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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I think the OP is asking for the "cheap Chinese sweat shop" type but that is actually of surprising quality. Like if someone can provide an EBAY seller name, etc.....so he can buy something on the cheap that isn't total crap. Surely someone here bought a cheapo special and then said "This actually isn't too bad!" Help a fellow fan out.
  2. I see you joined 10 years ago but still only have a couple thousand posts. However, after reading your post, it all makes sense. Your comments seem thoughtful, well reasoned, don't include any obvious spelling errors, and you've even included the proper Latin plural for "stadium" which I thought was a nice touch and appreciated. You don't really fit in around here. I fully understand the restraint in your posting behavior.
  3. With all due respect, is this news to you? Many posters here struggle with the complex subtleties distinguishing "their," "they're," and "there."
  4. Ever notice that Doug Marrone is vilified around here because he took the money and ran at the end of the 2014 season, whereas McD is triumphantly heralded as the guy who broke the drought and got us into the playoffs, despite each achieving exactly the same 9-7 record? If outside variables beyond the control of either coach had been slightly different, Marrone would have ended the drought and McD would have failed to make the playoffs in his first season with the team. Who says luck isn't important?
  5. No, she's not a "10" if competing against the world's best. Giselle is though!
  6. Thank you! I love how people now reference some small, quirky beer company as being good, simply because it is small and perhaps somewhat unknown, or has a goofy, arbitrary name. I have yet to drink an American "craft beer" that did not taste like ass. They all do! They are ALL hoppy and taste like varying shades of Sam Adams, which is terrible. Not to mention you have no idea what you are about to drink unless you have actually had the beer before by some quirk of luck. A lot of them play around with gimmicky ingredients and put things in beer that have no business being in beer. If you like Breckenridge Brewery Remarkable Vanilla Porter, go for it! Drink up and enjoy. But don't try to tell me it's "good beer" because the stuff is crap.
  7. Go into any hip bar in the DC area now (where drink prices are pretty expensive and most people can afford whatever they want, more or less) and you know what you will see as much as anything? Miller Lite, Bud Light, Coors light. I used to make note of it all the time. As to how people drink that piss water is beyond me. It literally makes me ill--gives me a stomach ache--and is just the worst tasting garbage in the world. It is incredibly popular. I think it comes down to the power of advertising.
  8. This season (and the next phase of the franchise) hinges entirely on whether or not Josh Allen is good or bad. We still don't know the answer to that. AJ is and was irrelevant.
  9. Worst fans in all sports are to be found in Philadelphia.
  10. Burned 2 firsts and a fourth on that guy....all while we could have just sat where we were at 9 and taken some stiff named Odell Beckham, Jr. And many here thought Doug Whaley was a good GM.
  11. I always said EJ would be out of the league once we were done with him, and that proved to be wrong. He got this brief clipboard holding gig first, but he's gone now. I still don't understand how professionals in this sport sized up EJ and thought he would be a good QB in the NFL.
  12. Ray Bentley authors a series of children's books with a character "Darby the Dinosaur."
  13. Close. Peterman will start the season but be benched for Allen when it seems like we can do better. Allen will then show that he is not ready, and Peterman will go back in.
  14. This is a really good answer. We will hear that all year long. You can count on that.
  15. He's been around a while, so he does not have to clear waivers as I understand it. I guess any team can approach him and try to sign him as a free agent. Is that correct?
  16. Look on the bright side: we won't have to hear the Jack Nicklaus reference every game this year.
  17. Ceiling for this team is right around 6 wins IMO. Don't forget, there is always a lot of change in the NFL year to year with a given team. Some go from good to bad, some bad to good. Don't assume anything with any team in this year based on what happened last year. They aren't related, and almost everyone who studies this stuff and who isn't a Bills fan has us as a league leading regression candidate for 2018.
  18. 6 wins is this team's ceiling. It could be lower and maybe even a lot lower.
  19. The comeback was nice to see, but he was God-awful in that game and even with the comeback stats padding the overall game stats, they were still horrible. There are always statistical deviants but that is not predictable. The general assumption that a 5th will get you nothing is accurate, almost always.
  20. Don't think AJ for a 5th is what I'd call "notable" on a league-wide scale. Maybe more is on the way?
  21. Huh. Surprised he could get a 5th for him, not that a 5th is worth much. AJ and EJ! Now they need some QB named "MJ" and they are all set in Raider Land!
  22. Here's Jim Ritcher; note how he is bending at the knees and hips, and not just the hips, like our sorry sack o **** linemen like to do now... Dude totally understood how to generate power through his legs, thighs, and core...and he was a bit short (like 6'1" I think) so he could get under taller players with a low CG and drive them up, using their height advantage against them. And he could pull and run. Hell, where is he now!? Get him on this coaching staff!
  23. Miller is horrible. I've been keeping an eye on him on DVR replays. He is too blubbery and simply lacks the athleticism to engage in a quick lateral movement right off the snap. He is usually beaten in pass coverage right away with 1 move, and then he ends up turning toward his own QB and staring as the QB is hit or runs for his life. He is just awful. Sometime a while ago, the NFL started prioritizing raw weight for these guys and not strength and the ability to still be good athletes who can move. Jim Ritcher would never fit into today's game from a size perspective, but he'd easily be the best OLman on the team! And the most athletic. Dude was compact, mobile, and strong as hell.
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