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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I don't know how you can conclude that no WR can get any separation with the camera angles that are shown on TV. It is almost impossible to tell, most of the time, what any WR is doing downfield. The big question is whether or not we will start Allen in Game 2. I am not sure. I can make an argument for why this coaching staff might play him, or not play him.
  2. I would say our #1 problem, and by quite a bit right now, is that we don't have a QB. Me might get one down the line with Allen, but for now, we don't have one.
  3. Way, way too early to say that. No one knows what he is yet.
  4. Disagree with that. I think there is a chance. Now that you mention it, I just remembered all the posts all week long talking about taking the Bills and points and how Baltimore won't win by more than 3 or 4. Well, that was wrong
  5. Many here have been expressing concerns about our DL all offseason, and today we saw why. We have some issues with stopping the run, but more alarming is our total failure to generate any kind of pass rush. It will be interesting to see if the coaching staff can do anything about that this season.
  6. This conclusion, at this time, is ridiculous. Nate Peterman looked fantastic during meaningless preseason games. Today he was atrocious. No one here or within the organization has any idea of what QB Allen will eventually become, or not become. We are all hoping for the best. What Allen is remains a complete mystery.
  7. Just remember the success of McBeane will ultimately rest on whether or not Allen is any good. Allen did not start the game today and it's still before his time, even though he did eventually play. Until Allen gets a decent body of work under his belt and people feel it is fair to judge him, I don't think anyone at OBD expected to do much winning.
  8. Not to wish injury upon some player, but hopefully a playoff team will lose a #1 RB to injury at some point. McCoy's price will then be at it's highest. Get 'er done Beane!
  9. No ****. Been saying that since the day we acquired him, as has Mike Schopp, by the way! Hugely overrated by this board.
  10. And then Pegula will replace him with yet another bad hire. It's kind of what he does.
  11. Most folks around here are the kool-aid drinking type. Some are absolutely intoxicated on the stuff 24/7.
  12. Matthew Fairburn tweeted the following toward the end of the first half of the game. I have now seen this misquoted at least 3 times here by various Bills fans, so I thought I'd reference it. Bills offense still doesn't have a first down. For those wondering: An NFL team hasn't gone an entire game without a first down since 1966. It has only happened twice in NFL history.
  13. Yes, this is the most lopsided Opening Day loss in franchise history, and the 2nd worst loss (of any kind) in franchise history. Now that is what I call special! https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/sports/football/nfl/bills/2018/09/09/buffalo-bills-lose-ravens-worst-season-opening-loss-team-history/1248520002/ No that's not right. The stat was for an entire game, not a half.
  14. Oh please. "Chemisty" isn't a thing. Talented players are a thing. Or lack of them.
  15. No, McD has a hard on for Peterman and has been that way for some time. He is likely the only HC in the NFL who thinks Peterman should start an NFL football game.
  16. I actually really like Tyrod, al least as a person. It has nothing to do with hate. I just don't want him anywhere near the QB position on my football team.
  17. If you missed it, McD said absolutely nothing in his post game PC. Would not say anything one way or the other about the QB situation.
  18. I watched most of Browns vs. Steelers OT. Very interesting game that no one wanted to win. It was fitting that it ended in a tie.
  19. It's still opening day in a new NFL season! And your hopes are now destroyed?!
  20. CBS in my area is NOT showing the CLE PITT OT! They are doing their bull **** talking head post-game show however. That really irks me.
  21. McD will say nothing in the PC. It will all be "watch the tape" "discuss" "review"
  22. Mark Kelso just said he thinks Peterman will get the start next week.
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