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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. 1 on 1 with Nate Orchard, from a few days ago.
  2. Yeah, though he's kind of a "tweener." Small to be a DE, big to be a LB. He can do both.
  3. He was featured a lot on HBO's HARD KNOCKS this year. He's a total family man with a nice wife and cute little girls. Definitely not the sort of player who gets into trouble or anything like that. I hope he can make an improvement!
  4. That's just how these guys do business. They are all cut from the same cookie-cutter mold.
  5. Watch! This will be the year we actually end up with the #1 pick, but we won't take a QB because "we already have our guy."
  6. I find it astonishing that a starting QB was not named at this PC. Regardless of who that is going to be, it is a clear cut mistake not to announce the decision, which I am sure they have already made.
  7. Something that needs to be remembered here! This organization decided, for a variety of reasons, that Allen was not ready and he should not start this year, or at least the early part of the year. The fact that Peterman sucks and cannot be played doesn't change that fact! If Allen goes in, the organization looks like a bunch of idiots who have painted themselves in a corner, as the OP suggests. If Peterman plays, they are basically conceding a tank year and in danger of losing the room. They really can't win and they are going to look bad however this plays out. It was a colossal mistake to get rid of AJ, as middling a talent as he is.
  8. I genuinely do not believe another team in the entire league would entertain adding Peterman to their roster in any capacity. But McDermott is thinking he might start here in Week 2. McD is such a typical football guy. Peterman is "their guy" and they believe in him. They are going to stick with him no matter how bad he is. The guy literally can't get through a complete football game! And here he is being considered as next week's starter.
  9. You aren't dyslexic by chance, are you? Seems like that might be reversed. Sounds like someone is not keeping the faith.
  10. Win what? A coin toss? A quarter? A game? The division? Define "winning". I think we will be bottom 3 in the league this year.
  11. I think a lot of people are wrongly focusing on our playoff game last year as some sort of indication that things are going well. We barely made the playoffs in a very weak AFC year and needed big help to do it. We also won the relatively low number of games that we did win b/c we enjoyed an almost historical takeaway/giveaway ratio advantage that is virtually impossible to replicate. Tyrod, the king of no turnovers, is gone. And the crazy weird hot streak our D went on in terms of taking the ball away in the first half or so of the season is never going to be repeated again. Had just a few factors gone differently, we would NOT have been a playoff team last year and folks would stop focusing on that as some type of indicator that we are "good" however you want to define that. Just remember, what we did last year is no different than what Doug Marrone accomplished....but his team didn't get the random help it needed and so we didn't make the playoffs under him.
  12. I don't expect him to berate coaches and players, but his entire tone and approach to these PCs is inappropriate IMO. It's disingenuous and insulting to everyone in the press room and the fans watching and listening. He can offer more in the way of genuine commentary without throwing anyone under the bus. I wouldn't want him to throw people under the bus, BTW.
  13. 5 year plans don't exist in today's NFL. These guys will get 3 if they are lucky. EDIT: It will come down to Allen and how long it takes to realize he was a miss, or hit.
  14. One thing in our favor is that we don't yet know just how good the Ravens are, this year. That changes a lot in the NFL from year to year and who knows, maybe they will be one of the stronger teams in the east this year. Having said that, I suspect they are NOT a powerhouse this year and in fact they represent the easier end of the competition we will face. I am not saying we will get a string of franchise worst defeats this year, but we aren't going to win many games.
  15. In all honesty, McDermott doesn't strike me as intelligent enough to be able to speak honestly or directly in a live setting without saying the wrong thing. He has a clearly defined script of "coach speak" and he has learned to speak in that manner. He knows that if he deviates from the script he might put his foot in his mouth or say something he regrets, so he never goes off script, ever. Really not a surprise here.
  16. Give us your pictorial representation of how the game went yesterday. I'll go first.
  17. It will be a 2-stage reaction. That first moment when you read or hear "The starting QB for the Buffalo Bills in Week 2 will be" and you are thinking it surely must be Josh Allen, right? Followed by hearing "Nathan Peterman" and your heart sinks to the bottom of your boots. Similar to what I went through on draft day, we we selected Josh.................Allen. It will look something like this:
  18. There are a few factors at work here. First, most fans have really short memories. Second, most fans just want us to win and be successful. Third, when things go wrong, most fans assume success can most easily be effected through change. Fourth, many fans prefer the devil they know to the devil they don't know. Add it all up and people end up calling for ex-Bills when things go wrong, even though they probably don't really want the guys to come back.
  19. It could go that way. I think we'll find out tomorrow. He needs to declare one guy or the other the starter and start building support behind that guy right away.
  20. I don't think there is a good reason to start Peterman, no. I have said all off-season to start Allen from Game 1, even if he is not 100% ready. I don't know what he tells the players, but he can probably get them to buy in 1 more time. Another Peterman disaster and I don't think he could start him a THIRD time.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if some of it involved accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior. McD is a Jesus freak, Pegula is, and half the players in the NFL are as well. When these guys say they met with a player and really liked him, that is probably code for the guy making some reference to Jesus playing an important role in his life.
  22. Yeah but that's not a done deal. At least not yet. The ego of McDermott will make it very difficult to start Allen in Week 2.
  23. In 1 game today Nate gave us two gifts for the price of one! Our worst opening day beat down in franchise history and our 2nd worst beat down of any type in franchise history! Thanks Nate!
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