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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Patriots were 1-15 in 1990. 2-14 in 1981 and 1992.
  2. Hate the pick initially and still hate the pick! He was big and strong with wheels in college too. Too bad that stuff doesn't really impact QBing success in the NFL. No one here has any idea whatsoever if he can do it or not. I saw nothing in the preseason to make me think one way or the other about him. I'll support him when he plays in real games, but I'm not expecting anything.
  3. I see it very similarly, only I think Peterman will get more yards passing than you do. I also see him coughing up a fumble for a turnover aside from his 2 picks. He'll do some good, he'll do some bad.
  4. INTs: UNDER SACKS: OVER PASSING: OVER Peterman throws 2 picks, gets 235 yards passing, sacked 5 times.
  5. The Ravens seem very underwhelming to me as a team for this year, and that's with me not really giving a rat's ass one way or the other about them. Not sure why their fans would be excited.
  6. That honestly sounds about right. Not high scoring for either team, we struggle to get points....
  7. My general prediction: most posters here will agree, when the season is over, that McBeane mishandled the QB situation during the course of the season. That could play out in a few different ways.
  8. Good advice for any students among us: When it doubt, look about.
  9. I would expect next offseason and draft to be heavily offense-oriented. If it isn't, something strange will be afoot.
  10. That's a peculiar story. For the record, I support pole dancing at schools and pretty much anywhere for that matter.
  11. You make the assumption that Allen will be worth surrounding with talent. None of us has any idea if he will be horrible, good, or great. Not yet anyway.
  12. I went to a catholic grammar school and it was filled with Italians. A bunch of us had a defined mustache and peach fuzz in the sideburn area in 8th grade and all started shaving at the same time. I can still remember talking about it and comparing notes as some interesting new chapter in life. LOL. Didn't feel like a freak, though, b/c of that. What about legs and armpits? And maybe even, um, other parts?!
  13. Baltimore will never see that coming. It could work.
  14. I think the first play will be a run, so that Peterman can ease into the flow of the game a bit more slowly and calm down. They won't ask him to throw on play 1. It will be handoff to Shady, for a gain of 1.
  15. This is what I was going to type too. I'm of Italian ancestry and was shaving in the 8th grade. I have a heavy beard and if I had to look good every day, I would shave 7 days a week. I tend to shave every other day, however, as I work at home and have sensitive skin. The "off day" between shaves really helps in that regard. If I can get away with, I sometimes go 3 or even 4 days without shaving. I use an old school safety razor and have preached the virtues of doing so in several threads here, along with traditional shaving soaps and a brush. Cheap disposable razors don't even work on my beard and just rip up my face, as would an electric shaver. I used to use cartridge blades like most people but then a few years ago discovered safety razors and shaving properly. Once you get into it and invest in the equipment, you'll never go back to half-assed shaving again.
  16. Settle it like men! Pistols fired from 20 paces at dawn.
  17. I'm disappointed. I thought this was a "predict what happens on the first play" thread. I may start that thread myself.
  18. If they put the blocking duties on only 5 OL-men, we're screwed.
  19. The secret to our success, if we have any, will be quick timing throws for 6 and 7 yard gains, combined with Shady's running. Peterman has a knack for that style of play and he was consistently doing it well in the preseason. We'll find out on Sunday if he can do it in a real game.
  20. Of course that scenario could play out, along with many others. If Peterman shows he is coughing up the ball (sacks for fumbles and INTs) too much but Allen can't go in b/c he is just too raw, it's too early, and they don't want to "ruin him" where does that leave the team? Between a rock and a hard place. That's were the predictions saying we are the worst team in the league enter the fray. It is entirely possible we do not have a serviceable QB on the roster.
  21. Ultimately, the bathroom scene exists to further in Jimmy's mind the notion that seeing a shrink is not going to help him, and that in turn is going to push him down the path to becoming Saul. Along with other stuff. Jimmy is still in total denial regarding his brother's death. I think he will confront the issue at some point, and when he does, he will suffer greatly, much more so than Howard's insomnia. No doubt the very different approaches of the 2 architects were important, but don't underestimate the fact that the first guy is bragging about a previous job, presumably an illegal one, and giving enough info. to connect him with it. Mike and Gus are both way too competent, thorough, and cautious to hire him with the risk that he would tell others about the existence of the meth lab project. I was just thinking: the glove that was left by the burglar on the Hummel shelf is presumably still sitting there, waiting for it to be discovered on a future episode. I wonder what will be done with that. BTW: The German architect is a real German actor fairly popular on German TV. Nice that they got a guy who can actually speak German.
  22. It is so frustrating that we live in a world where fresh, interesting, creative films struggle to get financial backing, but "Die Hard 6" actually exists.
  23. I had no idea what any of this was about so just read up on it, quickly, as I'm always looking for good new TV shows. Honestly, though, the concept doesn't interest me.
  24. I'm all for segregating children away from the general population! Nothing against the children. It's their parents that are the root of the problem.
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