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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Need to tweak the formula or they won't be doing it much longer. Similar to mid-size papers like The Buffalo News.
  2. I don't think so! I really do think there's a very good chance Peterman starts Game 2. The only positive to come from a game like this is no one suffered an important, bad injury, at least that I'm aware of. The punter was fantastic, too, despite never doing this sort of thing before.
  3. Many years ago Gary Sheffield was interviewed when he was still a Yankee and a bad boy. He said, basically, that you can be a total screw up and a huge distraction to the team and still stay employed. The interviewer said "If you're good enough" and then Gary said "no, you have to be GREAT!" Or words to that effect. These teams will put up with anyone and anything if the talent is elite. Kaepernick is more on the fringes and that has what has shot him in the foot. If he was straight up better as a QB, he'd still be playing and the "protests" would have been handled differently.
  4. That hasn't kept Nate out of the lineup! Why should it stop Kaep!?
  5. You know, I didn't even think of Kaep, but there's a guy sitting around who could be playing on this team tomorrow! Sign him up. Kaep would not be any worse, and in fact, would be a good bit better than Peterman. He's about 10 times the natural athlete Peterman is alone.
  6. Agreed, which is why I deleted that post! Anyway, I voted with pick 4.
  7. Did you hear McD in his post-game PC? He clearly indicated, twice, that he thinks this game got off to a bad start with some unfortunate, dumb luck type stuff happening against us. Or words to that effect. I.E., re-play the first 10 minutes of this game a few more times and Peterman emerges looking much better, according to McD. At least that is my interpretation of his comments. You watch! That idiot will start NATE even though he should not. I think it fits more their plan to do so and they will go back to Nate until they simply can't and retain credibility. I.E., if Nate repeats the same performance next week, that might be it for him, but I think he gets 1 more chance. I personally want Allen to start all games, BTW.
  8. I find Scott Van Pelt incredibly creepy in terms of his physical appearance. ESPN's concept of marketing these guys as celebrities drawing viewers through their schticks as entertainers is also stupid and highly outdated. There are many better ways to find out the score of a game, a highlight of a game, etc., than watching someone try to entertain me on a TV screen, like it's still 1983.
  9. Benjamin is a naturally big, slow, lumbering guy. But today he looked like he smoked up a bit too much before the game. He was just floating around. The thing that is discouraging is that McBeane were familiar with this guy in Carolina, and they still went out of their way to bring him to Buffalo. Seems like the kind of guy they are trying to avoid. Been listening to that podcast for a while now. Thanks for posting.
  10. Totally disagree with that, given the right set of circumstances. There are plenty of potential futures that will result in McBeane being gone prior to 2023.
  11. Soon to be two. Then three. Then four. Eventually you'll catch on to the pattern. HUH? Pegula has run up a pretty nice track record of hiring, firing, and then continuing to pay those he has fired for quite a while now. Where the hell you been?
  12. Coaching had nothing to do with it. Our success last year was the byproduct of 2 things. First, our quarterback (Tyrod, no longer on team) holds onto the ball better than any QB in NFL history. He simply won't turn it over. Second, especially for the first half or so of the season, we had a crazy takeaway rate. There is no statistic more indicative of winning or losing than takeaway/giveaways. It's more important as a predictor of success than scoring for God's sake...and we had a fantastic ratio. You take that ratio away last year and no way in hell do we make the playoffs. McDermott's actual in-game coaching was filled with mistakes and tactical miscues.
  13. I believe his QB rating for today was ZERO. Those "pros" drafting talent in the NFL really know their stuff, don't they! I wonder if we had simply taken best QB available from Mel Kiper's draft guide if we would have been better off.
  14. This is sort of what I was saying in another thread. With the QB situation, lack of depth throughout the lineup, and the D not looking as good as we would have hoped, how in the world is this team going to get to, say, 6 wins this year? I don't see a number that big happening. We could easily end up bottom 3. Or top 3 in terms of draft position. Depends on how you look at it.
  15. Regarding Point #1: Allen was running rather quickly out of bounds and approaching Judon who was standing well behind the sideline. Rather than put up his arms to help slow down or brace Allen, or simply move out of the way, Judon braced himself at the last second and stuck his shoulder into Allen. It was deliberate and meant to hurt Allen while looking like "nothing happened." Total dirtbag cheap shot.
  16. That's likely true, and will likely prove to be true in almost all games, all year long. It was still correct to move on from Tyrod, though, but perhaps not quite so soon!
  17. I've been saying to play Allen all off-season. He should have started Game 1. The sooner we figure out what we have with them, the better. And if we really do end up picking first, we better damned well know that we need--or don't need--a QB.
  18. A few glasses of this and you'll be very happy, even if the game doesn't go as planned.
  19. If this makes Allen "the guy" all season long, and much sooner than the coaching staff would otherwise have played him, this is indeed a blessing. Means we won't waste time sizing up what we have with him. If he doesn't look like he has it, I don't want to waste any more time than is necessary with him, especially if we end up with a top 3 draft pick.
  20. What concerns me is that without a QB, I don't know how we won't this bad every week. In some weeks we will look a hell of a lot worse, as Baltimore doesn't seem that good to me. And this D is going to bail the offense out, as so many predicted earlier in the off-season. Where are, let's say, 6 wins going to come from this year with no QB and a mediocre D?
  21. There is little to want to see in this game today, though I can't imagine missing any Bills game and have seen them all since forever.
  22. If we end up being a genuine bottom 3 caliber team all season long, it will indeed be hard to deal with. Without a QB I don't know how we won't be one of the worst teams in the league. It's not like the D is going to bail anyone out this year either.
  23. The fact that we got rid of AJ and now Nate appears to be a train wreck could prove to be really lucky. Why? B/C we may HAVE to play Allen almost all season long, and get him going sooner than we otherwise would feel comfortable with. In turn we will get a good long look at him. If we truly end up with #1 pick next year, maybe another QB would not be out of the question. Depends on many things, including Allen's development this year.
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