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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I'm interested to see Peterman. I want to see if he can keep his Tom Brady dink and dunk impersonation going in real games in the regular season. Other than that, of course, the main attraction is Allen. When will he play and what will he look like once he starts playing? That's by far the biggest story of this season.
  2. It's not "lazy journalism." All these people can do is analyze past metrics and make speculations about the future, which is very hard to do. Further, there is always a lot of ups and downs in the league from 1 year to the next. After 3 or 4 weeks, we'll know who the good teams are, who the bad teams are, who's greatly improved, who's a lot worse, etc. And then it will be much easier to make rankings for 2018.
  3. Actually, hard work, sweating over every last detail, and always thinking you can improve are the sorts of things that lead to good things. We are a league leading regression candidate for this season and likely to take a big step backward. Without the ridiculous takeaway/giveaway ratio we enjoyed last year, we almost have to regress. The question is whether we will rebound with 2 steps forward next year and beyond. That depends entirely on whether or not Josh Allen can defy odds and turn into a good QB.
  4. There is nothing about Josh Allen that is a "generational talent." He has a super strong arm. He also has huge holes in his game all over the place that will need to be filled if he is going to be good in the NFL. We still have no idea if he is capable of doing that. The Brees/Peterman analogy is ridiculous.
  5. If you haven't seen Episode 5 "Quite a Ride" yet, stop reading now! I loved the opening sequence with all hell breaking loose in Saul's legal office. The stuff with Mike taking in architectural consultants for the meth lab was also cool. Why was the first candidate rejected? I think it was a combination of him being overconfident and b/c he blabbered about the "tunnel" project he previously did. Loose lips sink ships and Gus would not have liked that. The bit with Jimmy selling cell phones on the street was interesting too...I suspect we haven't seen the last of the 3 kids who beat him up and stole the money. Jimmy will get even with them at some point. Kim was trying to get herself fired with the hang up, even if she doesn't realize it and it was her passive aggressive subconscious doing it for her. She does not want to be doing corporate formation/regulatory work for a regional bank! And what about Howard in the bathroom! He is a mess! Didn't even do up his tie before he left! He is always perfectly fastidious, but Chuck's death is eating him up. Note the juxtaposition between Howard trying to confront it head-on vs. Jimmy's total denial. Another good episode with lots of stuff building under the surface.
  6. I voted for Milano b/c we've already had Touchdown Mike. Now it's Milano's turn.
  7. Is this dude in the video the punter? Ever watch an NFL caliber punter punt? Their kicking leg ends up almost vertical, with their kicking foot way up over their head and their planted foot like a foot up in the air off the ground. They explode their body and leg through the ball. This guy looks like I look when I punt a football. He just raises his leg and kicks. He's powerfully built, but I don't know...doesn't look like a punter. His range of motion of his kicking leg is like 50% of what it should be.
  8. The problem is the organization thinks we already have that guy. His name is Josh Allen. So they aren't going to take another top QB next year, even if they should. The most dominant, can't miss, pass rusher would be a good second choice though.
  9. If the QB knows where the throw should go, pre-snap, even a small field plenty big enough. Reading a D and accurately delivering a 7 yard pass is all you need to do to win in this league...if you can do it consistently and reliably.
  10. I think the correct analogy would be Flutie = Peterman and Allen = R. Johnson. But we seem likely to start Peterman and then will probably put Allen in at some point when things don't go well for the team and/or Peterman. So the analogy kind of breaks down, if the moral of the story is you are hoping for special things to come from Josh Allen.
  11. Summer vs. Winter is about so much more than simple ambient air temperature. Winter creates hard work in a way summer does not (snow shoveling or snow blowing or plowing). Winter often means you can't do what you wanted to do (can't drive to x b/c roads are horrible and we're expecting 5 inches of snow). Winter means everything around you is dead, gray, lifeless, and there aren't even any smells outside or birds singing. Winter means wearing layers of clothing, long pants, socks all the time...my knees and lips are always chafed, chapped, and dry. Summer means everything is green and alive, fresh grass/earth/plant smells are everywhere, birds sing away...and a heat wave never piles up 2 feet of snow at the base of your driveway at 5:00am that you now have to remove before you can drive somewhere. In summer you can get away with wearing minimal clothing and it just feels so much more comfortable and natural to me to be wearing shorts, bare foot, and a t-shirt or no shirt at all if I'm home. Winter means short days and lots of darkness. Summer means very long days and lots of light. I can go on. As to how anyone would choose cold climate over warm climate....I have no idea. I'm living in S. FL. these days and it is some degree of "summer" 12 months a year. It's f-ing incredible, at least from a weather perspective.
  12. Cooking a good chicken wing is not some dark art only known in Buffalo! Anyone who is aware of the traditional method of preparation can make them anywhere....or do something different and interesting and maybe even end up with something better. I don't know. I haven't eaten a chicken wing in a decade or 2. They're kind of gross and I think they are 10,000 calories and 10,000 grams of fat per wing anyway. I don't really like "pub food" and if I did order some, it wouldn't be wings.
  13. Can we just kiss and make up...and immediately hire Richie back now please?
  14. FFS. This has been addressed in tons of threads. If Allen emerges from this season as a franchise QB or a guy who looks like he is almost certainly going to become a franchise QB, it is a very successful season, regardless of record. If Allen busts or looks like he is likely to bust, and we have a bad season...well...that's just another year in Bills Land.
  15. He and his family were featured a good bit on Hard Knocks. He's a total family man and has some cute daughters and a nice wife. I can see him totally being a McBeane kind of guy as he is mature and settled in life and is not going to get in trouble.
  16. No ****. That's not what the OP is asking for! If he could pay full price to get real one, presumably he would. He's asking for a knockoff that is actually fairly nice and not total crap. Undoubtedly someone here knows of such a jersey and source for it, and could share that info. with this guy and everyone else reading. WTF.
  17. I guess she became the world's #1 model with a fortune much larger than her husband's b/c she's....unattractive? I think it is a Brady/NE hate thing! We can argue over how pretty her face is all day long. That's very subjective, and everyone has their own preferred types and what not. But it's not unattractive or "man-like" and the key with her is that the face is attached to what is basically a perfect body that is 5'11" tall. Among women, she's a 1 in 100 million freak...that's why she's rich and famous.
  18. The article mentions that North Carolina is in the top 10 states in terms of number of UFO sightings. I think that says much more about the humans living in North Carolina than it does about what is flying around in the skies above North Carolina. PS: The photo of the "square object" is cool; hard to immediately explain what that is.
  19. 23 inch dildo stuck in his ass, huh? You can really see that 98.8% of shared chimp DNA in some humans.
  20. Confucian riddle: If QB does not have it, can QB be ruined?
  21. Anyone ever think about the fact that a 60 yard bomb for a deliberate INT combined with an immediate tackle by the downfield WR would almost always be preferential to an organized punting play? Much greater predictable with where the ball is going with greater range. Only flaw is if the DB drops the ball, accidentally or intentionally. Then you have no long range INT and no punt!
  22. I'm sticking with what I have said all along. The starter SHOULD be Allen. I do not think it will be though; it feels like they are going to start Peterman until such time that it all implodes on itself, or he throws 5 picks in a half, or something like that. Taking 3 years to decide if Allen can do it or not do it is absurd. They will know a lot sooner than that.
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