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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Houston is trying t odd the same thing. Down 27-20 with like 20 seconds left.
  2. Exactly. There are lots of great running backs in the NFL. As to why some teams want to pretend their RB is a QB, I'll never understand.
  3. I have said all along that Allen should play starting Game 1. And now it looks like he is in the starting role. This is a good thing. We should know what we have, more or less, by the end of the season.
  4. He will be asked who starts next week in the post-game PC and he will say "I don't know, we have to look at the tape and talk things over."
  5. I think it feels really long b/c we have been in garbage time forever. That feeling you usually get in the last 7 minutes or so of a game has been around almost all day today.
  6. Satisfaction comes from accurately and objectively discussing football with perspective and opinion grounded in reality.
  7. I didn't. McBeane did. And moving him off the roster was a mistake. Many here said so at the time.
  8. I wouldn't be surprised if we try to acquire a place holder QB, b/c our current place holder isn't going to work.
  9. I have said since day 1 with that guy that he is a middling sort of player and he is way overestimated by this fanbase.
  10. Hey watch it with the slurs. Guys on Italian national team don't dive.
  11. Why doesn't someone hit Judon in his throat? Ejections don't really matter at this point anyway.
  12. What about the assertion that once Allen goes in, he can't come back out again? Does that still apply? Does Allen start next week?
  13. Nate is 5 for 18 for 12 yards and 2 picks. Not really what you'd call strong play.
  14. The issue with Allen playing isn't about THIS game. It's about the future games. When does he go in? This is going to be a big thing developing as we go forward.
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