly the same type of thing that makes smoking addictive. Smoking isn't all about chemical addiction; it's much more psychological and about "hand to mouth" repetition and this sort of thing. Cell phones and mobile computers are still young enough that this stuff hasn't been identified yet, but in the future, parents will be told to make sure their child doesn't become a cell phone addict. I'm not joking on this one!
  4. As talented an athlete as he is, he is now way too old to ever learn how to do anything at a professional level. His skating alone would never, ever be close to NHL standards. Had he started playing when he was 5, who knows. He's a great athlete.
  5. How non-committal! "Believe" that a "Notable "(please define) trade is coming, maybe this weekend (but maybe not too). Now if anything happens, within reason, he can say he told you so. How about just waiting for the f-ing weekend to come and go and see who got traded, if anyone?!
  6. This board is filled with "that guy" and "that guy" responds in that manner to everything. As an aside, I find it funny that some Bills fans have probably now dedicated more time to this thread and the issue of what is going to happen to Mack than actually watching a Bills game. I'm talking about the 4th pre-season game, admittedly, against the Bears, and it was a **** show for almost all of it, but still. I find it really weird that a Bills fan who lives at this forum would then not actually watch a Bills game, but chime in over and over about Khalil F-ing Mack.
  7. If you are suggesting that being a fan places the team/organization beyond criticism, you're an idiot. Have a good day!
  8. John Miller. Ducasse is mentioned frequently in this thread, but John Miller sucks rocks.
  9. Allen does have major bust potential. Not because of anything he did in any preseason game however. He also has major success potential. No one here knows which it will be...yet. This is why I'm all in favor of him starting game 1. If he's going to bust, let's find out, b/c we WILL need another QB in that event.
  10. Just changed mine last Monday after I was inspired by the Better Call Saul episode, so I'm good for a while.
  11. Meh. They can play soccer instead. Much safer too.
  12. This chick was obviously selected for this thing precisely because she is the way she is, and it elicits a certain reaction. I'm sure there are still plenty of lovely young women out there in the world to date. This chick in the video is a real _____. You know, rhymes with hunt, shunt, and punt.
  13. Delete Cinci and get Detroit in there. The rust belt division would be epic. Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Pittsburgh...now that should be a division! Rivalry with Miami has been dead for a very long time; that's not a loss anymore.
  14. National media has to try and cover the entire league, and they are probably going to spend most of their time talking about the main contenders each year, because that is where all the attention and focus goes. Bills have been so irrelevant for so long it should not surprise anyone that the national media isn't up on what we are doing 110%. Why should they be? They certainly know enough, even if not as much as some would like. BTW: I like Greg Cosell for what that is worth. If you are going to pick on a member of the national media as being clueless, he's the wrong guy to pick.
  15. This is unconscionable, offensive, and outrageous. I'm calling for a nationwide boycott of all Pizza Huts effective immediately.
  16. You using synthetic motor oil? And who is making your engines? Good modern engines can easily go 15,000 miles. In fact, most premium manufacturers now recommend intervals at least that long. Now, if someone here is driving around in a 1978 Chevrolet, yeah, keep an eye on the motor oil.
  17. Most surprising? The linebackers. It's one of the smallest units on the team but can play much bigger than it is, especially if it gets excited and offers solid, stiff competition.
  18. Don't disagree. For a guy who earns a living hanging out at the stadium, has insider contacts presumably, and attends all Bills functions, including games with sideline and locker room access, he never really knows what the hell is going on. He ultimately does nothing more than offer an outsider's opinion, like the rest of us.
  19. Interesting. Didn't catch that aspect of it but it didn't last long. I remember the shot clearly showing the "tall one" of the roller skating buddies in on the dirty deed, but I didn't catch the location. So that is one "loose end" that was, in fact, wrapped up.
  20. Absolutely, but I'm a gear head. Aside from the cheap cost of doing it yourself, you know exactly what is going in your vehicle (for a fluid change), you know exactly what is coming out (the speedy places don't wait long enough to drain every last drop of dirty oil out sometimes), and you know the work is being done properly. Like you will never strip a drain bolt or leave a filter a little loose, or any other dumb crap. No one cares more about your vehicle than you do. And this is America. Your "mechanic" is often more what I'd call a grease monkey. One caveat: with modern engines and modern synthetic motor oil, the old adage that you should change your motor oil every 3 months or 3,000 miles is total bull ****. I have no doubt that was created by an oil company's marketing department. Or it may have begun life in like the 1940s or something, when engines actually used oil and you really did need to keep on top of oil levels. 15,000 miles is fine for a synthetic oil change in a modern car. Having said all of the above, you can never have oil that is too clean and it never hurts to change it, if the change is done properly. Another area where you can save $ and have peace of mind knowing things are done properly is changing your own brake pads. I preach buying genuine OEM parts from the parts dealer, as often aftermarket cheap products don't fit in the calipers correctly, even though they are supposed to and claim they do.
  21. We had something like this. I recall working the wheel at the far right and if you got al little lucky, you could manipulate the "scramble" so that like 40% of the screen was viewable. LOL. The good old days.
  22. Saw the avatar. Didn't know if that was because you were the thrower, or in spite of the fact that you were not. Thanks for clarification.
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