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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. You mean like Jerry Sullivan did? The Kool Aid Krowd around here doesn't like that sort of thing. They prefer softballs. A lot here even actually like the John Murphy show, which is the football equivalent of state-run radio in the old USSR, or die Deutsche Wochenschau in Nazi Germany!
  2. It was the 2nd worst loss in franchise history; worst on opening day. I don't see how embarrassment or playing with a chip on their collective shoulder are real things. Sounds like the sort of stuff fans talk about. I assume most guys will try to play as hard as they can, as almost all guys do most of the time.
  3. Ha! This is like wandering around the parking area outside the casino in Monaco, and being asked to pick "the best" car there. It's impossible to say.
  4. If you think Nate's bad at those things, wait until Allen plays a lot more.
  5. If we can have another "I ignore reality and just want to feel good believing the Bills are the best team in the NFL" for everything else, I'm all for it!
  6. This team will finish with a top 3 draft pick next year and NOT take a QB.
  7. The funny thing is that this coaching staff told you, very clearly, that he is not ready in their opinion. That's why he didn't start in Baltimore. Now they are probably going to start him anyway, if not this week, then soon. Makes the coaches look bad IMO.
  8. Wait a few more games. You won't be able to play that card anymore. This happens every year. The "only 1 game" turns into 3, then 5, and so on.
  9. If the OP's basic point is that McDermott should have named a starter ASAP this week and that it is important to do so, I agree with him.
  10. Things would be so much more pleasant and productive around here if this message board would divide off into two separate message boards. One for the kool aid "positive" people and one for the "negative" realists. 95% of the fighting around here comes from eternal conflict between those two fundamental differences in perspective. Little productive football discussion takes place as a result.
  11. The lengths Gus is going to in order to secretly build the underground meth lab are kind of absurd. I realize this is a work of fiction and they are trying to tell an interesting story, but why in the world wouldn't he simply buy a new facility (with no one working there yet), install the meth lab under it, and then move the existing business operation from the current location to that location equipped with the meth lab? Not surprised Kim hustled her new gig at the law firm. She is preparing to move on from Jimmy professionally and privately too. When she dumps him, he'll go over the edge. At least that is my theory. I was reminded again in this episode that Kim and Jimmy do not have a very convincing romantic relationship. They are almost stiff and formal around each other, like on a second date. They don't interact with each other as a couple living together would. I don't fully understand why they are taking that tack with the show.
  12. You're a punch bowl pisser! You must hate the team! You should leave the forum! Someone ban this poster! *SARCASM*
  13. Out of curiosity, how is it that you are privy to this kind of information?
  14. Wow, that woman really can't sing. Maybe that's the sound they are going for? Kind of an odd dissonant thing they have going on there.
  15. Is there no middle ground between saying absolutely nothing and "throwing his players under the bus?"
  16. A lot of that is from a bygone era, when Ralph Wilson owned the team. You can't compare that to the Pegula era, at least as far as being cheap or not wanting to spend $$$ is concerned.
  17. A lot of folks around here told me the EJ Manuel era had begun after the comeback against Carolina. Are we still in the EJ era? Or is that over and now we are solely in the Allen era?
  18. I disagree with the myth that says a QB can be "ruined". Allen will rise or fall to the level of his own ability, eventually. Having said that, the organization basically made it clear that Allen was not ready. That's why he didn't start Week 1. So to start him now makes them look very bad. To continue playing Peterman also makes them look bad. Peterman would not be given a shot by any other team in the NFL but our coaching staff just can't let him go. Lastly, we should have kept AJ as the go-between who plays until Allen is ready, but we shipped him out of town, also making the organization look bad. Whole lotta bad looking stuff going on around here.
  19. That may be true but we lack quality and depth all over the field in all 3 phases of the game. This looks like a bottom 3 team to me. To the OP's question: Tampa. I think they have a good shot at being one of the worst teams this year. Also Denver, Giants, Indy will be bad teams. Cleveland may not improve that much.
  20. Who gives a F? What's your point? Let's say he did "prove" it. Then what? So someone working at the Bills made these comments. OK. Now what? How does that impact anything? These comments are out there for you to accept at face value or ignore entirely. Get over it.
  21. You looking for an "all me" kind of guy with a substance abuse problem? Maybe a cop killer? Wife beater? The kind of guy who might end up in jail any day of the week? Yeah, that's just what we need around here.
  22. And Adolphus Washington was fired so Nate could be hired as his immediate replacement. So that should tell you something as well.
  23. That's the play he is talking about in the 1-on-1 interview video I posted above. Thanks.
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