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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Let's give Nate a moment to try and settle in. You know he's nervous as hell. Let's see if he slowly improve on the next possession.
  2. Ha! I said our first play would be handoff to McCoy for 1 yard. Think we lost one.
  3. Solid OL surge on the QB sneak. Baltimore more or less doing what they want on offense.
  4. Ravens pass rush against our O line is a major plot line of the game.
  5. The whole thing is somewhat poorly/awkwardly constructed. Could have gotten the same point across in a much more efficient manner, graphically speaking. Soon we'll have 100 new threads after the game and this thread will be forgotten. Like tears in rain.
  6. The codes all make perfect sense...if you understand the Mayan calendar. Long story short: the aliens arrive in 3 weeks.
  7. I wonder what most folks at this board think about him!? We should start a thread on that.
  8. If Flacco gets dinged up and Jackson has to play, you can put this in the W column for us.
  9. This is sublime. I recommend the entire concert.
  10. You can tune a piano but you can't tuna fish.
  11. The OP is dipping deeply and generously into his bag of logical fallacies on this football eve, isn't he?
  12. As many here have been saying all week, this Ravens team isn't exactly unbeatable. I can think of worse places to open at on the road.
  13. Except the Messiah actually came once. Well, at least if you're Christian.
  14. Look at the "handle" in the middle of the hood. Jeep Wrangler giveaway. Aside from the reflection saying JEEP of course.
  15. Depends how wet it is. Rain should help the team with the worse passing game. I think that's us, even though Flacco is in a career-worst slump lately.
  16. You must be thick as a brick. They've done this for years now. I know, nothing is easy. Anyway, my Sunday feeling says we are going to pull off an upset.
  17. Ravens had a strong defensive unit last year. They have a big defensive line and they have been looking very good in the preseason games. I think our OL is going to have huge problems tomorrow, but I hope they surprise us and have a good game. I predicted 5 sacks. We'll see how it plays out.
  18. Correct answer is C: Sometimes. Like when it's frozen. It's not really wet then.
  19. Make sure you stock up on Saltines, Quint. Wouldn't want to run out! And stay safe!
  20. Tyrod is a part of the Bills' past. I'm done with him. Here's to looking toward the future.
  21. I think it's finally time that the NFL put out a public service announcement stressing the importance of explosives safety in the home. Jason Pierre-Paul would be the obvious choice.
  22. There is no end to the number of ways Bills fans will try to rationalize the fact that we have a below average football team. They earn an "A" for effort and really do deserve much better than they have received in most years.
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